12 Post – 452 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Samsung DEX.

We all can’t be l337 like…looks at username…wait a SECOND—

“Imagine people paying for Windows.” You had me up to the point that you explained why Microsoft might want to get rid of local accounts. You’re doing the thing that gives executives the idea of forcing online connectivity.

I’m all in on the Fediverse. It’s messy and a little confusing, but it has the best shot at making things better for all. Including corporations.

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A toast to everyone in this thread that decided to not have kids! 🥂

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Excellent use case.

Getting low on popcorn...

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You serious, Clark?

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The Confederate Flag.

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Is the freedom to drive without feeling like you're being watched more important than the prevention of texting while driving?

During my commute, it's common to see people looking at their phones. I don't know what the effect is without statistics, but seeing an accident along the way is a usual occurrence.

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"Alright let's all be adults about th--"

reads comments


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I used to think Teslas were cool. Now I just see the specter of Elon. Regardless, these look like a test for suckers.

Just call them "clips." /s Seriously though, the aesthetic of Kbin is its best feature, but the concept behind the threads seems. I dunno. Weird. Lemmy feels janky and basic, like old Reddit. 💗

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The Big Lebowski. You pick up on stuff with each watch, and it just gets funnier when you do.

Yes. Reddit was probably the same for years.

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They can get ahold of their own instance and people can ignore it. That’s what’s great about the fediverse.

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Yes. Anytime someone starts trying to explain the Fediverse to someone signing up I want to put my hand on their face and tell the newbie right this way.

Try to avoid being murdered by my neighbors.

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I can't speak for losses, but I can say I visit almost every day. I get my news from here and feel informed.

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Yeah. I mean why would someone? This place is growing leaps and bounds.

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Ukraine being clearly having the moral high ground as a sovereign state defending itself, yes, expect to be downvoted for trying to contract what we all see with our own eyes.

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This is plainly irresponsible.

Finally realized how to sign up for Lemmy. Federated ftw. Insurance against this kind of stupidity.

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To the next numerically observable milestone! 🚀

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The company says Office 365 suites with Teams will no longer be sold to new business subscribers, but will continue to be available for existing customers that opt to continue using the bundled products, even upon renewal.

So if your company already has 365 that includes teams, as long as it renews 365 there’s no additional/separate cost for Teams?

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Don’t know don’t care. There’s a community here now and it’s healthy.

Try that in a large town?🎵

This reply brought to you by the Didn’t Have Kids Gang™️

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That was scary and exciting. Response seems competent and transparent. I ❤️ this place.

I was in a gas station around UNC Chapel Hill of all places standing in line behind a couple younger guys who were saying insane things about how Palestine’s not a real state, they’re just migrant squatters and seemed to mock anyone hurt or killed that opposed Israel. They reminded me of ‘Murican’s talking about how strong and right America is, but from the Jewish perspective with Israel in its stead.

It’s hard to describe how sickening it was to hear. And they’re like, 20.

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Just use imagination. An AI is programmed for battle and is ordered to hold fire. It shoots instead.

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Sounds like a !@#$ty thing to do to people you don't know, not to mention an abuse of power.

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I don't care about data harvesting. This stuff's public.

What I don't want is my community that I joined to be impacted by a larger community filled with bigots, fascists, the hateful. That's going to be my cue to exit. So I hope that the community I'm a part of values me and others like me more than tolerating the above for the sake of growth or whathaveyou.

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Don't care. I <3 Lemmy. Community's great. If I could filter out Reddit posts here I would, including this one.

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And we wash our hands after touching our belts. Still, point taken.

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I’m just enjoying the ride. Not concerned about wasting time or achievement. Kudos to those who strive to make a difference. I’m just happy to be here!

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I'm sure it will all work out.



Y’all I found the bad guy

Yeap. It doesn’t to go mainstream; it’s already successful.

This was a fun comparison and reminds me of the old gaming mags with ads that showed screenshots side by side of each system for a given game. There was an ad for Batman: The Movie and I always thought I was getting screwed with only having access to the NES version...

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