Virginia admits thousands of voters wrongly purged days before election to – 611 points –
Virginia admits thousands of voters wrongly purged days before election

Voting rights groups decry error days before elections that will determine which party controls the state legislature


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Every time I think of moving somewhere with a lower cost of living, stuff like this happens and reminds me why I pay a premium.

Speaking as someone who lives in a lower cost of living area, yeah it is not worth it.

I'm in one of the cheaper parts of Hungary, and it's near impossible to find a job here. Your best luck is to apply awful jobs outside of the county, which will also mean 12 hour workdays with 2-3 hours commute, with the extra of if you go to sick leave, you'll only eligible for a minimum wage for months due to losing the "work presence bonus". (Yes, this was also true during the worst months of COVID, leading to people going in sick to work and a lot of needless deaths.)


To be fair parents don't know what's best for their children. Don't tell parents that though they take it personally.

I'm a parent. I have no fucking clue what's really best for my kid, aren't we all just winging it?

I'm just winging it at being an adult, as long as you view your child as an individual and not an extension of yourself your at least doing that part correctly.

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I mean he was right though. How the fuck would a consensus based curriculum even work? It's completely illogical. Unless you are a shockingly stupid suburban parent, I suppose.

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I want to leave the PNW because of how much it costs, then I look at the political climate anywhere cheaper and decide that $2.5k/month is acceptable for renting a 1br

It’s really not acceptable, there shouldn’t be that trade off. There is, right now, but we need to take our power back and hold elected accountable. The number of people who have battered voter syndrome that would absolutely be un-understanding with zero compassion for battered partners being in that mindset is astounding. They victim blame the partner with less power in a relationship, especially when there are a few kids involved, but they keep the rest of us ~340.5 million trapped in an abusive relationship some of us want to exit.

You can always move outside of the city. Not sure where you are but even downtown Seattle is cheaper than that. Outside the city in like Renton, you can find one bedrooms for like $1200. $1900 will get you a view of the lake.

This is downtown Seattle. 2.5 is pretty standard from everyone I work with.

I’m not willing to extend my commute to be longer than the 20 minutes it is now. Moving out of the city will make that 2-3x longer at minimum

What do you mean? Some places in Virginia have a pretty high cost of living, especially the areas within the National Capital Region area. Not as bad as places like NYC or SFO, but still not exactly cheap unless you're living in the boonies (which can be said of literally any state, excepting very small ones like Hawaii).

For middle incomes in the NCR in DC or MD it's usually cheaper to get the same thing in VA, on an income tax basis alone.

The facts don't matter, only the talking point.

With cold hard facts like “some places in Virginia” where cost of living can be reported as “pretty high” I can see why you needed to post this scathing dismissal

Anyway typical home price in VA is $377k while the typical price in California is $761k

Siskiyou County has an average house price of 240k according to this amazing logic, someone would be better off for these types of things in VA than that county.

But don't worry, I get it, it's not about facts or using sound logic, which is why you cherry picked all of CA vs Virginia, when the op mentioned only HCOL areas.

Where do you think people live who post about moving to lower COL areas?

HCOL areas, which aren't limited to CA. In fact, Virginia has two of the top 10 HCOL counties in the country.

Hampton Roads is one of the lowest cost of living areas (that aren't rural) in the entire country right now. Like, top 5.

As you well know Virginia also has some of the highest cost of living places in the country in and around Washington D.C.

And a not-so-affordable medium in the Richmond area.

Virginia has many of the wealthiest counties in America, as it's part of the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia).

I'm sure the COL goes down a bit in the rural parts, but it's definitely not known as a low COL state.

West Virginia on the other hand...

We all know West Virginia shouldn't even exist, at this point, as a separate state.

I know right? Fuck the poors, that's what I always say.

The poor states shouldn't even exist, just merge them with the rich states. BUT only if the rich states have a larger population, we wouldn't want the poors to get any ideas. Amirite?

I think the commenter was referring to how WV came to be.

Reread his comment. He specifically places the context in the contemporary sense, not historical.

We all know West Virginia shouldn't even exist, at this point, as a separate state.

I read it. Let’s let them explain, you could be correct.

New Hampshire welcomes you blue state refugees.

Please... there are too many Trump signs for a state that's supposed to be educated.

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