
48 Post – 524 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Game developer and artist.

Spoken languages: Hu, En, some Jp

Programming languages: C, C++, D, C#, Java

Mastodon: @ZILtoid1991

Github: https://github.com/ZILtoid1991

Yet, those who incite this hatred, meet with no negative consequences.

We go high, they go low.

We turn the other cheek, they throw a temper tantrum for not handing them medieval torture devices.

"Owning the libs" birthed literal psychopaths, who want the state to torture people to death, as entertainment.

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These kind representations do cause body image problems in men. Some more conscious toy manufacturers did redesign their action figures to look more like actual body builders, even if that is still not how soldiers and other combatants look like in real life (for the most part at least). Some actors dehydrate themselves for shirtless scenes.

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Boomer humor, but tech.

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When you're bi with heavy bias towards fem presenting people...

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No supercar is good enough to waste your life working 24/7.

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The party of small government everyone!

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Issue is, the whole world will be effected by it.

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Hexbear and lemmygrad be like: "Russia is just avoiding a potential color revolution."

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Where can I see the evidence of the strong succ powers of Astolfo? Canon preferred, but I would also suffice with non-canonical ones.

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Or any country for that matter. Hungary isnot much better, save for the lack of people falling out of windows (they only fall out of jobs so far).

I want to wear pants like the first one.

I'm begging the creators I know to at least do double duty on the Fediverse (Mastodon, Misskey, etc.) besides Twitter even if they can't leave it now.

If they're using the same algorithm for Facebook and Threads, then yes. The Hungarian far-right managed to teach ots Hungarian algorithm to censor speech critical of them many times, then it had to be quietly reset.

Don't forget to make it ActivityPub compatible!


If you need an alternative for retro pixel-art games, then you can use my engine. Has its own weird quirks, but can be made work, also I still need time to hardware accelerate the sprite rendering.

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Except Ben's biggest issue with those is that they stopped a fascist coup...

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Thank Republicans and their "Biological sex protection act". Now they forced trans men to go to women's dressing rooms, but they keep instigating that those trans men are actually "perverts"...

ayy lmao 👽

Two things can be true at the same time

  1. Hamas is a far-right terrorist organization.
  2. Israel commits war crimes in retaliation.

Not necessarily. Generative AI hasn't been advancing as much as people claim, and we are getting into the "diminishing returns" phase of AI advancement. If not, we need to switch gears in our anti-AI activism

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It would be nice if the default wasn't being on, or it asked during installation or something.

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The ActivityPub interface allows it to my knowledge. It's just not widely used.

Also, almost all VTubers are neurodivergent, the rest are trying to act if they were like that.

"Um, ackchually, we have more jokes, one is suicide, the other is false accusation of pedophilia, and let not forget the caricature of trans women!"

Note that the right started their "concern" with suicide at gays, because their tactics are just as limited as their jokes. Same with regrets, and "they'll force you to date them".

Then wait until you learn how Creative bought up OpenAL (the audio answer to OpenGL and having to work with multiple audio extensions), and made it closed source...

For me, the most offensive thing about it that it's AI generated.

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4 years of HRT + beating overeating + diet.

The "not like the other guys" gives us leaders like Donald Trump, Viktor Orbán, Bolsonaro, and now this Milei guy...

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Heartbreaking! The worst government you know just did something great, by accident.

In theory, they want the girl to give up the baby for adoption.

In practice, they instead often end up being shamed to keep it, and so on, and so on...

Actions speak louder than words...

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This gave me an idea for some level design I might want to use in a video game.

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Knowing what the Russian government truly are, the best outcome for Ukrainians in that case is a cultural genocide, with Ukrainian being banned and they'll be forced to learn Russian. This is already the case of territories currently or formerly under occupation.

Carcels vs. trainchads

Elon be like: "What if I got OpenAI's chatbot and disguised it as mine?"


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"I do as I please"
Refuses to elaborate any further

She looks way too young.

How should I handle this situation? Should I buy her a drink then tell her why she shouldn't be hitting on older guys?

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Not really, a big driving factor behind making devices irreparable is to uphold the illusion of infinite growth.

I think Putin is collecting war-crimes like Pokémon.