Path of Exile 2 Is Being Optimized For the Steam Deck

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam – 174 points –
Path of Exile 2 Is Being Optimized For the Steam Deck - Steam Deck HQ

I love this about the steam deck, I just installed cyberpunk and Witcher 3 and both games have a graphics option for steam deck.

I think the steamdeck not releasing new models every year is also a good idea as it gives devs a specific hardware to optimize for.

This also will make sure devs optimize games so that they can run on lower end hardware.

It’s really a win for everyone.

Path of Exile 2 Is Being Optimized For the Steam Deck

Your Mom's being optimised for the Steam Deck


That likely means they'll put thought into a pleasant controller layout (including steam actions) as well. Good stuff.

I do wonder if it's going to be HC viable as well.

Too bad it's not being optimized for offline play.