[News] Here’s the first proof a refreshed Steam Deck is nigh - The Verge

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 101 points –
Here’s the first proof a refreshed Steam Deck is nigh

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Gonna laugh hard if valve is just sourcing wireless chips from a different vendor and tracking under a new sku

That's basically all this is, same as they did for other components like fans and SSDs already.

The new wifi chip might be faster or support more recent standards, but that's hardly worth even calling it a product refresh.

I'm disappointed the Verge published these claims of "OMG this is a stealth upgrade!!1" with literally no other evidence.

Evidence for: new WiFi chip
Evidence against: valve literally said they weren't going to do it

Conclusion: steam deck 2!!!1!!

I do not believe that Valve would say they were not going to do it then do it.

I just bought a SteamDeck as they said they were not going to release any upgrades. I do not care if it is just minor stuff, but if they release SteamDeck2 with a new CPU, I would be a little frustrated with Valve.

valve literally said they weren’t going to do it

Raspberry pi said so as well. Month later, the new model was released.

We know Valve has two upcoming devices using the Steam Deck APU with different internal code names, so probably a revised deck and a VR device.