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The good news is, based on the diagram looking like it's straight from AWS docs, there's a Cloud formation template for all that.
Bad news, good luck troubleshooting any of it if something breaks

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I assume it's supposed to be menopause

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If you're not getting anti caking agents in shredded cheese, then what do you expect the pre-shredded cheese to do?
Might as well get a block and shred it yourself.

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Yes :3

The subtitle of the article says it's not available in the US -

PC Manager app is only available in some regions, but could come to the US eventually

It's a discord reaction of the nerd emoji. Supposed to imply the snake is calling her a nerd for following what they heard

Actually a great idea, considering how expensive rims and wheels can be

The gerudo outfit from botw. Original:

From an IT perspective with little context on this change other than what's in the article, if there's no way to import your own certs using an MDM, this change is terrible for businesses.

You need custom certs for all kinds of things. A company's test servers often don't use public CA certs because it's expensive (or the devs are too lazy to set up Let's Encrypt). So you import a central private CA cert to IT-managed devices so browsers and endpoints don't have a fit.

For increased network security, private CAs are used for SSL decryption to determine what sites devices are going to and to check for malware embedded in pages. In order to conduct SSL decryption, you need your own private CA cert for decrypting and re-encrypting web content. While this is on the decline because of pinned certs being adopted by big websites, it's still in use for any sites you can get away with. You basically kill any network-level security tools that are almost certainly enabled on the VPN/SASE used to access private test sites.

I want to clarify something that you hinted at in your post but I've seen in other posts too. This isn't a cloud failure or remotely related to it, but a facet of a company's security software suite causing crippling issues.

I apologize ahead of time, when I started typing this I didn't think it would be this long. This is pretty important to me and I feel like this can help clarify a lot of misinformation about how IT and software works in an enterprise.

Crowdstrike is an EDR, or Endpoint Detection and Response software. Basically a fancy antivirus that isn't file signature based but action monitoring based. Like all AVs, it receives regular definition updates around once an hour to anticipate possible threat actors using zero-day exploits. This is the part that failed, the hourly update channel pushed a bad update. Some computers escaped unscathed because they checked in either right before the bad update was pushed or right after it was pulled.
Another facet of AVs is how they work depends on monitoring every part of a computer. This requires specific drivers to integrate into the core OS, which were updated to accompany the definition update. Anything that integrates that closely can cause issues if it isn't made right.

Before this incident, Crowdstrike was regarded as the best in its class of EDR software. This isn't something companies would swap to willy nilly just because they feel like it. The scale of implementing a new security software for all systems in an org is a huge undertaking, one that I've been a part of several times. It sucks to not only rip out the old software but also integrate the new software and make sure it doesn't mess up other parts of the server. Basically companies wouldn't use CS unless they are too lazy to change away, or they think it's really that good.
EDR software plays a huge role in securing a company's systems. Companies need this tech for security but also because they risk failing critical audits or can't qualify for cybersecurity insurance. Any similar software could have issues - Cylance, Palo Alto Cortex XDR, Trend Micro are all very strong players in the field too and are just as prone to having issues.
And it's not just the EDR software that could cause issues, but lots of other tech. Anything that does regular definition or software updating can't or shouldn't be monitored because of the frequency or urgency of each update would be impractical to filter by an enterprise. Firewalls come to mind, but there could be a lot of systems at risk of failing due to a bad update. Of course, it should fall on the enterprise to provide the manpower to do this, but this is highly unlikely when most IT teams are already skeleton crews and subject to heavy budget cuts.

So with all that, you might ask "how is this mitigated?" It's a very good question. The most obvious solution "don't use one software on all systems" is more complicated and expensive than you think. Imagine bug testing your software for two separate web servers - one uses Crowdstrike, Tenable, Apache, Python, and Node.js, and the other uses TrendMicro, Qualys, nginx, PHP, and Rust. The amount of time wasted on replicating behavior would be astronomical, not to mention unlikely to have feature parity. At what point do you define the line of "having redundant tech stacks" to be too burdensome? That's the risk a lot of companies take on when choosing a vendor.
On a more relatable scale, imagine you work at a company and desktop email clients are the most important part of your job. One half of the team uses Microsoft Office and the other half uses Mozilla Thunderbird. Neither software has feature parity with the other, and one will naturally be superior over the other. But because the org is afraid of everyone getting locked out of emails, you happen to be using "the bad" software. Not a very good experience for your team, even if it is overall more reliable.

A better solution is improved BCDR (business continuity disaster recovery) processes, most notably backup and restore testing. For my personal role in this incident, I only have a handful of servers affected by this crisis for which I am very grateful. I was able to recover 6 out of 7 affected servers, but the last is proving to be a little trickier. The best solution would be to restore this server to a former state and continue on, but in my haste to set up the env, I neglected to configure snapshotting and other backup processes. It won't be the end of the world to recreate this server, but this could be even worse if this server had any critical software on it. I do plan on using this event to review all systems I have a hand in to assess redundancy in each facet - cloud, region, network, instance, and software level.
Laptops are trickier to fix because of how distributed they are by nature. However, they can still be improved by having regular backups taken of a user's files and testing that Bitlocker is properly configured and curated.

All that said, I'm far from an expert on this, just an IT admin trying to do what I can with company resources. Here's hoping Crowdstrike and other companies greatly improve their QA testing, and IT departments finally get the tooling approved to improve their backup and recovery strategies.

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Technology Connections makes very specific, detailed videos on tech stuff, appliances, etc. My recent favorite of his is about incandescent vs LED Christmas lights and his unending rage about LED lights looking like "a computer threw up on your lawn". The first I remember watching was about dishwasher tech and how great they are, but how terrible dish pods are.

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The a-press part of the meme: (only need like the first 3 minutes)

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This looks to be Google ending support for the Android Auto framework on older Android versions, that's all. It's not about the car, it's about the phone.

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The original meme is the soldier protecting the kid from the knives -
This version is implying that the soldier caption is doing nothing to protect the kid caption

Hell yeah, I'll be cool again when that gen grows up
; The user has returned to us.
So ominous.
; Well... time to abort the user.

Korean spicy seasoned cucumber (oi muchim) is awesome with any meal with rice. Other than gochugaru (hot pepper flakes), every other ingredient you can get at a typical grocery store. I always have gochugaru on hand so I make this pretty regularly with lunch

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It's definitely not the latter. It's a fancy antivirus known as an EDR - Endpoint Detection and Response. Purely security software for defending against cyber attacks

Excessively buckled boots are depicted with heelys (skate wheel embedded in the heel). The they/them refers to the fact that only enbies (nonbinary people) would wear them and thus have too much power

Given the Steam Link still gets updates, I wouldn't worry about the Deck for at least a console generation's lifetime

If you don't update Android Auto, maybe. Apps still rely on the framework that makes it work, so you are likely to have those break if they use features that Android Auto didn't have at the update freeze.

The version they're cutting off is really old, relatively speaking. You have to be on Oreo or later (8.0+), which came out in 2017.
Many apps you would use Android Auto will likely bump up to this break point soon. Waze, for example, is 7.0+. You're bound to run into issues being on Nougat or earlier soon, if not already.

Android Auto is a specific system that mirrors app contents from your phone. It's basically an extended monitor for your phone with specific formatting to be car usage friendly. It doesn't do anything about a car's embedded systems

The order of the comment headers is the other way - above the comment it goes with. If you scroll to the top, you can see it better there. The Microsoft person is Zied Aouina

Our solution that we set up years ago was to connect a Shelly to circuits on a normal, dumb door opener. The Shelly triggers open/closed itself and since the signal comes from the opener, there's no crypto nonsense to figure out. It always works, no matter what MyQ/Chamberlain/LiftMaster do. Bonus, it also works if you have a very old opener.
We also supplemented this with a tilt sensor so we know the state of the garage door. The door can still be cracked and not registered as opened, but that's a compromise we're okay with since we never leave it intentionally cracked.

Definitely listen to this. IP Warming is a very real problem and you have to send thousands of messages at a very gradual rate for most email gateways to 1) mark you as a proper email sender, and 2) classify you as a reputable one that isn't sending spam. Using a public/private cloud IP isn't enough, it should be a service already used for mail sending.

If you self host sending email and ignore using a service for outbound, make sure it isn't at home. ISPs often block SMTP traffic to keep people from spamming others from their home. A lot of IP blocklists also auto block home IPs so you may not ever get your messages delivered.

Make sure to set up SPF/DKIM/DMARC. At the very least SPF, DKIM if the platform supports it, and ideally all three or SPF+DMARC. It's not that hard to configure if you do it as you go instead of years down the line after you have a dozen services sending mail as your domain.

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There is nothing you can do about the unsuccessful logins to your email address. My original email address has been in so many hacks and it's always being brute forced by hackers outside the US.

You already have MFA, so the only other thing I can think of is to have an incredibly long random password on your account and make sure the "forgot my password" recovery flows don't have any easy way to bypass. Things like another email address as a backup that's less secure, being able to guess your personal details based on past hacks, easily guessable/researchable security questions (make these random or nonsensical if possible, or don't put details from security questions in social media) could be used to gain access, even with MFA. And finally, secure your password manager in a similar manner.

It's unlikely but if she wants Japanese riichi mahjong and not solitaire style, Kemono Mahjong is a really solid app. No ads or micro transactions (the only in app purchase is to optionally support the dev for $1/month), full feature, minimal to no tracking (email address for online game purposes). It's not open source or free but it's only $3 one time purchase.

I don't have any suggestions for solitaire/tile matching mahjong, unfortunately. Microsoft's app is not malware but will be datamine galore. It also has ads unless you pay per month. Anything else, id be leery of the security of the app and your data.

See: Cisco. At least when I last used it, the web server configuration utility added a lot of garbage to your running config that made it unreadable if you swapped back to the cli.

Systems that built the GUI first aren't too bad. Palo Alto UI is pretty decent.

When you get an eye exam done, this is one of the pics in the machines measuring eye stuff that you have to focus on. Except the house isn't burning like in this version.

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Judging by the article and the code snippets found, it's more about updating your phone rather than the car infotainment hub. Nougat is getting the axe, have to be on Oreo or later.
It would have been better if the headline said "phones" and not "devices", but that's not as panic inducing :P

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I love CrossCode, makes me happy to see others point out how wonderful it is

Robit, mimicking how Zoidberg calls Bender sometimes

I used to avoid turn based for the same sentiment, but have found some really compelling games that change the formula that have changed my mind. Not every game will be a winner, but there are still some good ones out there.

Strict turn based used to always seem simple to me, and I don't find it appealing all the time. Pokemon has unit variety, but the strictness of each turn can get really stale.

Games that improve turn based combat are my preference in this category. Persona 5 changes the flow of combat depending on how each unit/character performs and exploits type weaknesses (chain/group attacks). It also takes Pokemon typing and unit diversity and makes a cool fusion/inheritance system out of it.
Older Final Fantasy games with Active Time Battle also scratch this itch where the timing of using skills and specific character order still somewhat matters, you don't always mash A and spam abilities. FF also does really well with unit customization - materia, GFs, Sphere Grid, etc. mean consecutive playthroughs won't always feel the same.
Chrono Trigger takes ATB and adds geometry in a physical dimension to attacks which is really unique, but still feels turn based at its core.

Like you said, full tactical games are fine because the quantity of units or structure of the arena make the turn based mode interesting. BG3/Divinity, Fire Emblem, Triangle Strategy/FF Tactics, and Gloomhaven fall in this category and I love games like these.

I realize now I kinda hit the points in the article, oops. Sorry if this was repetitive lol

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Here in Texas, my grandpa used to participate in these when I was a kid. He would set up a tent in the main camping area and chill out with everyone else partaking. When the event happened they would go act it out, but otherwise it was one big camping day/weekend at a park.

I bought Minecraft a month before Beta came out and man what a deal that was. Only something like $10. I got thousands of hours out of that over the following 5ish years. I don't play it as often any more, but I still think it was worth it


TSA changes up what they do each day. I just got back from a trip myself. On the way there, they didn't scan boarding passes. On the way back, they did. The guy even said they change things up to keep "the baddies" on their toes. Sometimes you don't take off your shoes, sometimes you do.
Pre-check helps tremendously to make that the norm. No need to unpack electronics, no shoes off. Only thing they still do occasionally is the full body scan when randomly selected.

Managed switches aren't too much more than their unmanaged counterparts. More importantly, you'd need a firewall that supports it. Doesn't do you any good to have vlans if you don't have a firewall to enforce traffic between those zones. Getting a firewall is the expensive bit, unless you use an old computer and toss pfsense/opnsense on it, or you buy a baby soho firewall (~$150-$200)


You can eat them frozen, you can eat them room-temp, or you can pop them in a toaster to heat them up. Non meme versions are sweet with a gooey filling. Kids eat them for breakfast or as a snack. But they're not really conventionally "good" as you might have experienced with other American breakfast/snack pastries.

When did it die? That's so sad