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Joined 1 years ago

The stock price will fall if we don't make more money then we did last year.

  • But why?

Because we are legally obliged to do what is best for shareholder, or they can sue us.

  • Right so the company needs to make more money again and again and again until the company or the world dies

About sums it up

The car equivalent of launch DLC that should have been in the base game

Quite honestly it was a very confusing referendum. The question seemed simple on the surface but as soon as you ask questions very quickly it was hard to find answers. I think this confusion is the reason the majority voted no, they were scared to choose yes for something they didn't understand. I tried to understand and still couldn't find a straight answer of what this referendum was actually about.

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They own 50% of the company but they do not get a seat on the board. From my understanding that was a big part of OpenAI accepting the deal.

Three screens billed as "business expense" actually used as a sim racing rig.

But you will end up filling any screen space you have. When coding I very quickly fill out the space, to see files and folders I am intereacting with, communication apps, websites, IDE, ticket screen. Some days I wish I had 4.

Happy to learn what illegal content is on display and discussed about here?

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But who is buying the goods and services these corporations produce? Mysterious figures in the night, or humans?

Greenwashing is a result of a change in consumer desire, not 100% what was wanted but a change non the less. If the people buying goods actually think before they buy and don't just look at the lowest priced item then change will happen.

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They state in the title and description graphics card, not GPU. Implying a dedicated graphics solution not an integrated one.

I think GPT5 will be eye opening. If it is another big leap ahead then we are not in this local maxima, if it is a minor improvement then we may be in a local maxima.

Likely then the focus will shift to reducing hardward requirements for inforarance(?) Allowing bigger models to run better on smaller hardware

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As a slight positive it will hopefully reduce the reliance on wide spread pesticides and fertilizers.

For some people admitting they were wrong is too hard

Random thought, do Lemmy posts show up in searches?

I'm pretty sure that's how I ended up at reddit. After so many google searches lead me to the site, I decided to check it out some more

Infinite growth on a world with finite resources, what could go wrong?

If a company doesn't make their projected 7% gains every year it is front page news and it is deemed a failing business. "ohh no we only made 120 million dollars this year, how will we feed the shareholders kids"

This man out here living the line "kill the rich"

It is hard to move away from maps completely but for pure navigation there are many alternatives. From the FOSS world, there are 2 I would recommend.

Organic Maps - fairly clean and focused app mainly around navigation

OsmAnd~ - a more fleshed out map app. Easily see hiking routes, ski routes, etc. This is the one I am trying to use at the moment.

Still doesn't help solve the google review for restraunts and shops etc, but it is a step in the right direction.

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"A Serbian Film"

Young and dumb I watched a movie suggested by 4chan, I still have flashbacks over 10 years later of 1 scene from the movie.

I would imagine this person is being more general. Don't steal Don't kill That sort of stuff.

Not your standard level minor tax evasion, illicit drug consumption, that one time you did 80 in a 50 zone but hey you were really late for that important meeting.

I wonder this with obsidian also, it is one of the things that keeps me from diving in head first.

It seems a lot of its "powerful" functions are against it's plain text advantage. However I don't really see an easy way around it.

At least at the end of the day you or someone else could write a script to modify the plain text files for the next app.

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Now that is someone who has thought about this question a lot

I'm curious what licensing issues you would run into with obsidian?

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That's a side affect, but those retail stores could also move out to where the houses are with some legal changes.

It would be a nice suprise but I doubt corporate really cares about Jane and Joe's coffee shop, or the local Hugo Boss

Maybe I missed some context But you are two, amazing video from CGP Gray

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Give it 10 years and open source will have something not as good, but good enough. Then we won't have to deal with all the extra ads of the normal devices. We will be able to side load some cool new upgrade, while the rest will have to change models to the Brain Master 21 to access a slightly better feature.

Elon may be the first to commercialize this tech for the masses but there is no way he will be the only one who makes one of these devices.

A good chunk of my work is scheduled turning off and on again in the right order so things don't break

I see this argument a lot about choosing between saving the planet and eating and affording rent. Of course that person is barely surviving they aren't making choices for their food. The same can not be said for the middle class and up.

To instantly dismiss any argument that you as a person don't have any responsibility in this, no matter how small, is ludicrous. We should all be doing all we can. Not blaming corporations but then still buying their products, eating their fast food, etc. Blame a corporation and then do something about it, like avoiding nestle products even if it means going without, especially for non essential items.

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Amazing this was posted 4 days after the in person voting..... how is an Aussie meant to make an informed choice when the data comes after the voting day?

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I would highly recommended finding other sources of joy. Buying things has been proven again and again to just give small bursts of happiness that quickly fade, this is the cycle these corporations often feed on.

Look into cheap hobbies you can do. Recovering from getting used to these small hits of joy isn't always easy, but it will give you back more control of your life. I'm not perfect at this myself but I am much more aware of it and able to say no in the majority of my life.

You could also look into Minimalisim, there are some interesting ideas in there to be adopted, even if you don't eat the whole pie.

Since when did pussy become analogous to corrupt?

Thanks for the share. Just checked out the demo for half an hour. Really nice game, already seems super polished.

I really like the helpful control tips, it does an amazing job of teaching you the controls. Every time I was wondering what the key was, bam there it was on screen.

Looking forward to the full release, I'll definitely play the demo more when I have time

And for AI at home? Since this is a story about AI DataCenters

I want to get an AMD but the integration of Nvidia GPUs for processing ML/AI stuff is much higher. So if I want to mess with running AI at home I only have 1 choice.

I hope AMD release something that competes on that front, and can still play games on the weekend, but currently, he is right there is no competition

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Good to know thanks for the info. I'll have to have a bit of a dig myself.

I feel him selling out turned me off ever wanting to watch it. He didn't need the money, he was already super well off. So he just showed that he didn't value his listeners, he knew he would lose some but didn't care.

Compared to my favorite podcast that offers people to email him if they can't afford the paid stuff because he just wants people to be able to listen.

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I prefer glasses, but people treat me different when I wear my contacts. Had people describe it to me that they don't see my nerdy traits when I have my contacts. This seems to help me in social situations and being accepted easier.

So I wear glasses day to day and contacts if I am going to events.

Legally the product is no longer their priority, maximising shareholder profits is their priority.

Not many companies manage to not get twisted to a worse product for the customers, though their ads get really good

"When everyone you've ever known

Is headed for a headstone

I don't want to give the end away

But we're gonna die one day "

  • Smoke Alarm - Carsie Blanton

Or the upper class spend that money on building bigger walls.

That beautiful, simple, and works well. Cheers for the share

Unasked for advice, just be careful drinking coffee too late in the afternoon that it doesn't turn into a habbit. It can drastically the amount of deep sleep you get at night, making you tired the next day, wanting my coffee, then repeat while slowly upping the amount of coffee.

Otherwise hot drinks seem to be soothing for a large number of people

That is the double edged sword though. Get cool features - lose true plain text

I find unless you use the proton password manager the alias feature is too hard to manage from mobile anyway.

Maybe I'll convert from my current manager to it, but I do like the idea of alias emails.

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I use my phone for quick notes on the go, or creating lists of information I want to be able to re order and edit.

I use pen and paper mainly for brain dumps. Getting a stream of thoughts out of my head and on to paper. I find trying to use a phone for this will lead to some distraction and the thought will go before I capture all of the info.

I also use pen and paper when studying a topic, especially for a test, I find the simple of act of writing the information down is enough to cement it in my brain, even if I never go back and read those notes.