
5 Post – 252 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is peak ok Boomer here.

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You have a point, but in at least one of these cases the images used were of the girls around them and even tried extorting one is then. Issues like this should be handled on a case by case basis.

Fuck I haven't heard that word in like 10 years. But yeah that's legit what that statement looks like.

Currently the federal government has to respect an employees preferred name and pronouns by law. This would be a violation of individuals rights but when did they ever care about rights.

This is like that episode of Parks and Rec where Leslie married the penguins because it was cute, later to find out there were both boys, this making her action a political statement. People are fucking stupid, that person who complained could have easily looked it up after being informed of what the symbol meant. The board deserves to be sued for their shit decision. Who decides not to sponsor a parade because one of the floats is for pride? Sounds to me like the board is the one with the agenda.

That's scary as hell, they sound like the Hydra from Marvel Comics. I know the country is at a breaking point but they can't get their way.

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Now the post says shot and not killed. I think that distinction is important. But I imagine those statistics are insane.

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It's a fucking bathroom and these people need to get over it. I was driving through Tennessee and had to stop to use the bathroom at a Shell station. I'm trans and the men's room was out of service. The women said only women and children can use the single toilet room. I argued with her and eventually left to find another place. I reported her to the company and left a bad review but because it's a private business they did nothing. These people are crazy and don't actually care about anyone being safe.

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Would this be a potential push to form a monopoly?

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To be fair parents don't know what's best for their children. Don't tell parents that though they take it personally.

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If you never admit you lost, did you really? (Yes)

What a corporate answer that says, now that the public knows we suck I guess we need to address it.

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Why are we basing our laws around healthcare on an act made in the 1800s?

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Attention: please go to IRS.gov regardless of if your state qualifies for this program. The IRS free file program is available to most taxpayers and is based on amount of income rather than types of income.

Like in Georgia where the secretary of state didn't recuse themselves from the responsibility of managing the election then ran for governor. Cities get hours long waits and rural areas have no problems. Also sending voting machine to black districts without power cords.

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Ahh the joy of having no other games.

To the windows,to the walls, but not on the couch.

I'll chock this up to ignorance then. I will be adding that to my list of things not to say.

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So they are saying it's unfair they are told how much they can charge people but it's totally fine for them to charge however much they want? Fuck that and fuck citizens united.

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The problem was allowing the police to manage the footage. There should be a federal, not state, archive that police body can footage is backed up to so they can't just say,"it malfunctioned".

Yeah because he didn't even use the right color card. That was an illegal move.

I firmly believe the only support Israel should get from us is to keep others out of the conflict. The only way they could get weapons is if they purchase them. They don't need combat support.

I feel so bad for the artist. It's crazy that this little special guy symbolized hate for those outside the circle.

And then the dolphin has sex with the starfish for dolphins are the oceans deviant.

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The power to be happy.

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You think there would be an engineer somewhere explaining to the shareholders why cutting corners on product integrity will cost more in the long run. But shareholders can only see 3 months at a time.

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear

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Roberta Williams deserves so much respect. She sculpted so many peoples childhoods. Phantasmagoria was so ahead of it's time.

Yes that happened back in the middle of August

Not necessarily, the American military operates on chain of command. The worry is the current blocking of military appointments over bullshit. If they can steal long enough trump can install people who will follow his orders. Otherwise you can deny an unlawful order. Trump can only give orders to those ranked immediately below him.

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Nintendo is probably not even considering the steam deck a challenger.

In Illinois I can literally register at the polls but they create so many hoops in these red states it should be obvious what they're doing. Rules for voting in federal elections should be set at the federal level but as long as Republicans and a few Democrats have control this country is going to continue getting worse.

Yeah I saw that but only after I added terms like racist and offensive to my search result, meaning if I just type that phrase by itself into Google nothing. I also don't watch any of that shit because it's like you said, horseshit.

I will not use the phrase in the future though.

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The moderate Republicans keep saying Gaetz is Biden's favorite Republican so at least someone likes him. /S

I know what you mean, but we absolutely do, we have to hold our politicians accountable and the press is just one of those ways. I know they're probably not changing minds but this is part of transparency.

Is they could self reflect they'd be very upset.

Cheryl/Carol of an explosive expert so there's that.

Alot of what I hear is people complaining he didn't meet his promises. They ignore the fact that it wasn't for lack of trying. The system is broke we have to try and fix it. And by broke I mean for the people.

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We should be allowed to sue these individuals for working against the agency they were put in charge of.

All jokes a side, I don't know if that's right, it could be a UTI which kills cats. RIP Luna we should never have let that bitch have you.