3 Post – 391 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Global namespace extremist. Defragment your communities!

Of course security comes with layers, and if you're not comfortable hosting services publically, use a VPN.

However, 3 simple rules go a long way:

  1. Treat any machine or service on a local network as if they were publically accesible. That will prevent you from accidentally leaving the auth off, or leaving the weak/default passwords in place.

  2. Install services in a way that they are easy to patch. For example, prefer phpmyadmin from debian repo instead of just copy pasting the latest official release in the www folder. If you absolutely need the latest release, try a container maintained by a reasonable adult. (No offense to the handful of kids I've known providing a solid code, knowledge and bugreports for the general public!)

  3. Use unattended-upgrades, or an alternative auto update mechanism on rhel based distros, if you don't want to become a fulltime sysadmin. The increased security is absolutely worth the very occasional breakage.

  4. You and your hardware are your worst enemies. There are tons of giudes on what a proper backup should look like, but don't let that discourage you. Some backup is always better than NO backup. Even if it's just a copy of critical files on an external usb drive. You can always go crazy later, and use snapshotting abilities of your filesystem (btrfs, zfs), build a separate backupserver, move it to a different physical location... sky really is the limit here.

The only thing amazon had was a brand. They've sold it for short term profit and now it's just a shittier aliexpress. The question is, why not go for the real thing?

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Plug-in systems are built around a microinverter that feeds solar energy back into the home via a standard wall jack.

What the actual fuck?

The PowerStream has three proprietary ports: one that connects to your MC4 solar panels


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And they managed to do it without us obsessing about their CEO several times a day? I refuse to believe that!

I'm confused by this revelation. What did everybody think the box was?

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Brought to you by the party of "just asking questions".

Isn't that kinda pathetic? Jamming GPS is not hard, nor impressive. It's just annoying.

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I'm all for unique and clear identifiers for everything, including people, but jesus christ, imagine yourself in elementary school having a weird name. Why would parents choose a hard mode for their progeny?

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I'm surprised this is still on github.

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Nikolai Vasilyev, a rapper known as Vacio who attended the party wearing only a sock, was jailed and fined

Imagine a president of the largest country on earth to be personally vested in your dress code.

According to Baza, a news outlet with security service connections, the footage and photos of the event reached Putin, who was not amused. The troops fighting in Ukraine were among the first to express their displeasure after seeing the footage.

Good. This is a periodic reminder that they can wrap it up AT ANY TIME, and go party in moscow instead.

The only thing worse than unskipable ads are the waiting screens (press a button to continue) in front of the loading screens.

I mean, the machine is capable of billions of operations per second. Why is it waiting for ME to push a button?

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a turn signal will soon be unnecessary with the advent of self-driving

That's like not including a stick for the manual transmission, because the automatic one is just around the corner.

I wish I possessed this kind of optimism in my daily life :D

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I HATE to put on a tinfoil hat, but this is the best thing that could have happened to the ruling party. They are already in the middle of dismantling the media and justice. This will accelerate the process.

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At least on the PC, it's easier to remap the buttons. What enrages me more are the TV remote controls with buttons dedicated to specific streaming apps. I mean... none of these services will outlive the TV itself. I'll just have to look at buttons that do nothing for years.

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I love this website. It's usually pretty accurate, except for..

Two big hard monster cocks pumped up Marilyn Crystal gaping ass & pussy FS033 sd.mp4


I think I'd remember those...

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I've talked a lot of shit about the whole fediverse before, but I appreciate your stance towards stability. It's what users crave! Thank you!

"I was frightened a second ago; now I’m bored because this is so derivative." - Me, while watching some of the Black Mirror episodes, proudly made by fellow humans.

Elon Musk could buy everyone in the world a Tesla if he wanted to.

Well, that would be $ 314 562 157 350 000. in other words, 3 times the global yearly GDP. But one can hardly expect a common sense from a tesla owner :D /s

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Almost every paragraph is it's own, self-sufficient, malignant cancer. How did this even get published?

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This is not how the masks work though. If I were honestly concerned about my health I'd take this as an insult.

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Which would still be technically wrong. There does not need to be a dot.

$ whois
WHOIS lookup for LEMMY.ML can temporarily not be answered. Please try again.
ERROR: domain not found:

But it's still in my DNS cache

The choice of pictures accompanying this article is somewhat disturbing. First is a windows desktop with a penguin on top, the second is a gnome app launcher exclusively showing android apps.

I don't understand the motivation in these kinds of attacks. Are they so pissed they just try to hurt everybody on the planet, which would make this the purest form of terrorism? Or are they doing research on the ownership structure of the ISPs responsible for the maintenance?

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Remember Hong Kong?

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I don't need this, I don't need this, I so need this... I mean I don't... fuck!

Solution to phone scams has nothing to do with sim card issuance. Any restrictions in that regard will only harm legitimate users.

We have to demand companies to strictly verify the incoming caller numbers, like we do with modern day emails. That way, filtering on the receiving side becomes possible.

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Why would you browse an unfiltered feed if it's not what you want?

I always looked at it like walking down the street. Some people might disgust me, but it's a shared space. Unless they persnoally harass me, I have no right to attack them.

I'd still prefer growing headless human clones for parts, but this is good enough.

This is the most unlikely conflict. I would have bet more money on antarctica declaring an independance than india operating a kill squad in canada.

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The burgers just wouldn't be the same without all the suffering.

I thought I knew a thing or two about cancerous online news sites, but IGN has exceeded all the expectations. Any attempt to scroll down activates a redirect to the localized czech version of the site. Not only is there no dark mode, they are trying to pass the authorsip of the translation to the real human, despite the article being clearly translated by a machine.

Leftists: Only the rich will get the longevity drugs!

Reality: Let's give it to the dogs...

edit: And they fucking deserve it, after what we did to them by years of selective breeding!

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If it means I won't have to do a ritual dance under the full moon, facing towards finland, just to get it installed correctly, I welcome my new gentleman overlords.

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Wouldn't slowing down, while you're leaning forward just forcefully dismount you, face first, on the pavement?

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Nothing tells "peace" more than smugling a pigeon in a zipped up bag to a lenghty debate.

the fastest way to take PFAS down was to heat the "forever chemical" to boiling along with DMSO and lye, or sodium hydroxide

Is it even feasible to basically pre-boil the drinking water on such a large scale?

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Pretty amazing... that apple allows access to the sensors, and provides an option to mirror the screen over HDMI! Given how touchy feely they were about openning the NFC stack, this is truly unbelievable.

I don't, but if I did, why would they stop at just 2? I wouldn't raise a quitter!