Ukrainian warplane fires weapon at target inside Russia for first time to World – 261 points –
Ukrainian warplane fires weapon at target inside Russia for first time

"While damage assessment is still occurring, it is confirmed as a direct hit," a Ukrainian military source tells Sky News.

A Ukrainian warplane has for the first time fired a weapon that struck a target inside Russia, a Ukrainian military source has told Sky News.

The source said a "Russian command node" was hit on Sunday in the area of Belgorod, western Russia.

Belgorod is close to the border with northeastern Ukraine.

It was not immediately clear what type of munition was used in the attack, including whether or not it had been a Western weapon.


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This is new and could point to gaps in russian air defence

In case you haven't noticed, Ukraine has been making craters of Russian air defenses in recent weeks.

yeah but mostly in crimea from what i've heard

Which means Russia has to move assets from other parts of the country to replace the destroyed equipment, creating gaps Ukraine can exploit, This reinforces the idea of how fragile Russia's defenses are

Drones have been making their way 5-600 miles inside Russia to numerous air bases and oil refineries. It's remarkable that they can do this without getting shot down.

Even where the systems still exist, they just don't seem to be active / effective.