life to Lemmy – 1007 points –

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My life is essentially:

  • Don't have huge financial and career expectations.

  • Be healthy and self-improve.

  • For fucks sake don't get into debt.

  • Do not commit crime.

  • At least try to work for good of society (or just not make things worse I guess).

And that's enough for me, and I recommend at least following first 3 points for good enough life without much stress (and last 2 if you're not an asshole).

In what country does breaking the law make you an asshole?

I would imagine this person is being more general. Don't steal Don't kill That sort of stuff.

Not your standard level minor tax evasion, illicit drug consumption, that one time you did 80 in a 50 zone but hey you were really late for that important meeting.

I mean speeding and tax evasion does make you an asshole. But it just seemed a weird thing for them to call out