0 Post – 247 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Yes, it's a dangerous precedent to have someone in office who calls rape and sexual violence "propaganda".

Absolute definition of white privilege to think that calling the police to lecture her black son would yield positive outcomes.

I say this as a white person.

That's not clickbait drama. That's the heart and soul of this case.

The court has ruled TWICE now that Trump defamed Carroll. To claim in public the knowingly false statement that he did not defame her, is the very literally definition of defamation.

Do you think they can both give him a BJ at the same time? Or maybe one tosses the salad while the other gobbles the knob?

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New Yorkers and Dubliners are supposed to come between breasts, not have breasts come between them.

Yup, keep riding that baby down. I bought in 2011, sold 2021. Thanks for buying me a house!

Now I get to watch that child Elon fuck up this golden goose, and I don't have to lose money while I laugh!

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I love all the comments like "Biden isn't being tough enough on Israel! Biden isn't stopping the genocide!"

Besides the fact that people are asking Biden to do something that directly hurts US foreign policy interests.....

Do they REALLY think that the Republican party is on the side of stopping brown people dying? Biden in office is probably the most gentle response Palestine is going to get for 10/7. Republicans are frothing at the mouth to boost JDAM and Paveway kit sales.

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Kurt died for this

Remember all the people saying we shouldn't vote for Biden because of what's happening in Gaza? It's literally all over this website.

This is the alternative. Vote in November.

Absolutely sociopathic response.

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*As long as it's not in furtherance of a business interest.

Yes. Insiders with that high a fraction of ownership exercise the ability to sell shares at a predetermined percentage value of a full priced share. Usually pegged to the closing price at the beginning or end of a quarter, whichever is lower.

Oh you mean like West Taiwan?

That cop was way to squirrelly for the job.

I thought this was a hilarious joke, not sure why people are taking it seriously.

Look bud, I don't know what kind of mental illness you have, but I recommend three things:

  1. Stop being chronically online
  2. Go outside and touch grass
  3. Exercise

Neigh :P

I eat the entire apple, starting at the top and going in circles to the bottom.

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Asking the same question as the last time this article was posted:

Can anyone explain to me what the consequence for fare jumping is if they don’t do this enforcement? Can an economist explain what the expected value lost from additional jumping is without enforcement?

When I lived in NYC, I began getting monthly passes through work. I did this for 3 years, paying $100/mo or $1,200 a year. I was getting paid pennies to make a big company bigger, so I stopped paying and started jumping. I jumped for around 2 years on my commute and for any other transit. I had a pay per ride card if I was on a date or if I needed the bus transfer. I figured out which cars to hide in to avoid paying for LIRR or the Metro North tickets (hint: at rush hour, no one can walk through the cars).

I was caught one time, I jumped the turnstiles into the 6 train at 68th/Hunter College. Right in front of 3 cops looking for jumpers (of course they were trying to ticket poor college kids). Got a ticket for $85. Still less than my monthly card would have cost. I was gonna argue it with some lame ass excuse but ended up paying it just so I wouldn’t have to take a day off work. I still saved over $2300 by jumping.

So, not to say that this program is effective, but how many people were in a similar circumstance as me but decided not to jump because of deterrence policing?

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No brainer, but his strategy isn't to be immune. His strategy is to preserve his ability to appear on as many state primary/election ballots for as long as possible.

You're delusional. Get help.

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No it's pretty spot on.

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Trump literally wants to execute Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

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I can see it now.

"Imagine that I am your father. As your father, I am telling you a bed time story about a Nigerian prince who needs funds to unlock frozen assets...."

"Please come to my club to kill your liver and brain with alcohol, I need to buy a third home!"

Or any Muslim majority country.

"Religion of peace".

Anyone buying Apple products in 2024 is a sap.

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Skyrim NSFW mods: am I a joke to you?

All you "genocide" claimers are gonna get the orange man elected.

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Nope. The both sides argument is horse shit. GOP voters are less educated by a wide margin. Try again buddy.

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Lmao I can taste the mental illness in this comment.

My sneaking suspicion is that a majority of the adult population has passed well beyond the sub-acute level of lead exposure and is now showing the side effects.

Lead paint, TEL, 100LL.

Yes the orange man will definitely not say anything to get elected, followed by bombing Gaza back to the Stone age.

No they keep filling them with dicks.

If this is all drummed up, then why do transgender athletes have such a problem with competing in the all-comers category instead of the women's category, which is reserved for XX born females who have all of the disadvantages you describe above since birth?

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It's long been proven that uneducated people vote for demagogues.

They look so old, it's like seeing someone you haven't seen since high school and they just look old and run down.

Can you explain to me then, what exactly is freedom of speech? Yelling fire in a crowded theater isn't using speech then, it's assault on other persons by threatening harm. Criticize the government? That's not freedom of speech, that's just unlicensed protest. Sing a song protesting a war? You go to jail for treason.

Freedom of speech absolutely means being free from the government imposing consequences for speech. Yelling fire in a crowded theater comes from Schenck v United States which found that speech must pose a clear and present danger to be able to be held criminally liable for it. And Brandenburg v Ohio narrowed the definition even further, that speech must be "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action".

Despite our views on JK's abhorrent rhetoric, you cannot say that mis-gendering trans people is inciting imminent lawlessness.

Your comment demonstrates a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of the concept of free speech.

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Ever since the Tonight show controversy, I've trusted NBC to do the wrong thing and never been disappointed.

This happens for Chrome too. Windows prevents .ics files from being opened by Chrome.