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Joined 1 years ago

And go where, you dipshit?

I legitimately, non-ironically, prefer Edge over Chrome, and I cannot explain why; possibly brain damage, possibly too lazy to download Chrome or Firefox and setup my account for either.

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Looks like that are switching over from a generic Linux into android

The Russians lost 5.045 and 21 ships

Can you please elaborate how one can lose a decimal value of ships?

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I'm looking at the HuggingFace leader boards and Gemma isn't even top 10. How does it stack up against Llama3 or Mistral-Open-Orca?

No, you really shouldn't listen to critics, including myself. You should commit to your vision of your game, since it's your art. Everything I said is for a game i want, not for a game you want to make

Realistic graphics do not do your wonderful game any favors, I recommend deliberately forcing an overlay filter of some kind that cannot be adjusted, such as a film grain or 90's VHS signal.

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Jurassic Park in fucking 1993 has a scene where Alan Grant messes with an annoying kid, and he clearly tells the audience that they are similar to God damn birds, you silly goose. You are that kid in the film in real life.

What game engine did you use? Animations look rigid like a 90's Pixar film, textures look like shit, lighting looks bad. If you stayed with a unique consistent non-realistic theme, such as a 90's PS1 game aesthetic, it would look better and people would forgive the shitty looks.

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You enjoy using it? Any gripes? How's it compared to Steam Deck? Why did you decide to get it over Steam Deck?

Don't listen to anyone here that replies, including myself. Because no one can affirm they are a fucking doctor.

But the answer is yes, I asked my doctor and she said it will cause long term damage and should be diagnosed with testing.

You should go see a fucking doctor for medical advice, not morons on the internet.

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Am I too millennial to understand WTF this meme is talking about?

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If only they paid web developers more...

I could not give two fucks about the memory efficiency of a web page I worked on since I barely take enough home to afford groceries.

Unless they pay me more to care, it's still your problem internet person.

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So Trump Media is operating on a revenue stream of 4 million a year, and is reporting a yearly loss of 58 million. How the fuck is that company's stock rated at $60/share?

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I really want to like Proton and all their shit, but they seem to heavily advertise everything they have on every software and product they have in a very intrusive and annoying way.

Simply logging into Proton mail and being bombarded by Proton promotional shit feels like Google all over again.

The app reminds me constantly that I'm a piece of shit for not supporting them by subscribing to their VPN, etc etc.

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Tell that to all the pearl-clutching left-leaning voters scared of a fucking AR-15s and continue voting to restrict ownership of firearms based simply on appearance.

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These white collar crimes are such wrist slap punishments, meanwhile Laquisha smoking a joint after a 70 hour work week from three jobs to pay for her kids inner-city shitty public school lunch goes to jail for 40 years.

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@OP, simply reading your post reveals to me you suck at communicating. What was the part about emails? That shit makes no sense how you wrote that.

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And I'm more likely able to get the people responsible for poor quality water or death in result of this in jail over the likelihood of sending billionaire CEOs with their golden parachutes to a minimum security vacation "prison".

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I really wish Texans would take a page out of French protestors and just start setting things on fire, spewing trucks full of animal waste all over the unecessarily fancy government buildings, and finally put Abbot and his entire wealthy billionaire grifting affluent family under the guillotine, done all in Minecraft.

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Prieto was a vendor at gun shows in Prescott and would trade firearms from his personal collection, using only cash deals or trades to evade the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives, the affidavit says, adding that this was corroborated through monitoring with the help of the source.

Likely if he didn't do this, payed taxes on his transactions, he might have not ever been on the radar by investigators to get caught in the first place.

We all got lucky this dude is a dipshit loser and got sloppy. There are more organized pieces of shit out there planning better and not even show up as a blip to the cops.

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This is a great read. Never knew Opera transitioned to an enshittified abomination of crypto spyware and bloatware.

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This game is pretty much the best game ever made.

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Most people enjoy bandwagon jumping onto hating the status-quo. If Cloudflare goes down, the majority of the internet goes with it, because they are the most prolific private entity that owns most of the hardware running the entire internet.

They are the biggest because they provide the overall best and essentially fastest level of DDoS, geoIP block, and packet-inspection malware protection of any provider on commercial hardware short of utilising spooky predictive DARPA machine learning algorithms that ride the razors edge of sapience on government funded terawatt supercomputer clusters. They are expensive and you get what you pay for.

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In summary, the MAGA lawyer is trying to intimidate the judge using verbal and overt body language; the judge ordered the cops to clear the courtroom so he could tell the lawyer that if he doesn't stop he will get to go fuck himself and his orange ape client in jail.

Ironically there will be people on OnlyFans likely willing to pay her money daily to see her.

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In summary, the writer says the game indeed sucked and it was not caused by racist hate coming from random bloggers, whom by the way they never named. That dev can continue to go fuck itself into bankruptcy.

Gay Persian man owning a cat 1st world problems. I truly wish people would all chill the fuck out with all the wars and aggression and simply vibe like the OP in the screenshot.

Fungus are most of the time the reproductive organs popping up through the ground from an enormous hidden underground super organism. So, in affect, if you enjoy eating mushrooms you are actually enjoying the fungus's cock and balls.

Hell fucking yes they did.

Why don't we have over 100 far left militias fucking coordinate?

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The only way you can stop a bully from bullying you is by killing their family and then setting their neighbors house on fire. - Netanyahu

This is likely the third time I've seen this dude posting "woe is me" here, getting amazing great advice to see a therapist, and completely fucking ignores it.

OP go see a fucking therapist.

It still requires the use of Google/Bing/etc API calls. There's literally no way to truly self host a web indexing search engine without sacrificing your privacy or paying millions of dollars.

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This is a fantastic and highly informative video guide.

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Since there's now legal precedent, and GitHub already has the signatures of the project code, they will simply now close down any fork that matches the code signatures to avoid getting sued by Nintendo as well.

Hopefully someone forked it to a completely different self-hosted GitHub-like instance or the other GitHub alternatives.

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Where can I buy used from regular NOT scalper people?

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This is very silly and funny. Love the goofy three finger hands that a child would draw. That's a great detail to add to enhance the cute

Yes, please step down and go away.

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