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Joined 10 months ago

Finally someone is noticing this.

I report this garbage every time it gets recommended to me on YT, which is way too often. These are real human beings going through the most difficult and humiliating experiences of their lives.

One thing that's always overlooked about homelessness is the complete, total, utter lack of any privacy whatsoever. It seems obvious when you say it out loud, but no one seems to acknowledge it. Imagine every bad day you have, you have an audience. When you wake up in the morning after a shit night of sleep, everyone gets to walk by you, judge you, and gawk at how shitty you look. I'm sure not everyone in these videos is homeless (likely fewer than people would automatically assume), but probably a significant enough number.

The fact that there is anyone out there who believes treating people like they're in a zoo and then profiting off of their suffering for "entertainment" is an actual, unfeeling psychopath.

The worst part is that there are a bunch of channels like this and even more videos. They're not limited to addiction but exploit any marginalized people they can. I blame Vice for having constant drug/addiction content with no real message besides "watch this person shoot up for some reason. No, we're not blurring their face." Wtf.

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the far left liberals who froth at the mouth at the mere mention of his name

You mean the people who fear living in a theocratic dictatorship roughly twelve months from now? Yes, god forbid we're a little upset at the idea.

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I am so sick of seeing our deserts destroyed, as though it's somehow "empty" land. There are a million square miles of parking lots and building roofs in this country that we could cover with these things, and yet we would rather destroy ecosystems that are already delicate and millions of years old, with species that don't exist anywhere else in the world. And then call it "green" while we do it. All of this because the government can't be bothered to deal with (read: compensate) private property owners to cover their parking lots and roofs with solar.

They can say they'll stay away from "sensitive resources" all they want, but that's proven to be false in the past, so why should we believe them now? They're only putting them within ten miles of existing transmission lines - next time, it will be within ten miles of the ones they're building now, and so on until there's nothing left. The sad part is that this comment will be immediately taken as being against solar and renewables, when it's actually against destroying more of our untouched land and history for profit.

There's already tons of solar fields and wind fields in the desert. Now they're starting to open up old gold mines and create new ones, in the Sierras as well as the desert. Look at Grass Valley and Nevada City, where not a single resident wants some giant mining company threatening their town and their rivers, but apparently they don't get a say about their own homes. Joshua trees have been destroyed by fires caused by climate change, and none of us will see them grow back in our lifetimes. They've destroyed important historical sites like the petroglyphs at China Lake and display fake ones for tourists. They've built Las Vegas nearly up to the edge of Red Rocks and there's ugly mansions popping up on the way to Mt Charleston. They're building a train straight through some of the last open desert in California east of San Diego and through the agricultural region of San Joaquin valley. They're "cleaning up" the Salton Sea, but of course you can't just trust that they're not going to fill the area with McMansions after that so they can expand the tourist dollars of Palm Springs. They're turning the western terminus of the original transcontinental railroad into a fucking strip mall called The Railyards and putting a farmer's market in the old Southern Pacific buildings. Some Silicon Valley douchebags are building a "utopia" in the middle of the wetlands east of SF, destroying the ecosystems and birds' migratory pattens that the region has tried so hard to protect.

In the next fifty years, there will not be any open land left in the US unless it is a lucrative tourist attraction like Yosemite. There is already hardly anywhere on the SoCal coast that doesn't cost $20 to get near it, and half of it is private property when private beaches are supposedly illegal in California. Ironically, the last piece of wild coastline in OC is owned by the military. It's just a blatant "fuck you" to our country's wilderness, ecosystems, and history, and especially, it seems, to the American Southwest.

They just did for selling those coal rolling kits. I don't see why this would be any different. They're facilitating the sale. It's their platform. They have a responsibility to the people who use it, as well as a responsibility to treat their workers like human beings.

The AP article said it's still not been paid back from the covid shutdowns and when the qualifications and time periods to receive it were expanded.

But I guess it's easier to just make assumptions about California because that's the popular thing to do lately.

I would add: teaching that romantic relationships are not the end all and be all of life.

I feel like this is part of the problem, because it creates misogyny, incels and depression when people have their entire self-worth wrapped up in another person liking them. Any person. All of our media pushes this message, especially to young people. I was a serial monogamist all my life until several years ago. I've been more productive and accomplished and more in touch with who I am than I've ever been. I don't have the need fpr another person in my life, and that's how it should be. A partner should be an addition to a person and a life that is already functional. I can't help but notice now how every. single. song, movie, show, book, etc. is not just about romance, but about another person making someone's life worth living. It's fucked up and we need to teach kids that they are enough, by themselves, and that being in a relationship is a choice. It's not mandatory.

I see so many of these comments I can't help but wonder if it's an ad campaign by Kagi.

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I had a sociology professor who taught us about Harriett Jacobs as a counter to racist claims like this (because apparently students now have to have evidence to back up why slavery was bad. That's where we are.)

Harriet Jacobs lived in a crawl space for seven years after escaping her enslavers until she could make it to the north. I wish I could find the video we watched, but it basically said it was so small she couldn't even stand up. That would be considered torture in other circumstances. And imagine living in a crawl space with no heat in the winter or AC in the summer, in the South? But it was still preferable to being property.

That still won't matter as long as conservatives constantly have a majority in congress

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There's a whole bunch of comments explaining how low-income people aren't able to do those things either, especially banking, and how that adds to the cycle of poverty. For anyone actually interested in an answer about what life is like for impoverished working people in the US, I would recommend reading Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich and Evicted by Matthew Desmond. The level of poverty that exists in America generally is, and should be, shocking to the average American. I really hope the Amish comment is a joke because it's so so incredibly wrong.

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Thank you. There's apparently been a fine line between promoting body acceptance and shitting on thin body types. Some people seem to think it's not even a natural body type at all and anyone who's thin is just anorexic. It's like we've been completely left out of the equation unless we're being looked down on. Yeah, I'm right there with you on this.

I am so not understanding all the comments on this post that are literally defending their right to be given cancer by large corporations.

Wtf are the responses to this comment? "No, I like being poisoned for profit!" Jfc.

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My man needs treatment, not tough love.

This is true for so many things. Tough love rarely works for anyone, for any reason. I can't wait for the day when it's no longer so deeply ingrained in American culture as the answer to every single problem. It can really fuck people up far worse than they were to begin with, especially kids. I don't know what the fuck people are thinking when they decide that treating someone like crap will make them a better person.

Is it really "learn entrepreneurship," or is it actually "have capital"

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If people keep running away to a handful of “nice” states

I feel like it's only people who don't actually live in these places or, if they do, aren't the current targets of christian fascist terrorism (yet) who actually say insensitive, tone deaf, privileged shit like this.

When your actual safety is under threat because of the majority ideology where you live, you gtfo. If you look at history (which is all real stuff that actually happened..) the academics were always right after the LGBTQ community. Then writers and artists and musicians. Look at Germany and the multiple South American countries the US helped to destroy.

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Food Not Bombs did it there ten years ago too. They camped outside of city hall every week, getting arrested over and over. They were finally given a vacant lot next to the freeway to freely camp in after that. It started after SC passed anti-camping laws, making it illegal for any unhoused person to fall asleep.

Yes, because I'm sure the cops just went away when he didn't answer the first ten times they pounded on it like they were trying to break it down. Cops have a terrifying way of "knocking."

Wtf is the point of this. Even if they wanted to save on labor costs of wait staff and everything why not just use your own card instead of trading it for a temporary card.

It's like this pizza place I went to recently. They had a little arcade so I went to put some quarters in and realized I had to go buy tokens at a machine first. It wasn't Dave and Busters or anything, just a hole in the wall with a few games in a corner. I didn't buy any tokens. Same with laundromats that now want you to buy tokens ahead of time.

There isn't a single business anymore that isn't trying to just blatantly scam you out of your money. They used to at least be more subtle about it.

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Sometimes this is referred to as "grad school."

That's definitely what they've done with opioids. You could have your bone sticking out of your arm and they'd call you a drug addict for being surprised when they give you a motrin.

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The name brand in the US is Kraft Singles, but at least here that type of orange cheese is just referred to as American regardless of brand

The part that got me is when they quoted the text of the bill and then linked to the bill.

But yes, the constant "slamming" of democrats is pretty biased. I can't say I wholly disagree with that first paragraph, but anything that uses "land of the free" unironically usually has an angle.

Just curious what others do.

I stopped using them. I feel like the food delivery services are falling out of favor pretty generally which is a good thing. Especially because no matter how much the tip is, it's always the same cold food with multiple stops in between the restaurant and my address. That part is not always up to the driver, but still a good reason to not bother with it anymore.

Or women who no longer have control over their own bodies and physical health

It worked for me, but I think there may be an issue with question 4. I used Firefox btw, but it did take a little while to load.

Good luck with your research

Where the info comes from doesn't exactly change that it's a problem.

You can talk about media literacy, but why even have the thing exist if it can't provide correct answers. That's its only reason for existing.

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"Well it worked for me so if you can't do it then you're just not trying hard enough!" Don't be intentionally obtuse. There are jobs in major cities.

People also have other shit in their lives you know nothing about. You have no idea what every single person does for a living. Maybe they work for the government and need to be near a military base, or the state capital happens to be a major metro area. Maybe they live near their elderly parents they take care of. Maybe they have family nearby who can watch their kids while they go to work and if they moved they'd have to start paying a ton in childcare. Maybe there's a cheap private school there and they don't want to have to switch their kid to public school. Maybe they have a chronic health condition or disability and need to live near the best doctors. Maybe one person went back to college and the classes they need are on campus. Especially if it's a higher degree where they can't just go to any community college in buttfuck nowhere. Maybe they had to move there for a postdoc fellowship. But why am I telling you when you already have all the answers.

Nothing new about living in New York being more expensive than Albany.

I met someone who moved to Albany to get an advanced degree and they hated it. They alluded to the fact that they were broke and living with a group of people. Unless you're suggesting living out in the woods, in which case, sure. You're right. I've heard there's some great career opportunities out in the catskills.

We have no idea what other people's lives are like and none of us should assume we do. Especially when you're going to be a dick about it.

deserve it.

Wow what an insightful, well-researched reason.

I don't think it's so much that they're offensive. They're just stupid.

Does that mean that's what actually happened or is that just what the family is accusing them of in the suit

what is he expected to do

Well maybe he should have thought of that first, before running his mouth like the wheezing piece of sweaty shit he is and victimizing innocent people in the process who were already suffering.

You know, I will literally never ever understand standing up for someone like this. I have an elderly far right trumper family member who barely survives on fucking social security who tries to defend Bezos and Musk this way. "Oh BuT iTs NoT lIqUiD." Who gives a shit?! Fuck all of them.

If he managed to spend that much in a month on himself and his wife, he can manage to spend that much on his victims. Who gives a flying fuck where it comes from? Why the fuck would you? Is it his victims' fault he has to declare bankruptcy and rely on lines of credit (supposedly)? Of course not. So he can take out more and more and more lines of credit to pay them. It's not that hard.

This is a collection of salvaged original Geocities sites. There must be hundreds and hundreds of random people's homepages from the mid 90s to early 2000s. Some of them still have working links. The "Hollywood" section is the best because it has endless fan pages of 90s media and celebrities.

this is the most idiotic reply I've seen on lemmy

Idk, I kind of like this one:

Gang shootings make up the vast majority of "mass shootings"

These gang members are the very definition of criminal, they know their actions are highly illegal. Making more guns illegal will not stop them

Oh, they're over on reddit. That place is a cesspool when it comes to posts like this one.

FreeTaxUSA also tried to charge me for state after saying it was free though.

I guess I could have printed out the forms I had just filled out and mailed them, but that's not exactly what was advertised. It's "free tax filing" not "free forms." I paid it because it was cheap, but then they kept kicking both my federal and state back to me with error messages saying they were not "accepted" by the IRS.

Cash app had no issues with the exact same information being "accepted." It just worked. And it was actually free.

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That's funny since there's countless negative side effects to female birth control

Also Ross. They're a gross company that treats their workers like shit. When you start working there they give you pamphlets on how to sign up for social services like food stamps. They also have one of those employee funds, where everyone pays into it every month and if someone has an emergency they can use money from it. Maybe if they paid their employees a livable wage they wouldn't need makeshift insurance funded by their impoverished workers. So fucked up.

Isn't the BBB a private company

The irony in this comment

They already don't have rights, but the laws are different from city to city. In some places they can't be fed in public and people get arrested for giving them food. They can't be on the sidewalk. They're obviously not allowed to fall asleep as long as they're unhoused. Plus parking restrictions created specifically to prevent car camping. Taking trash from dumpsters is considered theft. You can't use a restroom without buying something and cities have taken out all or most public bathrooms, so it becomes a crime just to relieve themselves. Idk, the list is pretty endless.