3 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm lost. Why is the word Fuck sensorer both on image and text? What's going on? With the sensoring there's no way to know what's true and not. Maybe they wrote love Elon. No one knows.

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OF models Ruined all the porn subreddits. It went from sources material to some chick having a seizure for 8 seconds hoping you will give her money.

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Did Spez trademark "im just a little shit pig" too?

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I'm so fucking tired.

It's estimated the fishing industry is losing around 400 metric tonnes of fishing gear into Norwegian waters every year.

Now we are punished for this by attaching the stupid caps to the bottles. Why are we not able to fix problems in this society hellbent for self destruction?

Why are every problem pushed down on the working class just wanting to enjoy a soda in this capitalistic hellscape.

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It's a lie spun out from a truth.

There have been issued cat litter to schools. The reason is in case of a lock down due to a school shooting the kids can urinate and defacate somewhere.

It's incredibly sad. The gun nuts believe it's their right to shoot up a school, but they won't allow cat litter to be issued to the class rooms.

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We will have a lot to learn from this war when it's done. It's the first war in a while were two developed countries fight eachother.

No country has "avoid getting a grenade dropped by a drone into your trench" in their training program. But they will have to after this war.

The instructors should adjust the training after every course if the Ukrainian officers advice them too. If they don't they fail as instructors.

What the west could provide early on is to relieve the Ukrainian army with a lot of the training so they could focus on this new threat. As they have.

Well. The war took 20.000 lives daily. The bombs took about 140k if i recall right.

If the war lasted 7 more days it would even out. The bombs ended it instantly.

The Japanese doctrine was to fight to the very last man, woman and child.

The Japanese are like everyone else. Only more. They had some powerful cultural settings to be able to do what they did.

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Fruit in a plastic shaker is unnecessary waste. Makes sense its a trigger.

What is the meaning of this meme? Im lost.

Had he just said that NATO countries are failing their duty as a member as they're not paying the agreed amount of money for the alliance he would actually sound sane. Most Europeans agree to that. The governments have been slacking for years, and now there is a war. Again.

Instead he talks like a lunatic. Fuck that guy.

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I love some proper vaporware!

Yeez the EV scene is riddled with promises. Make a car already.

So. In Norway we have this great system for returning used bottles for cash. We get 0.2$ for a 0.5 liter bottle. People are returning the bottle with the cap on. Seeing bottle caps laying around isn't a thing.

Instead of attaching the cap to the bottle. Make a return system for the bottles. People are not systematically seperating the bottle and the cap as the cap keeps the sugary residue left inside the bottle in place instead of in the bag you carry them with to the store for returning them for that sweet cash.

Attaching the cap is a solution looking for a problem.

Having travelled a lot around in Europe I have never seen bottle caps laying the street alone. People throw them together or not at all.

This is bureaucracy time spent on caps instead of actual problems. So they could focus on actual issues instead of this shit. It's a testament to how they blame every issue on random people instead of the industries inventing new ways to fuck up any ecosystem.

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The scandal is actually called the watergategate scandal.

I HaVe NoThInG tO hIdE!

The logo is pretty unimaginative. Claiming it's plagiarism from this stylized font is a thin accusation.

An X has probably been imagined in thousands of ways by font creators, art students or kids doing graffiti in the hallway.

Also. Fuck Musk...

You are supposed to ask questions that might be viewed as stupid, and you should receive an answer without judgement.

If you do that though you will get fucked and asked to install Linux.

You're gonna be blown away when you learn how animals treat each other in the wild.

It's easy to label others from a fictional high ground. If faced with death or dead pig im sure most people choose dead pig.

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I have a GameCube, Wii, Wii u, 3DS and a switch with multiple games on all. I've also used emulators to play modded Zelda games with increased performance.

Nintendo made shit ports on switch and took a premium. They can get royally fucked.

They are not losing revenue from piracy. Stupid greedy orcs.

Only thing holding me back from Kagi is the impossibility of privacy and a credit card associated with my user.

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Maybe. But destroying the Russian dictatorship is a moral obligation for everyone in the free world.

All Russian infrastructure and assets are valid targets. Both inside and outside of Russia.

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Even the Norwegian media hyper normalized that Clinton would win. The news cycle was a circlejerk for how amazing Clinton was and how stupid hair Trump had. When push came to shove on the election day I couldn't do anything else but laugh.

Clinton booked this huge avenue with a major show to be out on when she won. The balloons weren't dropped and she didn't even show on stage. Trump had his election speech in a conference room in his hotel. It was a perfect display of the establishments arrogance and it confirmed Trump's rambling.

Ffs I don't want it to happen again. Please no. But I believe the 2016 election was good for your democracy. If you sleep in a democracy you wake up in a dictatorship.

Put Trump in jail and do some actual draining of the swamp soon.

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Because then the other 1%'ers are in danger too.

Protecting each other from the law is essential to their existence.

You don't buy Nintendo for pure computing power. I prefer Nintendo consoles for the portability and game library.

I also have a pc with a 3070ti for more demanding games. Games that Xboxes and playstations runs like shit anyway.

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Therese no reason to not Balkanize Russia. The country has not proven itself able to coexist with free states.

Apple could use Coca Cola's defence on the vitamin water lawsuit.

"no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."

No reasonable customer should believe their products is carbon neutral.

Unless the product is fucking logs found in the woods.

Great thing we actually have organizations to shit down this shenanigans.

Some nut: I haven't been mad today. I need something to be mad about.

Apple launched an ad.

The nut: perfect.

First western nation to fall due to demands from terrorist. Ask and they shall receive I guess.

This will be the first text in some insane dominos memes in the future.

Meme government.

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Guy got baited into lecturing on a shitpost. Absolutely genius.

See what's trending, check the score. Is it streamable? If no. It's stealable.

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I quit reddit on my phone, and I'm never looking back. I'm still browsing Reddit with RES on my PCs though. So a drastic reduction in use.

Reddit feels like different now compared to a week ago. Browsing a new fresh site opened my eyes to how shit r/all are. Even with blocked subreddits a new hate fueled subreddit emerges every week.

Can't wait for Arrakeen rooftop agility courses. Gonna make some mad spice brews with the herblore skill and tend to my palm tree once a day for some mad xp drops.

This is the society Afghans want. They were given 20 years to build a foundation against a re-emergence of Taliban. They choose corruption and paper soldiers.

Never have a so large army been beaten to fast with so few bullets fired.

If they want to live in a religious hellhole. Let them.

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Being a pedestrian in Amsterdam can be pretty bad. Dutch on bikes are insane. No slowing down is allowed. The bike might be rigged like the bus in Speed or whatever. Ready to explode.

People on heavy e-bikes are riding 25km/h over pedestrian crossings with poor visibility.

It is dangerous, and should be treated as such.

Cars in Amsterdam is a much smaller consern than bikes. Really.

Been there. Beautiful city. Terrible biking culture. The Dutch know. They reference it occasionally.

Like Mont Blanc. Mountain white.

Origin of the title explains a lot.

Sure it has no value. But what ban it though? The beauty of the site was always its niche communities. Now r/all is Facebook with Strangers.

I stopped engaging on the site after the API changes. I made a decent amount of OC on various subreddits. I believe a lot of people did the same. Now the front page is litttered with only fans ads and celebrity gossip.

I still lurk on my subscribed subreddits on the PC with the right plugins to make Reddit bearable.

A wake-up call was when someone on a dedicated subreddit said that left side politics have never hurt anyone, and I told them they would be stoked to hear about the Soviet or Venezuela, and received a permanent ban for it. Reddit is now a propaganda tool with users engaging in hyper normalisation the narrative. Anyone questioning the emperors new clothes is expelled.

Why do the press even care what the pope says.

No one is waiting for their car since July 2015...

It's actually insane how you are getting downvoted when the Hamas' claim is already debunked as being in fact fake news.

Isreal is doing a lot of bad shit, and has been for a long time. But this particular bombing never happened as described by Hamas.

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This. So much this.

Tell my you're X without telling me you're X

What a strange way to admit you're insert unpopular political axis

While the comment can be funny. It's not funny every time on every post.

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I get the reference bacaue of GTA:SA radio.