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So the fine edge of the blade can warp as you use it. The honing rod helps straighten that back out to improve cutting. The whetstone actually removes bits of steel in order to create a new edge. Honing should be done regularly, but using a whetstone to sharpen the blade is periodic.

A honing rod and whetstone fulfill different functions. You should ideally be using both for knife maintenance.

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Anyone have thoughts on this? I've only played a little, so most of this doesn't mean too much to me yet.

Otherwise, we may be looking at the end of capitalism.

Don't threaten me with a good time.

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While Tax the Rich is fair and accurate, I wish we could point out that this isn't some undue burden. This is just reclaiming the surplus wealth they've extracted from the economy.

We can and should do far more, but this is a good start.

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They should never have been allowed to buy them to begin with.

The second best time is now.

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The amount of people here commenting authoritatively about this is disheartening.

Trump's economic policies were insane. I remember looking at his campaign platform and seeing tax cuts everywhere and with no way to pay for anything.

I remember him shuttering valuable tools like the pandemic response teams because he wanted to tear down the success of previous administrations.

I still remember him mocking our military, displaying state secrets on national tv, trade wars that destroyed American jobs, diplomatic decisions that ruined international relationships.

I remember immigrant children locked in cages.

I remember the rule of law being absolutely trampled in order to achieve nothing. Just norms and institutions being torn down.

Trump accomplished nothing and made literally every facet of our government, politics and economic life worse.

He performed a political pump and dump and the entire world is still picking up the pieces.

He is a fascist and categorically the worst president we've ever had and every person here saying, "well actually..." should be ashamed.

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If he'd only written the first verse, I might believe it.

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Honestly, if they were to rule that Trump is immune, Biden should immediately arrest the affirming justices and replace them with his own appointees, screw the process.

He’s immune, after all.

Of course, the new justices would probably hold Biden accountable and then recuse themselves to allow the displaced justices to return.

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He knew he wasn't above the law, he just believed the consequences were worth it. I hope he's right.

Every time I think of moving somewhere with a lower cost of living, stuff like this happens and reminds me why I pay a premium.

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What a great photo. It's like someone distilled bigotry into it's purest form and then fashioned a human from it.

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Interesting that the article thinks 50 to 65 is the boomer generation. Poor Gen X will be forgotten until they are no more.

I'm definitely represented in this article. I basically don't buy beef anymore despite being raised with it was the centerpiece of my diet.

I've learned to embrace plant-based alternatives generally find them as enjoyable if not more so than beef.

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This is always the goal of capitalism, no need to give it some alternative name on order to white wash the brand.

The answer is Democratic socialism. It's our stuff they're stealing, we can take it back.

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Sleep deprivation is a monster.

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I know this is just a joke, but I’ve recently become a project manager for the first time. I’m open to tips and suggestions.

I’ve really enjoyed it and have worked hard to give my developers everything they need as soon as possible. Otherwise I try to stay out of the way and do my best to shield them from the pressure that’s being applied on me to achieve deadlines.

I’d agree that anyone can ask for project updates, but I really do work hard to balance client demands with c-suite expectations and the realistic outcomes described by my developers.

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I think because guys are pound for pound stronger than girls. I've read stories on Reddit years ago by girls who are wrestlers or fighters and get into a playful tussle with some random guy and they describe it as terrifying.

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We basically do. The reality is that it's just not sexy or exciting. All we're really missing are files that could be related to ongoing investigations of criminal organizations.

Historian Sean Munger has a pretty good video essay on this, but it's honestly a bit of a letdown.

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Rand Paul is the source:

"I was honoured to deliver a letter from President Trump to President Vladimir Putin’s administration. The letter emphasized the importance of further engagement in various areas including countering terrorism, enhancing legislative dialogue and resuming cultural exchanges," Paul wrote in a Twitter post.

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I kind of want to tell him that republicans who don't support trump don't understand their party.

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Hot jam, that's some good lawyering. Basically you can't appeal your case until you're convicted of something, unless it's otherwise specifically protected by law.

Nothing Trump is claiming immunity for is specifically protected by law, so he can only appeal after he receives judgment.

Which makes sense.

The supreme court decided this unanimously in 1989 and could actually prevent any form of appeal until judgment.

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Up until recently, most Americans benefited from a few government-supplied safety nets, most notably the large injection of stimulus money, which left many households sitting on a stockpile of cash that enabled some cardholders to keep their credit card balances in check.

But that cash reserve is largely gone after consumers gradually spent down their excess savings from the Covid-19 pandemic years.

It is absolutely insane to me that anyone thinks the stimulus money left households sitting on a stockpile of cash.

As though millions of people on the edge of poverty sat like dragons upon a mountain of wealth.

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This is huge for women's health and reproductive freedom in Wisconsin, but it's even bigger for democracy as a whole.

Her opponent was basically fine overturning election results and Trump narrowly lost a challenge in 2020 in Wisconsin that could have kept him in office.

Everyone wins today.

Actual hyposprays have been around since the 60's. They are, by all account, quite painful and ironically not very hygienic.

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Musk's greatest innovative genius is finding new ways to be annoying.

Same. I had an account that was probably 12+ years old. Reddit was a huge part of my recreational schedule.

I genuinely prefer Lemmy. The lack of algorithms pushing engagement is good for the soul. It's here when I want it and I can leave it whenever I'm done.

What's unclear about it? Numerous reporters have noted he nods off regularly every day of the trial.

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This makes global news and puts real pressure on the International Esports Federation — the group actually capable of policing the bullies — to do their job.

This sucks, but is absolutely the correct play by the Ukrainian team.

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There's a lot of stupid people in these interviews:

“I can’t vote for Trump. He’s a crook. He’s too corrupt,” said Scott Simeone, 64, an independent voter from Amherst, who backed Trump in 2016 and 2020. “I voted for him, and I didn’t realize he’s as corrupt as he is.”

You voted for him in 2016 I might grant ignorance then, but in 2020?

Then there's democrats on the other side turning up their noses at the idea of voting for Biden as the lesser of two evils. This is an existential fight for democracy and people are getting persnickety with fascism at the gates?

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Everyone complains about Biden's age, but this guy actually tries to primary him and it gets a collective yawn from everyone.

I wish Biden weren't super old, but throwing our weight behind anyone but the incumbent just seems like a bad idea to me.

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I've always wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, regardless of who his parents are. He's about to throw away that goodwill.

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I hope this number plummets. It would just be fun, satisfying, and vindicating.

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I’ll be curious if the democrats step in. Johnson did the right thing getting the bill passed, but he’s still a garbage human being and a terrible leader.

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I’m not a stock expert, but given its historic lack of profitability, that value has to be primarily speculative based on its usefulness for training ai.

I would expect to see that number fall eventually.

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Vote regardless.

Hopefully she left Trump out of her will.

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I can be alarmed for both. Just because they look like a circus right now doesn't mean Trump can't win again in 2024.

I know there are a lot of innocent conscripted Russians who don't want to be there any more than I want them to be there.

Stuff like this makes it really easy to feel that's not true, like Russia is monolithic and evil.

They've committed and continue to commit so many atrocities. Something is deeply wrong there beyond just the megalomaniacal despot at the top.

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Whether or not he had a gun, you put an officer in a headlock and things will escalate.