Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population to World – 376 points –
Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population | CNN Politics

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Did you even read the article? Hamas is mentioned exactly zero times wrt to the aid. This is all the US and Israel's doing.

Did you read the article? It’s neither the US nor Israel. It’s “a group of men in Gaza.”

Over the weekend, as trucks began moving the aid delivered off the floating pier, CNN reported that a group of men in Gaza intercepted the aid, saying they did not trust that it was actually meant for the Palestinian people.

“I have doubts,” Mounir Ayad, a Gaza resident, told CNN near the pier. “I don’t understand this floating pier or what it indicates and what its purpose is. They say it’s for aid, but people are apprehensive. Is this aid or something else? We know that the US has never supported the Palestinian cause, so it’s implausible that it’s giving us aid without something in return.”

Ryder acknowledged on Tuesday that some initial aid brought into Gaza was “intercepted by some people who took that aid off those vehicles.”

Edit: Downvoted for copying and pasting the article shows your preference in maintaining a narrative over understanding the facts. There’s enough wrong about what’s happening without willful ignorance or manipulation of truth.

None of that says Hamas.

It’s also neither the US nor Israel, which was your claim. It was intercepted by men in Gaza, and not passed on to the residents.

This whole operation is ran solely by the US and Israel, they have no one to blame but themselves. Moreover

He added that aid had been held in an assembly area on shore, [...] A US official told CNN that the Defense Department and UN are still working to determine how much aid can be held at he staging area inside Gaza at any given time.

The amount of aid getting to the Gaza shoreline from its initial staging area in Cyprus has also fallen short of initial Pentagon estimates.

The problem is occurring at the point of delivery to Gaza, where “a group of men in Gaza” are detaining the aid and refusing delivery out of skepticism. In turn, the aid is backed up in the previous holding area, hence the need for discussion of alternate routes.

He added that aid had been held in an assembly area on shore, but as of Tuesday had begun getting moved to warehouses for distribution throughout Gaza as alternative routes have been established.

The point about “several desperate Gazans” taking aid from the trucks was to illustrate the need for food and supplies. Several people did not walk away with truckloads of aid.

It doesn't say a group of men are detaining the aid, it says a group of desperate Gazan took the aid.

The solution is shockingly simple, send more aid so people aren't so desperate.

This is now the second time I’m quoting this sentence. I suggest you read it this time.

Over the weekend, as trucks began moving the aid delivered off the floating pier, CNN reported that a group of men in Gaza intercepted the aid, saying they did not trust that it was actually meant for the Palestinian people.

The problem is not quantity of aid at the pier. They are storing surplus in warehouses due to it being undeliverable. The obstacle is getting it into Gaza past those who are intercepting it.

Several desperate Gazans intercepted trucks delivering aid from the pier over the weekend

Right. Keep reading. Several people didn’t walk away with truckloads of aid. What happened to the vast majority of the aid according to the article?

CNN reported that a group of men in Gaza intercepted the aid, saying they did not trust that it was actually meant for the Palestinian people.

Why are you arguing with clinically stupid people here? Why waste so much time on this when they have already made up their mind?

I’m very committed to the truth. Good, bad, or ugly. Misinformation is one of the rare things that I will contest with such conviction. It’s not about convincing that one person to read the article, but hopefully preventing the spread of misinformation to others.

So what do you suggest? Armed military personnel fight their way there to deliver it?

Also do you honestly believe hamas would openly say "yeah we are blocking the aid"?

This is Lemmy. Facts are not important.

I think you meant to post this on FB

If you believe some dudes are blocking the aid package and Hamas has nothing to do with it and does everything they can to supply the aid for the Palestinians you probably believed some random green mens invaded Crimea in 2014.

There is a disappointing amount of ignorant groupthink on Lemmy. Why read an article when you can make assumptions from the headline?