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Joined 6 months ago

That's why they are advocating for a tax on those items as well. Makes them similarly priced to non-UPF options while also givign money to something useful like healthcare.

I am honestly blown away there hasn't been any assassination attempts on any justices recently. They have record low public approval, never emding corruption scandals, and have been throwing out all these rulings that are blatantly undermining the rule of law.

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Yeah it was progressive at the time since it stopped the military from digging around and asking your family if you are gay, especially since there weren't even civil unions in most states back then.

What i don't understand is why Obama didn't pardon them all since DADT was overtirned in 2010

Who amongst us has never accidentally shifted into 1st instead of 3rd?

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When half the people want it, it will.

We still do that today, just with thr patient under anesthesia so they dont freak out about uaving a hole drilled in their skull.

"I'm cooking" and "I'm cooked" are also total opposites.

It really just isn't possible for most ooffice buildings. Think about how many bathrooms/kitchenettes are on a floor of any office building. You would have to likely double or triple that number to convert to housing, which is an absolutely insane and expensive prospect that would require gutting the entire building and resoing the entire plumbing and electric systems. It's chraper to jist tear the fuckers down and build something made for condos/apartments.

Americans dont hate Iran on ideological grounds. They hate Iran because they are jealous of their theocractic republic and desperately eant to emulate it.

I'm not downloading an app just to buy a pizza. I have 10 local pizza joints in my town of 17,000 people. Stop buying from national chains.

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*some restrictions apply

It was $15 for a large (16 inch) pepperoni from a local shop last week here. The shop next door to my apartment has an $18 "King" sized that is 20inches. $21 for a 26x18 field. $6 for cheesy garlic breadNo coupons needed. Extra sauces are $1 instead of 75ยข, but they are made in house so i can accept that.

Both are admittedly more expensive than the Marcos 2 doors down from me, and i am not factoring in delivery charges, but not by much and certainly cheaper than what the OP posted here. I might also be lucky because my small college town has a piza shop for nearly ever 1000 residents, so they have to really compete with each other which keeps prices down, and the national chains really struggle against the better local options.

It's een hotter here in NW Ohio than in Houston all week.

Turns out TLC stood for "tiny little cock" this whole time

It makes perfect sense once you understand that regulators have only cared about stock prices for the last 40 years. The EU coming down on giant corporations is a new development

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We had this happen in my town a couple weeks ago. Cop got called for a mental health check because a 19year old with a knife was acting erratic. Cop pulls up and gets out the car, the kid runs at him yelling "shoot me! Shoot me! Shoot me!" so the cop pulled out his gun and shot him. Didn't go for the tazer or the his mace, just right to deadly force despite being called over specifically to prevent the kid from dying.

Cops should neve, under any circumstances, be called in for a mental episode. All they will do is escalate the situation and cause harm.

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Same with Japanese Scotch whiskeys absolutely running the table on ones from Scotland in competitions.

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SovCits are just selfish assholes that want all the benefits of living in society without any of the obligations. They want to use roads, have nice things, relax, and have plenty of food, but they don't want to pay for them or contribute to their upkeep. That's why they are always trying to worm out of oaying child support, not pay for traffic violations, get out of their sewer bills, and other anti-social behavior.

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Because they did in the worst way possible. All Alabama had to do was flood a sealed room with nitrogen and the execution would have been fairly "unremarkable". Instead they forced a has mask on Smith that required his cooperation to function properly, didn't have a one-way valve to remove exhaled gas, causing CO2 to build up in the tiny mask.

A haircut is also a painless and quick procedure, but that doesn't mean your barber can't be incompetent and totally fuck up your scalp.

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We did find out that Newtonian physics is wrong. Einstein got famous for it and we now use general/special relativity and quantum phsyics.

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You know who else was an independent state before the US came along? The Kingdom of Hawai'i.

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I don't believe you that she is only half an inch tall. I have never seen a person that short.

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Only because 11 year olds aren't familiar with serving cunt yet

If we don't do anything, those people are going to be lifelong renters.

Yeah, that's the current idea. We'll all own nothing and we will like it

So it works fine on human scales, but for most of the universe it is inadequate. That means it's wrong. Quantum physics and relativity are also wrong since he are unable to reconcile the two, despite them both being the best models we have for their respective scales. We have known for the past century that we have only just begun to understand the universe, and that all our models are irreconcilable with each other, meaning that they are ultimately wrong.

Just because a model is useful doesn't mean it is right.

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Gorillas are WAY more chill than chimpanzees. Just dint make eye contact and be respectful to the gorilla and it will leave you alone. They know that they are capable of fucking you up, and they know you know.

Imagine if older gay men fought against HIV vaccines and treatments because they thought it wasn't fair that all their friends died from AIDS. We should be trying to make life better for everyone, not ensuring people suffer just like us

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It's essentially a libertarian "paradise" of zero regulations and everyone trying to get one over on everyone else. Pollution is out of control, the cities have a few extremely nice and wealthy areas while everything else is slums and chemical plants.

Funny how all the people in my rural community are against wind and solar farms being built in the surrounding counties, but cry about how AEP keeps jacking up energy bills amid rising oil, coal, and gas prices.

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Every time a hippie becomes a yuppie, an angel loses its wings.

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Dude, i pay near $400 a month in just student loan payments. I had to buy a "new" car last year and this 8 year old Subaru cost me $360 a month. I could have bought another $4000 beater, but that's a hole you never get out of because you are constantly having to replace cars that aren't worth the scrap they are made of. Everyone has been on a knifes edge for the past 16 years and now everything costs double from them but wages have been the same. No amount of budgeting is gonna fix that.

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Superintendents don't really get involved with things like bullying or discipline unless some felony level laws have been violated. That's something handled at the school level

It happens all the time and only takes 5 seconds tops. It has probably happened to you multiple times and you never noticed.

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Houston has soent the last 40 years paving over the Katy prairie and are shocked that they keep getting floods and heat waves

Maybe it is theoretically possible, but that would be 1/4th of their population ages 18-44. They would have to dedicate their entire economy to just supporting the army, no ither industry would be able to survive.

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I think it's because it costs an obscene amount while being something only a moron would buy. So when someone who is struggling to make ends meet sees that an absolute moron has so much cash that they can blow it on something this dumb, they get angry. It's not fair that they work hard just to make ends meet while some failson has $100k to blow on a dumb car. At least a Maserati, Porsche, or Ferrari of similar price looks cool.

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It's London, so that bus is driving on the wrong side of the road and you are actually looking at the back of it.

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They tend to have different fingerprints for the same reasons they will have differing birthmarks.

That's because alternative models like MOND or string theory end up breaking more things than they solve. Fixing the leak in your roof is great, but doing so by breaking the living room wall isn't really an acceptable solution.

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Yall non-midwesterners simply can't comprehend the uses of walleye. All your fish are inferior to the mighty walleye