6 Post – 854 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Seymour is a good dog. Rudy's a human shaped sack of shit.

Did you just step out of a time machine? Their sales haven't had games for ages now. Last one was the monster game, iirc.*

*Oh, there was the Saliens in 2018, too, but that was like a one-off.

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New humans cost money, and might not obey their corporate overlords.

Gen X and Millennial conservatives are far from nonexistent. They're the ones leading the charge on garbage like this.

Did a non-teacher, government official scold you directly? No? Ok, not the same thing then.

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It's a study by a US organization. Why would it have access to information about Canadian territory? Also...what does an open border have to do with anything? Do you expect either country to be able to block those sorts of things?

Scott added he would say to historians questioning the accuracy of his storytelling:

“Were you there? Oh you weren’t there. Then how do you know?”

What a dumb response. There's nothing wrong with tweaking history to improve a story, but claiming "It could be true. Who really knows?" is just pretentious puffery. Like the entirety of historical study around Napoleon is equivalent to Ridley Scott's made up stories. What a tool.

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I mean, I'd argue this should be celebrated, not used as a burn. I get the angle on hypocrisy here, but framing LGBT support as a mistake or flaw, as unintentional as it may be, doesn't really sit right, imo.

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Here, I'll translate - "We need an undervalued and underpaid studio that we own to pop out a viral sensation we can exploit the shit out of, who we will then treat exactly the same. Repeat ad nauseam"

Reviews aren't pointless, but their impact only goes so far. I am assuming the massive amount of refunds had more to do with it, tbh.

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How is this not satire? How do real, breathing people think that, not only is this a real thing that will work, but that blabbing it out on live tv is a good idea?! Fuck.

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Pro-tip: Don't link to rage-bait like this if you actually want to do anything about it. It's what they want, and how they garner "activity" for the almighty Algorithm™

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The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It’s going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.

What the fuck kind of idiots are leading things over there? "Something's in the way. Better crush it!" What a bunch of morons putting everyone in danger.

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5.0.1: Before using the website, remember you will be interacting with actual, real people and communities. Lemmy.World is not a place for you to attack other groups of people. Every one of our users has a right to browse and interact with the website and all of its contents free of treatment such as harassment, bullying, violation of privacy or threats of violence.

64 more...

My eyes nearly rolled out of my head seeing that he had the stock symbol be his initials, but after a moment of thought, I realized it must be killing him to see "his" value plummet. That's wonderful.

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Lotta people coming here from Reddit expecting 1:1 replacement, and then get pissy that the 2 man dev team that's just trying to keep up with this sudden burst in activity isn't at parity with the multi-million dollar company that's been developing their site for almost 2 decades.

Honestly, I'm just tired of the constant comparison. Lemmy can be it's own thing. It's a work in progress and it has a lot of promise, but for anyone looking for their reddit experience, there's really only one place to get that.

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Was working retail in an area that had a local bag ordinance that required businesses to charge customers for bags. A man came up to the register and when I asked him if he wanted a bag for a few cents extra, he looked at me like I was crazy and was like, "You charge for bags?" I explained that it was required by the government and he just kinda scoffed. I thought that was it, but as he opened his wallet to pay, he flashed what turned out to be a police badge at me from another city some ways away, gave me a look, and said something along the lines of "I think I know what the law is." I just finished up the transaction and got him going asap, blown away at the insecurity displayed. It was such a bizarre powermove over what was only a few cents extra for something completely optional.

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You can hide segments like that with ublock, fwiw. It's been really useful to me for these kinds of changes every single website seems to be pushing these days.

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Tesla removed the shift stalks from X and Y models in 2021 in favor of the car guessing which direction you want to go, with the option to override on the touchscreen.

...what? What in the hell is going on at that place!? That is so fucking stupid and dangerous.

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If higher prices are news, so are lower prices.

Gonna find out real quick that Apple is more important to people than Twitter.

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It's not a bad idea, but it also can't exist without a complete re-haul of what it means to live in modern society. Right now, replacing workers and cutting hours means people don't have enough money to live. That is not an acceptable result of automation. I'm not qualified enough to have a reasonable solution to this, but I know it needs to be addressed before we get to that point.

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I'm gonna call it. This is an (obvious) attempt to squeak in monetization for everyone on twitter that is as unobjectionable as possible, and once everyone's locked in the price will increase, and tiers will be introduced, etc etc., and it's going to work. Nobody still on twitter is gonna care about $1/year to keep access. They'll lap it up and thank Musk for the opportunity to be fleeced.

Musk could still fuck it up by being overly greedy and ramping up too much too fast like he tried to do last year (or this year? I've lost track), but I'd say this has reasonable odds of working out.

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The marketing is "get them to stare at our ad for more than 2 seconds, and maybe get some people to post it around for free as 'content'." Looks like it worked perfectly.

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Better comparison would've been something like "Annoyed with your landlord? Go build a cabin in the woods!". Like, that's straight-up appealing to some people, but it's also not just something anyone and everyone can do.

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I have been just bewildered at the proliferation of excessive scripts and garbage on seemingly every webpage over the last decade. I'm no web-dev, but I'm pretty positive that the vast majority of websites could remove 99-some percent of their javascript bs and their websites would function just fine. So many are pretty much unusable these days. It's atrocious.

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If you buy a Tesla at this point, you deserve to be stuck with it.

"I can excuse the lung cancer, but I draw the line at advertising!"

I know it's largely due to a smaller user base, and therefore smaller spread to overly popular personalities and groups, but this is so much nicer without the exceedingly large national flag patterns and huge streamer vanity projects.

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"Satire". That site is as subtle with its propaganda as Trump is. This is just pushing the stole election bs, paid for to be on the front page no matter what.

For those as baffled by the headline as me, the Tennessee House regularly honors musicians/artists from their state, voted on by the representatives. This year, while Paramore's honors were passed through with no issue, the resolution to honor Allison Russell was "paused" due to "questions" some members of the House had. Noteably the same house that just last year voted to kick out two black members but not the white member who did the same thing.

Also, not that this isn't very admirable of Williams, but this article really focuses on her and not Allison Russell, which seems inappropriate, tbh. Variety published a better article that focuses more on Russell and the House member that brought her resolution to vote.

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If they get at least 10 gold awarded to them within 12 months, and meet the karma/yr threshold, and stay in "good standing" , and aren't nsfw, and any number of the other thresholds Reddit could use to say no, then they might get ~50% of the price paid to award it. Otherwise Reddit just keeps it all.

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The amount of content continuing to come out for the game, with no additional monetization, is pretty amazing for these days, and much appreciated. No gaas. No subscriptions. No battle pass. Just improving the game for the playerbase (substantially) with no fuss or muss.

You are right, but having a system like Clear also incentivizes the whole system to be worse to increase sales. While it's not a whole solution, it's a good move, imo.

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PragerU isn't a university. They just use the word to trick the unwary into thinking they might have a shred of legitimacy.

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Complains about toxic community they're leaving

Proceeds to be toxic in new community and gets pissy when they're banned.

They're so indoctrinated they run straight back to the cesspool when they're confronted with their own toxicity.

5.0.1: Before using the website, remember you will be interacting with actual, real people and communities. Lemmy.World is not a place for you to attack other groups of people. Every one of our users has a right to browse and interact with the website and all of its contents free of treatment such as harassment, bullying, violation of privacy or threats of violence.

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During the transition, AOC got a lot of right-wing attention for saying all the supportive Trump tweets and comments should be backed up so these asshats couldn't pretend they never supported the man. She was quickly proved right as a lot of them started distancing from Trump, and now we see the additional reversal as they try to weasel their way back into his camp.

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