Man charged after bringing nail gun to demonstration in Thornhill, Ont.: police to World – 208 points –
Man charged after bringing nail gun to demonstration in Thornhill, Ont.: police

A pro-Israel man attacked peaceful protesters by shooting a nail gun at them.


It gets better - the real estate event the protestors were almost certainly there to oppose is said to involve selling West Bank settlement homes (which are illegal under international law). The source for this allegation is this 2-minute video of a Jewish man outing his community at a town meeting for illegal sales of property. For transparency's sake, I have not been able to independently verify that man's claims. You can see the events listed here on Home In Israel's site, both in Teaneck, New Jersey (which the video is about), and another event scheduled for the 7th in Thornhill, Toronto, Ont (where OP's story comes from). I wonder if we'll hear about more protests in the other cities.

Zionist Attacks Peaceful Pro-Palestinian Rally FTFY

Titles have to be the articles, I added an explanation in the post body.

It is an awful title, tbf. I guess to that author "bring" = "fires it at protesters"? What a serious misrepresentation.