35 Post – 748 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I've not met very many vets that support mandatory service. When I say not many, I could count them on one hand.

Lol I like it

I would be extremely surprised if squatters rights apply to a commercial business premises.

Dumb question: could it have been one of the counter protestors or even someone who wasn’t even there that called them in?

Could someone have just claimed to have the authority to call them in.

Stupid question I know.

How do we go about proving who called them in?

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How exactly are they in the wrong?

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I agree. You get one try to execute, you fail? To bad.

Five people stopped reading half way through

First someone asks if this is sarcastic

You say it's not

Then someone says you must have been home schooled Or never have gone to school to not know this

And you reply that's the joke.

So which is it? You knew or you didn't?

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Come on down to John and Ken's. We'll give you breakfast in bed then get you pregnant again.

Well shit.

I misread what was on the ticker on TV. I thought he was running for president.

I took all my mom's recipes and create a web site for them.

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No consequences?

Go through town and steal every scratch off ticket. Why? Why not. Lol

Rob every bank in the state I can get to.

Take 5 new vehicles and give them to my friends and family. I'll keep one for me.

Find a certain state legislator and kick him in the nuts.

As you look at your down votes I think something else will become clear.

Look at the up votes and down votes on this thread. That should tell you that a lot of people aren't following his logic.

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Work hard, show up and you will get a pay raise, you will get promoted.

Yeah no didn’t work that way.

You want a pay raise, find a new job.

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The simple answer is "REFUSE TO BUY THE SHIT!"

It is literally that simple. I can't think of a single person that HAS to buy a NEW car. Keep what you have or buy used. Tell the dealerships and auto makers to fuck off! Explain why a person ever has to buy a NEW car.

As long as people are stupid and buy it the auto makers WILL continue on this path.

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Late June in the year 349

Actually I have no idea, it's an odd bunch of initials

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Learn where all the shut off valves for your waterlines are at your house or apartment. When you have a leak is not the time to find out or rather figure out where your shut off valves are at. if you don’t know where your shut off valves are at, what could’ve been a minor water mess could turn into a major bill.

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If the dating apps can't provide decent results even once in a while then why would I pay?

"There are several emails from people who are interested, just pay a subscription fee to read them."

Pays sub fee and find out the emails are just spam.

Yeah I'll pay hundreds for this.

How people can’t understand that unions do a lot of good is beyond me

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That drawing of him in the image 😂😂😂😂

Basically all trailers in the last ten years. They reveal so much you are just watching a cliff notes version of the movie.

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On their back, eyes crossed, babbling incoherently

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Waaaahhhh my candidate got kicked off so I'm going to retaliate and try to kick the other guy off. Good luck at the Supreme Court.

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A life insurance policy doesn't have to pay out if you take out the policy AND commit suicide in a short period of time. If it's after that period of time the policy MUST pay out. That is law. Former life insurance salesman here.

So since it is a relatively short period of time, it's say it shouldn't have any real change in suicide rates

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This won't be directly enforced. It will be used to add more punishment to those caught trying to get an abortion.

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For me I heard more about lemmy on Reddit and Apollo was in its final days. So I gave it a try

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For those that live in those areas, sadly you have really two choices. Move. Or go without insurance.

It sucks but that's reality. The government couldn't even afford to cover those homes. If it were one home in a danger zone then it would be feasible. But with the number of homes, businesses and other buildings it just isn't feasible. We need to start working to get these people out of there. If we start now it can in theory be done but the longer we wait the more impossible it will become.

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Simple answer is no. You have a constitutional right to say not guilty because it’s innocent until proven guilty.

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And the reason this took four years is????

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This is a good idea

If the riders were lied to I think fraud charges might apply

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1,300 plus fees on top?


Thanks I'll pass

You got a bonus wife? Is your main wife ok with that? Also how do unlock that achievement?

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I'm confused. Isn't the base rule of the game "if it's in the dictionary then it's allowed, and if it's not in the dictionary then it isn't"?

How is the game woke?

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The Kentucky 500 race to the bottom is on.

Douche takes a quick lead. With Canoe coming on strong. In third we have Ass. Wipe is working hard, trying to get around Ass.

One : they need to do that

Two : the legislators would pass a law forcing them back to work.

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Learn an instrument.

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😂😂😂 Obama was the problem. 🤣🤣

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Not saying it's OK what they did. I'm about fifty years old. When I was in middle school, kids did this and they definitely didn't get it from their parents. Some kids are just as assholes that think they are funny. The kids need to be punished. They need to take classes on what these symbols mean and what nazis did. But I can't just blame parents. Sometimes kids just do stupid shit.