4 Post – 381 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Arch wiki says

Both the wired and wireless (with the Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows) controllers are supported by the xpad kernel module and should work without additional packages.

I guess my question is, have you tried plugging in the receiver? You'll need the receiver for it to work, they are 2.4Ghz not BT

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I read too fast you said found the receiver, haha. Yep, supported! Hopefully plug and play 🤞

Seriously, for all the "genocide joe" rhetoric I see here and other sites, it's abundantly clear the other option is "He's weak, Israel should be allowed to 'finish the job' ".

Voters, do you prefer a level headed voice trying to minimize palestinian casualties, or would you prefer Israel get the all-clear to steamroll Gaza indiscriminately, likely annexing it wholesale? Very clear choices.

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Some shows we've watched spend their time "recapping" after the 'ad breaks", playing same scenes we just saw. Drives me nuts, wastes my time and feels so dated.

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Everyone should just vote for the water shaman, I don't understand why American politics needs to be so complex!

Is 40 a lot? That seems quite ambitious but I have no idea how long it takes to build one.

Edit: Russia's built ~16 of these Karakurt-class ships since 2018 lol. So no, it won't be 40 missle boats.

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Maybe they could add some kind of auto scrolling view that informs what is playing at those times? That'd be handy, sometimes I can't find anything to watch.

The protests are that much more notable because the pharmacists don't have a union and aren't asking for better pay. They primarily want their employers to hire more staff to alleviate the workload and to eliminate policies that push them to work faster. They say those conditions are making it more likely they will make a mistake that could harm a patient.

Highlighting because people don't read articles - they are protesting to ensure patients are safe from the speed of greed. I for one would like my medication properly compounded and dosed. Good for these workers, get them more hands.

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Obviously, why wouldn't he? This is potentially the dumbest argument ever heard in a court room and we're all supposed to sit here and entertain its plausibility. What a joke.

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Oh so now it's the forbidden fumes. That's even more tempting

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Photo of the Swift Asylum, it's actually horrible! Just 3,600 sqft on 11 acres?? who could live like that!

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Pro tip, You don't have to remember it. I have all my favorite IPs in a nice address book, keep it in my drawer next to my passwords

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Off topic tanget but I'm pretty tired of being told "housing is affordable, just not where YOU want to live" I'm in a midwest state and buying a home anywhere near a city is apparently now a luxury.

All my home owning friends keep telling me to stop throwing away my money on rent, and just move somewhere the nearest grocery store is quick 40 minute drive away. There are USDA loans to help, no city tax, no homeless or crime, if I could only stop clinging to "societal interactions and infrastructure" I could have a great homestead!

What a joke.

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Gonna laugh hard if valve is just sourcing wireless chips from a different vendor and tracking under a new sku

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"These idiots bought Doge and AMC, of course they'll give us money 🚀🚀💎👊" - Spez, probably.

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Do these judges have to explain their decision? Is there an opinion published somewhere? I'd love to understand what context brought them to this conclusion, I've never heard of someone gaining leniency because they couldn't afford the fine.

There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, "don't do the crime if you can't do the time"...

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"The incident is widely characterized by critics as an example of mishandled customer service."

Made me laugh, that's putting it lightly..

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Pasty old white dudes are still livid they can't rock a tan suit and have it looking this good. It's the contrast, y'all

Editing because this still cracks me up:

Peter King, a member of the Republican Party, deemed the suit’s color to be “unpresidential.” He went on: "There's no way, I don't think, any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday. I mean, you have the world watching."

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Man is actually living the dream, the crazy son of a bitch did it.

"right now Washington DC is broken"

Oh Debbie, it's not Washington honey. It's one specific party that happens to reside currently.

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Boomer retirement plans and savings aren't enough? Sheesh what hope do any of us have, then? They are the wealthiest generation this country has ever seen..

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~20 game studios, unreal engine (probably has 15 divisions itself across games, films, ads, etc), epic games store, artstation, sketchfab, metahuman, quixel, metaverse projects... how many employees should they have?

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All I'll say is, I beefed up my bedroom lock when I still lived at home, I was maybe 13. I thought I was pretty clever installing a padlock and security bar. That would give me privacy for sure!

Well, for all my hard work, it only resulted in my father smashing the door apart and removing it entirely the first time they wanted to enter without permission. That was the day I learned interior doors are not exactly reinforced, and most are not even solid core.... anyway I eventually hung a thin blanket some months later, but I had effectively zero privacy the rest of the years I lived there.

I'd suggest you work towards an understanding with the homeowner before you try removing their access from rooms.

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So it's all projection..

Lol yeah I remember when I used to consider positions, evaluate the candidates, check historical records etc. GOP has made this very easy the last few years because "fuck women, gays, immigrants and the disabled. Science is fake, Jan 6 is fake, covid is fake, trump is a saint and the rich need more help".

Wow what a winning platform. ☑️ D

I had this same question, I learned "meat" chickens are called broiler chickens, they were bred to put on weight rapidly. Egg laying chickens are separate breed and grow slower or won't grow to the size of a broiler. The industry is limited by containment footage, so they wouldn't use a male egg laying chick where they could house a broiler.

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Idk, that seems exactly as secure as I thought.

The patient became quadriplegia in a car accident, I wouldn't call it unfit for decisions but definitely someone desperate to find a sense of normalcy.

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"Amounted to nothing"? Did you read the report? There was plenty of evidence that Mueller put forward that should have amounted to a case. The only remaining questions were if Trump was even aware he was being assisted and actively colluding, and if a sitting president could be prosecuted. Mueller decided he had to be impeached and removed before action could be taken, and his cult protected him.

That's not "all talk", that's Republicans putting their own interests over the country.

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I'll just be honest, from my perspective on lemmy everything outside of porn, linux and shitposts is lacking. Interaction outside the top of hot is a wasteland of non-existence, questions go undiscovered, comments are never read. We could all be more generous with upvotes to improve visibility.

For me sfw art communities, sports, and life protips would all be nice to see grow. I miss the old photoshopbattles too, but I think that's just fallen out of style in general.

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Police went though afroman's cd collection looking for evidence in the cases individually 🙄 locked room gets overlooked though

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We're getting physical with people for haggling prices now? Canal street about to get wild.

McDonald’s said the average price of all menu items has risen 40% over the last five years, to account for a average increase in the cost of labor, paper and food. That is higher than overall consumer prices, which have increased 21% since December 2019

Hey it's all good, not actually doubled! The 2% cost of living adjustments should cover it. /s

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I mean her parents would drive to NY for singing and acting lessons, the family relocated to Nashville to enable her carrer, paid for private school, beautiful homes... by all accounts her family provided a strong foundation for her to launch.

She's been supported throughout her life, calling the way she was raised an "asylum" is kind of insulting to people that grew up wondering if there would be food on the table or if Dad was coming home angry again. Not to minimize her struggles but I'm willing to bet most people could actually last an hour

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That work around is what most states that explicitly legalized kei trucks have done, they can't enter roads over 55mph. It's a reasonable concession, you probably don't want to take one over 50mph anyway.

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Does 29% include the 99% of switch games the deck can play?

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He has the right idea, but the wrong reasons. Among my friends there is a pretty clear pecking order in our fighting game skills, generally with 1v1s producing the same results. When we play team games like smash, we can cheer for each other and find some success to celebrate collectively. Instead of everyone feeling bad that Dave destroyed us again. Fuck you, Dave.

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That's most of these dealer sites.. lowest bidder marketing company with no context and little development experience outside of deploying CDK Roaster gets told "we need ai" and voila, here's AI.

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I'm not going to disagree they're overpriced, especially the bigger collector sets, but they are built to insanely perfect tolerances and that's never cheap. Use any generic blocks and it's easy to see Lego manufacturing is on another level. In addition I've built countless sets and despite thousands of tiny pieces I've only had one piece missing, once. And customer support sent out that piece immediately, no questions asked.

I believe much of the cost comes from the standards they hold themselves to.

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