
5 Post – 992 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


When we rolled into Baghdad, we did it using open source. - Major General Nicholas Justice

Defective management seems more like it. Poor maintenance, overworked crews, etc.

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Federated forges can't come soon enough. Git is already federated. There is absolutely not fucking reason for this.

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100Tbps downloads speeds (5Mbps upload)

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Remember kids, you gotta use rm -rf --no-preserve-root /* now a days!

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If you want real data instead of feels, look at the BackBlaze report they publish every year. Even within a particular manufacturer varying models can have widely different failure stats.


if so, I doubt Microsoft or IBM would be the ones to do it.

Yeah Sony is much more likely!

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Seems like a few people here have clearly never heard of Riseup: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riseup

It's a volunteer and donation run anarchist collective that has been around since 1999. They have fought a number of legal battles against governments to varying degrees of success.

The people involved have close ties to basically everyone involved in Tor and should be regarded with the same level of trust (what ever that means for you). There's also a lot of overlap with some core Debian contributors.

That said, I wouldn't use them for P2P other than occasional use. Or if you do, consider making a substantial monthly donation. It's a lot of resources to pull from a small organisation at the expense of people who need their services for political organizing, which is their primary focus.

Beyond corporate greed, there is none. SMS' are even sent as part of routine packets on the cellular network so they don't even take extra data. Carriers might pay extra for inter carrier routing, but again the cost associated with that is mostly corporate greed.

You compare to the internet but you have to remember, back when SMS' were the only player in terms of cellular messaging, cellular data cost an arm and a leg.

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All this talk of foreign investors. But the reality is they represent a small proportion of single family homes[1] and residential units. It's easy to blame foreigners, but the real problem is domestic. It's corporations. Corporations are buying all the housing[2]. And they don't mind sitting on their invest, even vacant, for years. So yeah, y'all keep the bigotery going and blame foreing investors, you're playing right into capitalism's hand.

  1. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/1/6/why-is-canada-banning-foreign-homebuyers

Foreign owners only account for a small share of the Canadian real estate market. According to Statistics Canada, a government website, non-residents owned 2.2 percent of residential properties in Ontario and 3.1 percent in British Columbia in 2020. The percentages were 2.7 and 4.2 in the Toronto and Vancouver metropolitan areas, respectively.

  1. https://todayshomeowner.com/blog/guides/are-big-companies-buying-up-single-family-homes/

According to data reported by the PEW Trust and originally gathered by CoreLogic, as of 2022, investment companies take up about a quarter [25%] of the single-family home market.

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That's highly disengenous, they didn't seize the tld, they own it. They just didn't renew the operator's contract.

You underestimate the fuckery that ISPs will go through to offer the least amount of services for the most possible money.

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We know for a fact that they have done it in the past and managed to hide it until it was too late, what makes you think they can't do it again?


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Just the other day I was on this stupid website getting attacked because I dared to say that NYT was not a particularly reliable outlet, and that they should be taken with extreme skepticism if they use anonymous sources.

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Unfortunately, XMPP never delivered on this promise

Huh that entirely false though.

The fact that iMessage, GTalk, Messenger, WhatsApp, Zoom, and others closed off federation is no fault of XMPP, and a new protocol isn't going to change that.

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I mean sure, but Debian is far more active, relevant, and only like two months younger...

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Also android has FDroid, which is free, and libre.

RISC-V is pretty recent, the project started in 2010. It's a lot more likely that it was GenX professors and millenial grad students.

Did you even read the article? Hamas is mentioned exactly zero times wrt to the aid. This is all the US and Israel's doing.

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How do I get rid of it.

Reinstall Debian... Problem solved, and you get rid of snap as a bonus!

For one, the GPL prevents them from closing the Kernel. Google didn't intially write it.

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Let me add one more voice to say, why oh why would you do that to yourself and suffer subpar virtualization when you have world class type 1 virtualization built straight into the kernel. And an incredibly capable UI, around since 2009, in the form of virt-manager?

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Canada sanctions FOUR INDIVIDUAL SETTLERS in usual performative bullshit move

Fixed that headline (and article) for ya...

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Doctorow is the one who coined the term, I think he's allowed using it.

The road is Khamas!

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Progressivism is when monarchist iconography...

What's wrong with Debian?

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Broken clock is right twice a day I guess. FISA courts are a fucking sham. 'member when they were going after the guild of librarians with warrants that prevents the accused from talking to a lawyer? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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Nobody's asking him to be the world police but maybe, and hear me out this is really far fetch... It might be good to NOT GIVE, NOT EVEN SELL, GIVE THEM FUCKING WEAPONS AND VETO EVERY FUCKING UN RESOLUTION TO STOP IT. That's how low the fucking bar is.

Kodi (formerly XBMC) beats pretty much all streaming services in terms of UI.

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Dumbest fucking take. Socialists didn't give you Trump, socialists warned you this was the inevitable consequence of your actions. Do I seriously need to remind you that Bernie didn't win the primary? Or for that matter, that there is a difference between "socialism" and "social democracy"? Both of which have virtually no power in American politics.

Damn Liberals!

Sup, fool?

Yes it's difficult to get accurate numbers when a) the aggressor controls the population registry b) the aggressor destroys the records, bombs all the hospitals, and government buildings c) the aggressor repeatedly bombs rescuers on the scene of bombings d) blow up buildings that are still standing which may very well contain more bodies.

Who'd have thunk?! But moreso, who the fuck thinks this is some sort of gotcha.

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Actually I did some more digging because I also find it annoying, you can change this behaviour, using dconf modify the /org/gnome/software/packaging-format-preference key to read ['deb','flatpak']

Let me know how it goes :)

They aren't "reclaiming" the top level domain, they've always owned it. They are simply not renewing the contract which was ending with Freenom.

Just make a bootable usb key with a live distro all your files should be easily accessible.

If you ask them, they have to tell you. Like the cops!

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I didn't even think about the recent rape stories, my mind went straight for the Iraq war.

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