Slovakia's prime minister injured in shooting to World – 164 points –
Slovakia's prime minister injured in shooting

Update: He has been stabilized at the hospital and is expected to recover.



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I HATE to put on a tinfoil hat, but this is the best thing that could have happened to the ruling party. They are already in the middle of dismantling the media and justice. This will accelerate the process.

My exact thoughts. They are already using it to atack on oposition and press, fanning the flmes. If this was false flag attack, they would not act differently. Not saying it is. But it smells.

Either way situation in Slovakia will get a whole lot worse.

you don't false-flag the big boss of the entire party, that kinda defeats the point

There is always a (hidden) power struggle right beneath the big boss of any organisation.

Not if he survives. Either way they would get a martyr. It would be brazen tactic for sure. Could be a 3rd party, but alligned with them because they would know this would escalate things here and nudge Slovakia strongly to in the direction it was heading already.

But yes, I understand I should get at least trpple-layered tin foil hat for this.

that's a load bearing if, and if that was doing of someone else in his party, then they'd need to do all that organizing and such, all covertly. or maybe it's italian mafia coming back for their debts, or some random dude

Oh yeah, totally. Can't disagree.

In the end it honestly doesn't matter that much. The flames of emotions are already fanned, oposition and press already blamed.

I have no love for Fico but this is a terrible event no mattet what.

it's him who would benefit the most out of it, but that's pretty useless when you're dead

There are other people in his government who can take over. Easy to rally behind a martyr.

Also he will greatly benefit if he lives, as per the OP edit he is stabilized. Edit: no idea what the source on that is, did notfind this info anywhere

Depends. Some figures like MLK Jr, sure. Others like Hitler or Trump can't be replaced because the entire movement is a personality cult based on them. I'm not familiar with Slovakian politics, so I can't say what would uave happened of he had been killed.

He is a promiment politician (this is his fourth term as Prime Minister) and very popular in the pro-Russian crowd (he is PM for a reason), but I'd not say he has such cult following.

That might change now though.

i've seen report that he has internal bleeding in abdomen that couldn't be stopped for 3h, so kinda, sorta this starts looking bleak. we'll see, for now slovak media is embargoed on this issue

Not looking good, no. Even from the little info we have it is quite clear this was not false flag operation (if it was this would be next level conspiracy shit, Occam's razor needs to be applied). It was always a stretch.

Why would anyone who is against Fico want to do this is beyond me. This act will makenthe situation much worse, some people in the governemnt and ruling parties are not exactly sane and some of them have bloody eyes. Whatever shit they did until now will be tame compared to what is ahead.

Tinfoil for what? It is going to benefit a lot the ruling party... Unless you mean that he planned this. Governments plan fake assassination attempts, this one doesn't look like one.