
1 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Bullshit. Corpo's build a system that users figure out and use? Sounds like they got caught with their pants down and have to make an example. Fucking trolls.

Hahaha, but skiplagging is bad!!!! Fucking hypocrisy of an industry.

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Reminds me of getting a note from HR admonishing me to pick out my 20th work anniversary "gift" from "pages 12 to 16" of the supplied catalogue. I knew nothing of it. They concluded with "or we'll choose for you, i.e. a clock". I got luggage tags. For 20 years of my life. The best years of my life. Luggage tags. FML.

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Does this mean we can openly call trump a lying, raping, Nazi?

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Just stopped in to say fuck you to the greedy motherfuckers who created a market for sharing massively overpriced content and now cry all over their piles of money cause they are BIGGER piles of money.

Which is to say: "Fuck you".

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Zionist Attacks Peaceful Pro-Palestinian Rally FTFY

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If the 1000 win, it shows a path to the other 1.4m. How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

I do not understand the US judiciary nullifying a portion of the "sacred" constitution. Seems like the beginning of the end, to an outside observer. Thanks for all the fish!!

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Yo ho ho, what the fuck did you expect? Off to sail the high seas.

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I quit a few weeks ago ... couldn't stand the infernal podcast promotions that never ended. Until I cut the cord!

ACABB - All Cops Are Bastard Bullies

Bullies gonna bully. There was a lot of chirping at a recent hockey game. A visiting forward who liked to run his mouth and had a tough guy rep was checked, hard, along the boards in front of our team. He was supposed to be a tough guy but he winced. Who knows why, but he showed weakness. Fast as lighting, the Coach said (loud enough for the bench but not the refs) "Why don't you go cry home to Mommy." For the rest of the game the guy stayed away and was nothing of a factor in the game .

The point is when Trump was facing the half billion dollar fine (and supposedly the tough guy) he went ape-shit wincing, weaseling and whinging about it and NO-ONE called him on it. He's out of control and no-one has the ability to stop his antics.

So I guess, you get what you pay for; or vote for. And that's not leadership on the part of the court, it's appeasement.

So... one less PO because of PO incompetence? Meh.

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Ahh, Donnie's patented 3D chess move: the old switcheroo. Only Qanons will understand. Smooth-brained Sheeple will never get it.

Why not think and pray? Or get out your OC AR-15 and shoot the dang thing. Those seem to be the Texas go-to options. It's God's judgement on permissiveness with the immigrants and guys.

Oh, and for you dipshits from Texas: /s

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Look up the lyrics to "If I Had A Rocket Launcher" for instructions on how to deal with this kind of theft.

This is exactly my read of the circumstances: Trump's bought and paid for SCOTUS says he WAS and WILL BE immune to all crimes committed while President. That automatically gives the sitting President until Jan 20 2025 to assassinate Trump. With impunity.
"Hello, Seal Team Six? I have a job for you..."

What did Mel Gibson think of this?

So an automated speed trap is the solution? That's just a flat tax. And for the wealthy it's not even an inconvenience, just the cost of driving as they please.

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Simple solution seems to be just eat the rich.

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Does any sane person believe the crazy guy from formerly-known-as-Twitter anymore? An EV under $20k?

I want a pony, think if I made a public announcement to that effect one would magically appear?

Then why does anyone think Daddies Racist Little Emerald can do that with cars?

Empathy. Being able to see circumstances from a different perspective and appreciating how that makes the other person feel. And then not wanting to hurt the other people. Empathy, not selfishness.

"...a very rare form of pneumonia..." so that equals COVID? Go back to reddit, where facts don't matter and speculation reigns supreme.

Didn't win me, I'm here now, no signs of leaving, happy to be in the fediverse.Popcorn is my only want for the impending implosion.

And fuck the greedy spez's of the world. Long may they suffer the wrath of the working class.


A Florida man... if 19-April is your birthday, you just won!!

I don't think it was gradual, it was an active admin corps that tried to build balance with progressive Redditors by allowing Nazi thugs free rein to brigade, troll, and spread their hate.

Yes it patently and profoundly idiotic to try and counter empathy with Aryan Christofacism.

And so we find ourselves in the Fediverse and hoping it won't go the same way again.

Where is the outrage? Roiters? Protests? Oh, right, America.

A victory for human traffickers and pedophiles across the U. S. of A.

I never liked flying and now have even more reason not to!

That pig (with18 previous brutality complaints, two convictions and a totat of ~$9M Minneapolis taxpayer money settlements) who murdered George Flloyd got 22 years.

OMG. It's like a spoonful of frozen OJ. At first it's a bit odd, disturbing, even. Then you get used to it.

Ummm, so it's somehow her fault? Victim-blame much?

If the French had founded America, who would the French have to spit on now?

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