1 Post – 300 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


And now it takes 12 second for a single character to appear on the screen!

(Pressing Turbo button actually slowed down the CPU AFAIK).

Why is this a JPEG. I barely can read that text in red.

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The worst thing about wanting to know everything is that the more you know, you more start to comprehend that you actually know nothing.

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Good. Microsoft next.

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They are fighting in the fucking defensive war. What fucking logic is that? They should even cross the Russian border if needed.

My life is essentially:

  • Don't have huge financial and career expectations.

  • Be healthy and self-improve.

  • For fucks sake don't get into debt.

  • Do not commit crime.

  • At least try to work for good of society (or just not make things worse I guess).

And that's enough for me, and I recommend at least following first 3 points for good enough life without much stress (and last 2 if you're not an asshole).

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It's 2024 and yet, user programs can still steal data from each other. There should be some kind of permissions system in Windows, like in Android and additionally apps should ask if they can access data of other program.

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The logical fix would be to delete them automatically when unused for longer than let's say 24 hours. That should be in the lemmy code, and we should not depend on 3rd party utilities to do that.

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I do. Everyday.

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I don't even understand what the point is of this product. Seems like e-waste at first glance.

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I am an (agnostic) atheist, but let's be clear: not all priests are pedophiles, this is a huge exaggeration. But I still think they should be able to marry and have children, like normal people. And I believe that this would at least stop some of them doing pedophilic acts.

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How hard is it to make a decent OS Microsoft? Haven't you got enough of our money already?

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I use ChatGPT just for programming and it gives wrong answers half of the time.

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Oh, so that's why app is getting shittier.

I never understood the popularity of celebrities and influencers, don't people have better things to do with their time than waste it on people who monetize their popularity?

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In 2050, when Bethesda releases TES 7, it will be just a launcher to Creation Engine editor with half-assed models and a single empty map where modders collaborate to make the game themselves.

In 2127 with the early-access TES 8 it will be just a README file where they say that game should be ready for Christmas of 21XX, if modders won't fuck around and finish making the damn engine.

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What about we all fund his trip to the Mars or whatever, but only one way.

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WTF? Why do people like getting notifications at all? Every time I get one on my phone that is not important I am just full of anger because it is distracting me from getting stuff done.

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I wasn't aware of this term, but I just checked it in wiktionary. Looks like a perfect normal word to me.

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The more I hear about AI-generated content and other crap that is posted online these days, I wonder if I should just start reading books instead, maybe even learn to play on a musical instrument and leave virtual world altogether.

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People are heating up coffee in microwave? TIL.

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I like how like 10 years ago everyone went crazy about the apps. It seemed like you could have an app for everything, and everyone was enthusiastic about it. Nowadays I only open Play Store when I am in the need of specific utility, or to buy some classic RPG/other game ported to Android.

Most of the stuff in the store is just unusable shit.

And we need a store with actual quality apps (with no micro transactions, and being reviewed by people who care about usability), because certainly Google Play is not a good source for them.

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I love starting projects. The problem arises with actually working on them.

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Does this also mean Google will let me uninstall Chrome from my Android device? Or is this only about PC's?

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If there's one thing I'd want AI to do is to organize my music library :)

Although I don't unerstand why can't Spotify just give me list of artists/genres/etc. that I listen to and allow me to play only specific ones. I could even do that on my freakin old iPod Nano and it's year 2024 for god sake! But from what I see Spotify programmers are more busy with removing features than adding anything useful nowadays. I am also still mad that they have removed radio feature and they didn't provide an alternative.

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It blows my mind that even in my country (Poland) TV propaganda shows Trump as the good guy, what a bunch of bullshit.

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Everybody makes mistakes. As long as you learn on them, it's fine. Otherwise it's not.

Because unless they browse websites other than social media, all they read will be misinformation.

People living in Central/Eastern Europe: 80%? Amateurs.

I don't know ANYONE who has a new car produced in last couple of years here in Poland. According to some statistic average age of car is 15.5 years here, in fact I drive 11 year old car myself. There's just no way I am going to dump so much cash on a freaking car (and personally I'd rather buy some nice electric bicycle instead).

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How can people be so openly evil? This just blows my mind.

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That's my doggo Axel =)

My doggo

It blows my mind that fascism is on the rise in fucking 21th century. IN WESTERN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES.

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I don't even know how to react to this news: On one hand Wagner Prigozhin is a person who is ideologically much worse than Putin (basically full-blown fascist as opposed to imperialist), but on the other hand he could have helped with increasing unrest in Russia which could technically mean chaos on Russian side of the front and opportunity for Ukraine to make some gains, but of course that's long time due, due to giving up on march on Moscow.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with boycotting Russian language and culture in Ukraine due to current situation, but banning it? That's just against the freedom of speech, and this should not be allowed in a country that wishes to be a western democracy and wants to join our multinational organizations.

Disclaimer: I might be slightly biased because I have been learning Russian for more than 3 years. But I also separate politics from language and culture.

No one should be sentenced to death for anything anywhere.

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Did human-generated content really become so low quality that it is distinguishable from AI-generated content?

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In complete isolation I think a lot of people (including me) would probably kill ourselves just after few months. We all need at least some social interaction to stay with healthy mind.

Aside from that, what the hell is even the point of living if you are the only person left?

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That I started to not care about latest tech gadgets, and I just want to use old reliable ones that just work for my use cases. In fact I still don't understand the point of tablets, except some rare use cases, and I still prefer my desktop computer to anything else.

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I mean sure, but they still should go for a long time to jail.

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