3 Post – 332 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No he won’t. Batman wasn’t the good guy

Uwu'we OwOn tuwun owoce, buddy

And they were roommates

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Imagine pissing off your free labour. Spez is a fucking idiot.

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I just want to remind everyone that the only reason you’re not a civilian in gaza right now shitting yourself over the consequences of the actions of violent group who hasn’t held elections since 2006 is just pure birth lottery. Keep that in mind before you say something stupid.

‘In lieu of flowers, send Brenda more life.”

Too funny to be a bot.

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I guess Americans will never get cheap electric cars. Make no mistake. US automakers aren’t going to use this tariff to buy time to make competitive cheap electric cars. They’re just going to rest on their laurels and continue to sell large overpriced trucks, SUV and their EV counterparts.

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Thank god the bubbles finally starting to burst. I am tired of hearing about ‘AI’.

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But everything changed when the file nation attacked

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No window is ever closed in russia

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Just arrest the boeing board already. They’ve shown that they won’t learn without force.

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Nvidia has never seen a nurse and has no idea what they do

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When you have money you get to write the laws.

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Shareholders don’t need to offset shit. They’re just greedy rent seeking bastards.

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We lost a war to emu’s I don’t think we have the military power to dictate what mathematics should be doing.

‘I have a gambling problem’

‘The casino has lots of resources that can help problem gamblers’

Absolute madness.

I saw a pair of massive tits tbh

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Capitalism gotta capital. AI has the potential to be revolutionary for humanity, but because of the way the world works it’s going to end up being a nightmare. There is no future under capitalism.

Why are we even allied with israel if this is how they treat us. They are like the your most abusive gaslighting ‘friend’.

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Make peter parker idris elba and mile morales ryan gosling.

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Expect a firmly worded letter attached to the next shipment of arms and military aid as a response.

Fuck most of the ‘gig’ economy in general. It’s just a way for venture capitalists to skirt labour laws while peddling shitty stock to retail rubes.

The party of small government people

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The cruelty is the point. You gotta use the whip to motivate your ‘workers’ right.

Nah, we’re well past that point. That was the sound of orbán gagging.

Dude. The narwhal was right there for the submerged unicorn class.

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So I should expect another once in a generation crisis. Got it.

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He’s already outstanding in his field.

Godzilla with the taco bell power-up

Bitcoin isn’t a good idea. It’s based on assumptions about how the world works that don’t actually exist and, the costs for finding a solution to these assumptions are so large that they make the product bad.

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The free money faucet that came with 0% interest rates has been turned off. Venture capital are now actually demanding returns, thus the big tech companies are sucking the good will and future of their businesses dry in order to turn a profit.

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the IDF said: "We don't target journalists."


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The current system we operate in requires poverty to function. It requires people to be desperate so that they work for the oligarchs and, it requires the absolute destitute to exist to serve as a warning to the masses. If poverty didn’t exist our capitalist world would simply create it.

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I think many industries are going to quickly realise the limited utility of GenAI and the bubble will pop quite quickly when that happens.

So we can start focusing on real solutions to climate change. Like building cities that don’t depend on cars for transportation. Right… right?

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We’re in the dump part of the pump and dump

This cannot be good for the stability of the nation.

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Apartheid state apartheid’s

Ah, ‘voluntary migration’. Just like how if someone pulls a knife on me and asks me to run them everything in my pockets. I ‘voluntarily’ decide to give them my wallet and phone.

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Move so slowly that you’re invisible to the naked eye

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