
180 Post – 818 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, the bank that manages my mortgage has mandatory text message 2fa if you're on a new computer. And something about Firefox keeps it from remembering my machine, so I have to do the text message 2fa everytime.

Right now it's working fine, but they had a period of a few months where the text messages would take 10-15min to send after you tried to log in, and the log in attempt would expire after 5 min, making it impossible to log in. All of which could be avoided if they would let me use a 2fa app.

Now the question is who did it better, 8-bit guy or Technology Connections?

Some people are saying this is good, but Microsoft recently changed my default search engine to bing "In case it was accidentally changed or changed by another program". I have zero faith they won't abuse this, they are becoming ever increasingly pushy about using edge and switching to bing.

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If steam did allow transfers this way, I can imagine it being a new type scam where people fabricate death documents to steal steam accounts.

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Honestly the biggest issue is all the garbage websites using SEO to try to be at the top of the results without having actual meaningful content.

It seems like whenever I search for a problem, a bunch of websites come up with pages dedicated to that exact issue, but all of fixes are generic and don't actually help. And that whole website will be filled with pages like that, pages that claim to have solutions for specific problems but lack any content of substance. Add in paywalls to access sites, that lawsuit to have google remove the "view image button" from image results, and websites like Pinterest that require an account before you can view anything. People were relying on content from websites like reddit to get actual real answers to searches, and now reddit is looking at getting itself removed from google search as well.

I don't think it's that Google is specifically getting worse, but rather that the internet is becoming an increasingly unhelpful place where everyone is competing to sell you answers and drive clicks.

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Microsoft needs another good antitrust lawsuit. They're so aggressive about pushing their products.

I haven't heard many other people complain about it so it was probably a very short term thing, but I'll never forget when they updated windows defender to identify the chrome installer as highest-threat malware so that its download would be blocked, and if you forced the download windows would instantly delete the installer for your own protection.

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Here's a short extension cord version of one

The explanation of why they're a bad idea is valid though. Usually the kinds of people who know just enough to want this type of plug are also the type of people I wouldn't trust with one.

Edit: I'll go ahead and explain why people want plugs like this. These can be used to backfeed power from a generator into a house, letting you used different outlets/lights in the house. A knowledgeable person can actually use something like this safely, but most people who would use something like this don't know enough to do it correctly. The dangers about doing this are:

  • You can easily shock yourself off of the exposed pins of the cord. You can avoid getting shocked by waiting to plug into the generator until the other end is connected first.

  • You can backfeed power onto the electrical grid. The power going backwards through the transformers will step up the voltage to thousands of volts, and could seriously injure or kill the linemen who are trying to fix the outage. This is avoided by making sure you've opened either the house's main disconnect breaker or the breaker for the individual circuit you're plugging into.

There are some safer ways to setup this type of generator use, there are special generator power cords/outlets that won't have exposed energized prongs if plugged into a generator. There are also transfer switches or breaker interlock kits designed to prevent someone from being able to backfeed power by requiring them to disconnect commercial power before the generator can be fed into the house's distribution panel.

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That's great news. The game already runs great on Steam Deck, but sometimes the EA app is really difficult to get logged in to.

I highly recommend this to anyone with a dock and a significant other. My wife and I played a lot of it together, and I overheard her telling her friends that it was like we were playing a pixar movie together.

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Honestly to me it's more promising to see a game studio stick behind their game like this rather than having the initial game be good. A good studio will still have bad games, but knowing that a studio will stand behind their bad game and work on it until it's good means a lot.

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Thanks for including the game title in your post title. I hate it when articles leave that kind of information out.

It wasn't this year, but I remember when Satoru Iwata and a bunch of other Nintendo executives took pay cuts when the Wii U was underperforming rather than laying off workers.

So it does happen, just not very often with most companies.

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Yeah, the older I get the more I appreciate solutions like this.

Fun Gambling Facts:

  • Did you know that 99% of gamblers quit before they win it big?

  • You can win up to 2000% of your money, but can only lose 100%

  • The odds are always in your favor, as you are the protagonist

  • If you ever get close to winning on one round, that means the next round you will win

  • The less money your wallet, the bigger your chances of winning are

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Pretty rough, from what I understand:

  • Promised jobs in Germany
  • sent to Bangkok instead
  • Taken to Belarus
  • Taken across border into Russia, kept at camps.

Once in Russia, they were told to join the Russian Army. To motivate them, they were:

  • Offered Russian work visas, brides, and passports
  • Denied food and water when they refused.
  • Burned with heated wood and matchsticks, cut with knives, and other torture methods
  • Threated with knives and guns
  • Finally arrested for illegally entering the Russia.

I've heard other reports of people from India getting forced into fighting for Russia after fraudulent job offers, so it seems like this is becoming fairly widespread.

Does anyone at HP even use their own printers?

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Steam personally, I respect GOG offering DRM-free games, but steam does so much good for the Linux community that they've earned my loyalty.

Also Steam lets developers offer their games DRM free, most developers just want DRM if it's an option. Here's a list of DRM free games on Steam.

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Sounds like they're playing with that porn mod that the UK will arrest you over.

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Valve employees have said in interviews that they didn't want the battery glued down, but that with the battery expanding and shrinking during use they couldn't keep it from rattling around unless they glued it down. Other companies have managed this, so it's not an impossible issue. However it wasn't something valve was able to easily solve.

As far as hall effect joysticks go, I'm not going to complain when none of the modern first party console controllers come with hall-effect. Microsoft and Sony have pro controllers for $150-200 that don't come with hall effect sensors. Valve making the thumbsticks easily replaceable is enough imo. Things could be much worse, the Asus Ally uses the same type of thumbsticks as Nintendo Joycons for example.

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From reading the article, she hasn't been seen since Christmas and there were theories that she was in a coma or something.

Then a photo of her gets finally released, and it appears to be digitally pieced together.

Drug R&D is expensive, but it's only 21% of the top 15 Pharmaceutical companies' revenue. And that number is actually misleadingly high because it actually includes some actions that are just meant to help advertise the drugs.


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If a company isn't willing to support steam deck/Linux through an easier support option like proton, I highly doubt they'll be willing to support it with higher effort native ports.

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I hate the combined trend of:

  1. Not saying what the name of the game is in the article title

  2. Describing every new game as a combination of 2-3 top selling games.

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It's bizarre and kinda funny that they made offline mode only available for Steam Deck users.

I'm not surprised that a for-profit company for wanting to avoid bad press by censoring stuff like that. There's no profit in sharing that info, and any media attention over it would be negative.

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From reading the article, I get the impression that this bill is mostly about them wanting to be able to arrest protesters who wear masks to hide their identity.

Which is still really shitty, to be clear.

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That's probably to avoid someone buying a game, and then cheating on a child account to avoid bans.

Honestly the PS Portal seems extremely expensive for a remote play only device. I feel like the Deck is a much better value proposition with it being able to play games on it's own and work away from your home network.

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Are you honestly telling me you wouldn't buy a Temple OS handheld?

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It bothers me a lot that WB had Hogwarts Legacy (which sold great, out sold Call of Duty, and generally did fantastic) and Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League (which unsold, got bad reviews, and has probably killed it's development studio) and came to the conclusion that they need to go all in on more games like Suicide Squad.

Honestly I've been really surprised by how well the steam deck has sold. I knew it was a device I wanted to own, but I never imagined it would have the level of success it has, or inspire so many competitors.

Stadia was pretty cool honestly, it just never caught on, and it's game library couldn't compete with other platforms.

It was magical feeling though, just being able to play any game from my library in anything with a screen. Any Chromecast, Chromebook, old PC, phone, tablet, etc. They could all run any game, and you could switch between them at any time if someone else needed the TV or something like that.

It made it easy to imagine a future where you don't worry about how to play a game, or ever spend money on a new console or upgrades, or ever have to delete games so you can wait to download another game. You just think "I want to play this game on this screen" and it works.

This is a Steam Deck community, so I expect the answers will all be pro-steam deck, so keep that in mind.

I generally believe the Deck is better, but the Ally does have its strengths.

  • The ally is more powerful, at the cost of battery life. Battery life is also comparatively terrible on low power games, games that last 8 hours on the deck will kill the Ally in ~2.5 hours for some reason.

  • The ally, being windows based, supports some multiplayer games that won't run on the Deck due to anti cheat. So if your main focus is a call of duty or fortnite handheld, you'll either want the Ally or to install windows on the Deck. Here's a list of anticheat games and whether they work on the deck or no. For any non-anticheat games, you can usually assume they'll work.

The deck is going to be better on most everything else, from being able to suspend/resume mid game (I can't overstate how important this is for how I use the deck), controls, user experience, battery life, compatibility with older games, warranty coverage, and more.

So if you only want to play the newest most demanding AAA games or one of the non- supported multiplayer games, you may want an Ally. But for everything else I would recommend a Deck.

I had assumed it was probably a state sponsored attack. This looks like it was planned from the beginning, and any cyber attack that had years of planning and waiting strikes me as state-sponsored.

That's only because the game requires entering text with the on screen keyboard.

Honestly if it runs steamOS, I don't even think it could be considered competition. They're on the same team.

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From another article I read, these patents sound extremely basic and to be simple concepts, the kind of things that shouldn't be patentable.

Some of the listed patents included stuff like round speaker, that connects to the internet, and can be controlled by vocal commands. Not exactly innovative stuff that needs to be safeguarded against thieves.

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