1 Post – 582 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

i should be writing

is that some american problem i'm too euro to understand? we got rid of this anticompetitive shit in early 10s

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okay but you end up paying more - if it was just normal data plan and cost of phone it would be even, but there's also something paid to middleman that provides something that is effectively credit and extortion services like simlock and some legal thingies, it might have smaller downpayment but it's not this, see also

this is on top of various security and privacy implications of using a phone which you can't legally reflash

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finally, they have automated couriers kicking packages this definitely makes more sense than midazolam

already approved

Lenacapavir was approved for medical use in the European Union in August 2022,[10][12] in Canada in November 2022,[5][6] and in the United States in December 2022.[11][13][14] It is the first of a class of drugs called capsid inhibitors to be FDA-approved for treating HIV/AIDS.[11][15]

for treatment dosage price is 42k/year but presumably preventive dose is smaller

they've been doing that for the last 20 years, this is not news

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i mean this:

So instead of using law enforcement and the interior ministry and FSB (security service) to provide security for Russian citizens, it’s being used to eradicate any opposition to the regime.

this is not a new situation

no way that hospital would dispense benzo every day like this, more typical medication would be hydroxyzine or something similar - sedative antihistamine with some antipsychotic effect, or the other way around

times have changed

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you underestimate people's complacency and inertia, in no way this is end of reddit

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you focus on that popup and ignore all the crank shit that is on this page

yes a piece of granite (?) with $60 pricetag put on my amplifier COMPLETELY changes how my vinyls sound like

statements dreamed of by the utterly deranged

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that's some load-bearing "after"

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so apple put a DRM on a glorified reed switch? and it's legal somehow?

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i, for one, look up to a day when oil exports aren't enough to keep that parody of a country running

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anything related to planning, creation and targeting of ads

Bean counter who ordered cuts on QC probably failed upward

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asphalt is cheap (and flashy) part of road construction, the really important, expensive, non-flashy and prone to corner cutting part is building solid, thick, high-quality layer of aggregate underneath. if you don't have that, no matter how many layers of asphalt you slap on top it will break every winter

this is an instance of

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that's limescale

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stop the presses!! a cryptobro got scammed out of 90k$ "worth" of fake money, we must slow down all computation! for safety

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i'll take a fat guess that this "sharing revenue with community" is code word for some crypto garbage

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crypto grift fails to deliver and only leaves suckers disappointed? colour me surprised

Girkin is in jail, you know, so now they have issues shooting down civilian aircraft

report is seen by: admin of your instance, admin of reported user instance, admin of community it was posted in, and mods of that community. all of these people can do something about spammers

report, downvote, sort by subscribed only, not local or all

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Although Acutis’ parents were not religious, the young boy’s faith was nurtured by his Polish nanny

we're sorry

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Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is ultimately responsible for 1999 bombings, if you count is as a conspiracy theory that is.

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This is new and could point to gaps in russian air defence

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this happened yesterday. S400 and Bastion

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Quite a few people would be probably surprised that colonial empires are no more

as for headlines: British PM Rishi Sunak negotiates Scottish independence with First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf

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this shit is ancient, 30 years old node and russians had access to smaller nodes anyway (90nm) this is situation from 2022, doubt it got much better, could even get a fair bit worse

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weekend is not over yet

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that's not so certain. it also seems that he was supposed to be next supreme leader of iran, and crosssection of competent, fundamentalist enough to current big boss taste and having enough authority in irgc is almost empty now

and on top of that foreign minister that was also onboard was supposed to be next president. expect some power struggles

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small samples can achieve ridiculous efficiencies. @ me when they 1. can scale this thing to entire panel, and 2. lasts longer than it takes to get it out of lab. silicon can pull 22% and more, scales reliably and lasts longer. also, it's a bunch of marketing fluff, linked to other marketing fluff. if there's anything real, you could just post DOI

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today there was amphibious raid in general area of that site, with air support, presumably allowed by previous activities

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yes they are, you can detect lower bands pretty much everywhere. The problem is modulation: AM sucks balls when it comes to noise rejection. Some AM stations switch to digital encoding which uses the same band so good propagation + good audio quality within some range. After you get too far away signal just drops, if you're willing to put up with higher noise level range of normal AM radio is basically global

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doc doesn't want to perscribe you xanax because xanax will stop working and this fucks up many other things in the process

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why it was restricted in the first place?

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Friendly reminder that there's no such thing as anonymized genetic data

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lemmygrad mod if they were chinese union buster in this situation: YOU'RE BREAKING LEFTIST UNITY

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ancient, authenticationless emergency train stop system was used by russia supporters in malicious way. you can tell it by fragments of russian anthem and putin speeches transmitted after the stop signal on the same frequency

it's three tones at a specific VHF frequency, it's supposed to be transmitted by train and any other train in range has to stop automatically and immediately, but it's close to 2m band so any baofeng can be used to transmit there

it's been a known issue for years and polish railways is migrating to GSM based, authenticated system, expected to be completed in two years. they also have legendary delays in introducing new infrastructure so ymmv

there's no material damage, in fact it's a part of a system designed for limiting material damage, but some trains have to be stopped in addition to those stopped automatically, mass confusion results and delays are introduced both for freight and passenger trains