2 Post – 318 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Whatever you bought and didn't play immediately is gonna be on sale again.

And often with even greater discout. So mny games I bought on sale because of courseI will play them, never did and are now available on sale for fraction of the price I paid

Community Points represent a way for Redditors to own a piece of their favorite communities. [...] They can even be used in custom tools outside of Reddit and on other platforms.

How the fuck would this work, I wonder? I tried to read through some but it makes little sense to me. It sounds like putting karma on blockchain and making it into a currency acting as reddit gold.

Rest is just regular cryptobro talk formulated so that Reddit looks like it cares about communities - or am I missing something?

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Which is supper weird because Fico is strongly pro-Russian.

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Can't get up until it moves, that's the rules

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I was on LW at first but made a switch specifically because the instancencouldn't handle the influx

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Otherwise this will mean that they are doing this just to increase their profit margins and please their shareholders and don't care about their customers or workforce.

Oh my sweet summer child... that's exactly what it means. Always has.

The Ukrainian fencer did offer her weapon for tapping it, which is pretty much an equivalent of a handshake - much less cordial, sure but still. It was the Russian who then threw a tantrum to fuck with her oponent.

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I'm Slovak and couldn't agree more.

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Also... what kind of argument is that? It may be dozens a year but once it is normalized with those dozens, it will become few dozens and on and on it goes.

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From what I read the game is pretty much a repurposed Black Flag naval gameplay.

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all you’d need to do is wait out the zombies for a few weeks/months

Because wht we learned in the last couple of years is humanity as a whole is totally capable of isolating for a few months without issues

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Would dogs be more popular if they were big as dinosaurs though?

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Love how the picture is from when Golum was telling Smeagol he doesn't have any friends

Maybe I'm missing some nuance of the word but if they believe the stuff because they are gullible... isn't that what makes them the victim?

I'd like to know more!

I don't want to undercut the tragedy of lost life here, but I pity people doing HEMA fencing or similar hobbies in UK.

As I understand it the government was already stupid about some anti-sword/knife laws and this won't help...

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My exact thoughts. They are already using it to atack on oposition and press, fanning the flmes. If this was false flag attack, they would not act differently. Not saying it is. But it smells.

Either way situation in Slovakia will get a whole lot worse.

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I know it's stupid but /s really should be mandatory if you arennot serious. Because there are too many prople that are

He said he would have acted differently had he known they were carved by children.

... and he would've acted exactly the same if he knew he wouldn't be caught at it.

I'd scroll for hours on reddit. And while I'd love to see more content here, I'm glad that I don't spend so much time on mobile as I used to. And when there is more content, I hope I'm already trained to stop if I'd start to be exessive.

Also, got educated on FOSS and privacy, ditched most of google products. Wins all around

PC and mobile... therr goes my potential excitement.

Snape was a good guy, in a sense of oposing the bad guy.

He was however not a good guy in a sense of being at least a decent human being.

Funilly enough I had no idea DayZ is still around and also actually launched at one point?

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I don't want to be a downer here but as our recent presidential elections showed, we the concerned Slovaks are a minority unfortunately. Not by a huge margin but still.

Either way, great initiative. It is awesome what the people managed. Rare opportunity to be proud of being a Slovak.

One resident told him that, in her opinion, "I think morally the right thing would have been to put the fire out."

They think?!

Be like Slovakia.

Careful what you wish for.

If I remember correctly this was a live service game at first but pivoted back to singleplayer after Anthem or some other flop. It definitely still bleeds through.

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On the other hand, I'd assume if the old car is functional, they'd sell it to someone who would then "drive it to the ground" (or sells it to another). It's environmentally friendly as long as the car is used by someone

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Ever since I discovered Piped and LibreTube, I never looked back.And I used premium for years.

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Removing mirrors makes back pain disappear? Cool!

wearing masks did shit

Citation needed.

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I'd say be vigilant for him asking for money to get out of his country and try to stop it. As a precaution, try to google him - his discord name or if he gave you his real name. If he is scammer (which is not unlikely) he's probably done this to others already. It is possible you find something on him specifically if he is a scammer (which sounds like he is). Try to find as much as possible. You can also try to use some of his messages to use in the google search if you can.

I was in a similar situation and I've found some messages the scammer sent which were identical to those received by my close one (they would use templates they sent out to multiple people). This was the only proof that managed to plant seeds of doubt and I then managed to make other cracks from there. Your mom sounds to be pretty deep so dig as deep as you possibly can for as much info you can is my personal advice.

Good news is there probably isn't any kid that plans to move to your room - bad news is there is risk of your mom losing her money and possibly get in debt as well. Sadly if this is true, your job is to prevent it. If you have other relatives you and she trust and will see this as an issue, ask them for help - since you already treated the scammer negatively in her eyes, she is less likely to trust you alone.

Good luck. It's not easy but can be done.

hate to see it, especially since they're both otherwise smart people.

I hate to say it... but they are not really that smart based on that. Amd I'm saying this as someone who's mom who is "otherwise really smart", but pretty fucking stupid.

This would only make me doubt if I do in fact stand on the right side.

For real.I was looking but couldn't find any alternative that would function the same.

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Something that were already seeing with Slovakia cutting all aid to Ukraine and taking a 'war is bad, negotiate peace' stance that is a blatant and thinly veiled Russian supportive line.

This was not because of fatigue, the assholes that were just voted in spewed Russian propaganda long before the war started.

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It'd be tough to scam people if it was f2p

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I had to do one communucation trainung where the trainer saud that saying "no problem" should not be used, because it implies there might've been a problem. I was not convinced though.

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"meat's another word for dick and eating dick is gay". As problematic as it was, it worked.

It's both sad and hillarious that this worked. I wonder if you created a new vegetarian as well

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For single player games, sure. For games with co-op, sure. But I can understand multiplayer lifeservice games, MMOs/MMO-lites and similar to have in game stores (with reasonable pricing).

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