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Joined 12 months ago

I'll wait and see if they manage to get embedded system debugging to work properly. What I've seen in the past has been a pain in the you-know-what in that regard, showing clearly that their main focus was PCs.

Best justice money can buy. Almost as good as in the US.

Who believes that Trump would serve his country? Trump would happily see the country go down in f-ing flames if it served him. Because he is the only one who counts for him, anything else does not matter at all.

At a few billions net worth, the law ceases to be a problem, obviously.

Ha anyone thought of using horizontal tractor wheels instead of fenders?

Corinth Canal - yes, this is normal there.

A Canon printer. Not just a simple one, but a big (wide) one with real ink tanks, about 20 years ago.

Under Linux, I could only access basic printing services with that, and this only by using a default driver not made by Canon that happened to work. So I contacted Canon to get a proper user manual to create a proper device driver for this (something I could have done without problems), and basically got the answer that they would not support this, as "open source is theft of intellectual property". They also had some very choice words about Linux in general.

I assumed I just got an asshole on the phone, so when I attended Cebit a short time later (back then the biggest trade fair in Europe for things like that), I went to the Canon booth, explained my issue, and basically got the same reply. So I sold the Canon printer and bought an HP one. At least HP supported Linux and supplied working drivers. Sadly, they have really gone down the drain since that, so the next printer will be a different brand again...

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When my heart stopped beating in the middle of the night.

Luckily, the human body has mechanisms to force start a heart again. Not funny, though, 0/10, don't recommend.

Which "taxpeople"? The few super-rich are not paying their fair share anyway, so why should their opinion count?

Well, the question for me back then was printing wide, so the selection was quite limited from the start. And laser was completely out of the equation, as anything printing wider than 21cm was industrial (size of a bus and price of a house) back then.

But think of all the popcorn we are able to consume watching you shitshow. This is way more entertaining than the usual movies, series, and shows that you produce!

It will probably be either a Brother Inkbenefit or an Epson Ecotank model.

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Don't worry, I consider lasers, too.

I wonder how they will spin it if the crew gets fried at re-entry - whenever this may be...

They can link them to their own goals. They want to avoid that people might notice the signs and recognize them as a warning. Let me guess, "The Wave" has been banned there, too?

I'm not into JS stuff, but when I read that google is blocking ads, shit must be flowing in gargantuan amounts...

Good luck with that.

Or 3 out of 10 Americans are either to dumb or don't care as long as they have "Freedumb!" and "Gunnses!"

The big question is : Whereto are they dumping toxic loans? I would not put it pst some assholes to sell such "products" off to unassuming private shareholders as a "wonderful investement in business property" for their retirement...

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And now imagine that companies paid reddit money to be enabled to train their AI on them...

Also, voters are so fucking stupid.

Especially if they already have a Republican mindset.

They were registered as "Republican" for the primary, so they draw from the two-digit IQ crowd already.

It was a Republican primary, i.e. they were already drawing from the two-digit IQ crowd.

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I don't really expect smart decisions from Republican voters, so it remains to be seen if they are at least smart enough to vote her out.

It would be a good thing to test Trump on drugs. His team has all the incentive to make him not sound the babbling idiot that he is.

Not anywhere I read around, and I'm quite into tech.

Yes. 2 kilobytes. Coincidentally, this is as big as the displays internal buffer, so I cannot even keep a shadow copy of it in my RAM for the GUI.

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I'd love to have 8GB of RAM. The SOC I'm working with has only 2K ;-)

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You are aware that "technology" is not limited to shitty apps with a small user base?

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The award for "WTF Design" goes to...

So you get either a mediocre ARM or a mediocre RISC-V, plus an even worse RISC-V, plus an 8051 core.

I've seen a lot of crazy, stupid SOC designs in the last decades, but this is extraordinary.

And the board has USB2, 10/100 Ethernet, Wifi and/or(?) BT, and 512MB RAM. With no real support on the software side, and to small to run a modern Linux efficiently. If this board costs more than $10, it is doomed.

only five were investigated

Can one sue Utah for gross neglience now? I mean, they got thousands of complaints from concerned citizens, and they only cared for investigating five of them? Or do they profile those complaints into "we are not investigating certain types of people", e.g. politicians that have been reported?

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Good. So there is a law for that. Now someone has to apply this to him.

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So ChatGPT accepted Russian money despite the current sanctions?

You raised an asshole. You pay the price.

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What do you expect that happens if a volcano throws dust into charged clouds?

I don't think that racism and hate is "nature" thing at all. And his guns did not grow on trees, either.

Putting those LockBit people assigned - what has happened to those who caused the data breach? Microsofts buggy software, incompetent admins, stupid users, TLAs who store away known vulnerabilities instead of getting them fixed, etc.?

I know. I live in Europe. But I think this should be at least considered when building new housing.

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On top of that, they come cheap, like many people from Egypt did. If I understand this correctly, you can buy a kind of "Hadjj package" with hotel room, access to AC'ed facilities during the day, food and - most important - drink, and even medical supervision (or at least easy access to medical services). But of course you have to pay for this.

So it is cheaper just to get a tourist visum and do everything outside those guard rails. With the results that this years Hadjj produced. A bunch of Egyptian travel agencies sold the cheaper variant, and then left their customers without any real support inside Saudi Arabia.

I wonder if the actual order is "don't bring in wounded Palestinians, just shoot them and drop them by the wayside".