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JS and Python are both extremely bad for this. I’ve been working with data scientists and it’s hell trying to tell them that no, they can’t just install whatever libraries they want

Never order dominos without coupons. It’s exponentially more expensive than anything you can get with a coupon.

Dominos largest profit margins are on orders exactly like this. It’s often more economical to order more food at a cheaper price.

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You’re never going to find exactly what you want, but the 5.99 deal for a medium 2 topping also applies to the cheesy bread you ordered, bringing the total down significantly.

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It looks like it’s now the 6.99 deal

It’s been 6 or 7 years since I worked for dominoes

The US. Our dominos served a 15-20 mile radius in my medium sized suburban town growing up.

Bike is not faster for a 20 mile delivery range

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It’s almost like the whole thing is a politically motivated false impeachment to try to discredit Trump being impeached twice. They only want to impeach Biden because they can then point and say “Biden was impeached too, it means nothing”

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Nothing they do at this point will bring any of the goodwill back. They already messed up and no amount of walking it back is going to change the perception that they might just do it again at any moment

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This is a net win. Now they won’t be recommended to everyone trying to do hardware comparisons. The bias in their results has pretty much made them worthless as a source since Ryzen released.

He’s always been this bad, he just had enough people around him that sanitized everything we saw about him. There’s reports of teams at Tesla dedicated to keeping him out of the way. His Twitter was sane probably because it wasn’t actually him running it.

It truly is a case of he’s always been this bad, it’s just not being hidden anymore. I’m pretty sure he went off the rails during covid and stopped listening to anyone but himself. He’s shown glimpses of this through his career, most people just ignored it as eccentric billionaire though.

Just like Kanye appeared to fall off the deep end, musk also looks like it was sudden, when in fact it’s been a growing sentiment over the years.

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I definitely see this as “we can’t get away with the boys club anymore” rather than a problem with Gen Z. Gen Z won’t hide their unhappiness with any of the -isms and will call it out instead of just keeping their head down.

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Since you’re getting troll comments from right wingers I’ll try to give an actual answer

Feinstein was no longer mentally fit to serve in office. She was essentially the pre-cursor to a weekend at Bernie’s setup. She was not cognitively present enough to vote on legislation or even hold a conversation.

People are glad she passed because it means her seat is open to someone who can actually work on policy and benefit their constituents.

Liberals are not exactly a fan of letting the elderly die in office after the RBG situation that ended up with a stacked court when she had the option to retire under Obama.

Also Lemmy has definitely been having more right wing trolls recently and it’s making me want to use the platform less.

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AI should not be given free reign to train on anything and everything we’ve ever created. Copyright holders should be able to decide if their works are allowed to be used for model training, especially commercial model training. We’re not going to stop a hobbyist, but google/Microsoft/openAI should be paying for materials they’re using and compensating the creators.

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I’m not interested in seeing blatant hate, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and racism.

There’s no such thing as a right wing voter with any common sense anymore. None have any arguments other than being allowed to hate.

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The only reason I used prime video was because it came with prime. I’m just going to stop using it altogether if there’s ads

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I didn’t call anyone a nazi. You did. I just listed a list of reprehensible behaviors and you felt attacked

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Ad revenue is down (at least) 50% and they just keep making decisions that kick people off their platform.

I’m pretty sure Twitter advertising and Reddit advertising are in a race to the bottom to see who’s going to have to pay companies to put ads on their site first.

It’s insane to watch this happen. I remember watching the rise of Twitter as a kid and it becoming ubiquitous with social media, only to see it crash down this quickly.

I’m speculating, but I’d guess a lot of functionality is being limited because they don’t have dev staff to maintain it, as well as trying to cut server costs as much as possible. I’d honestly be surprised if musk was making these decisions because he thinks it’s good for the health of the platform. There has to be some ulterior motive for it.

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His investment is probably part of why these are such a hot commodity.

The media presence and advertising from LMG is worth a crazy amount. His followers are the exact target audience of this device and as long as he’s showing off what they’re up to I think they’ll continue to sell like this.

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Discord is such a terrible platform for large scale communication.

Nothing pisses me off more than looking for a support link and being told you have to go to a discord. It’s terrible to search, generally requires a bunch of hoops to jump through verifying you’re not a bot and almost never has the info you’re looking for anyways.

Plus Discord is a shitty company removing features from paid users (custom tags) and forcing changes to be more like Twitter.

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To be honest I’ve never even heard of the game. This was an enormous failure in marketing more than a game being bad.

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They disrupt the nature a little less. Animals aren’t hit crossing the street because they can go over and other small benefits like that. They also look nice and tunnels are fun when your car sounds nice

There’s no chance GabeN sells Steam. It prints money and only looks to increase their profitability over the coming years.

Microsoft can’t buy them anyways at this point I think. The regulatory bodies didn’t like ActiBlizzard, and this would be similar scale, if not larger

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Ads pay basically nothing now and VC funding has dried up. Most of these tech companies operated at a loss and are now being pressured into becoming profitable since investors don’t want to throw money at them anymore.

Data privacy laws have also gotten better, cutting off another revenue stream that was typically used.

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Hot take

The internet was already ruined. It’s no longer the same place it was in 2016 or 2010 or 2000. It’s become a corporate hellhole where you can’t get away from tracking, monitoring and other shady practices no matter what you do. Almost nothing is free and open and everything is designed to milk as much money out of the product.

AI is just accelerating this. Makes me think of the “old net” in Cyberpunk2077. Infested with rouge AI that have turned it into a battleground.

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It’s almost like we all saw this coming when these services started taking off. I’ll never put myself into one, and at least from my best knowledge none of my close family has either

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I thought this was always implied. They’re always going to set it up for optimal settings, and that’s going to include all of the professional lighting and a (probably commercial) director.

They’re never going to show off what it looks like recording in terrible conditions because that won’t sell. They’re not technically lying either, because it is shot on the iPhone, just replacing the traditional cinema camera with an iPhone, which is actually a legitimate use case.

I use my iPhone for filming motorsports and it works out great. It’s not cinema camera worthy, but it looks pretty good.

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That’s pretty terrible and should put people off buying anything from them. They increased pricing, and when community backlash happens they just ban everyone who dares express an opinion that isn’t positive.

I can't say I do, I'm not particularly in the habit of randomly shitting myself in the middle of the night

My man, you might need to see a doctor if this is a regular occurrence

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I don’t know what bathrooms you’ve been in, but nobody is showing anyone anything in the bathroom. In most cases people who are trans use stalls anyways.

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It’s really goddamn preachy. There’s a real sense of superiority a lot of users have that I don’t recall as much on Reddit.

There’s also the fact that small communities are dead and it’s next to impossible to grow them, so you’re stuck with the same people on the front page every day.

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This is rich coming from epic, who bribes developers to not use a competitor.

They were basically a failing company before the whole WSB stock manipulation. Now they have money again, but no useful business model.

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Because they’re not just recommendation algorithms

They’re optimized to generate the most revenue, or direct the most clicks to certain things. They take your likes/dislikes into account, but they’re not the only metric, and arguably for the platform are the least important.

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Garbage in = Garbage out

ML training data sets are only as good as their data, and almost all data is inherently flawed. Biases are just more pronounced in these models because they scale the bias with the size of the model, becoming more and more noticeable.

I’ve stopped using tipped services entirely now. The only tipping I do is for a waiter at a sit down restaurant.

The mini mart under my building asks me to tip when all I’ve done is bring what I want to a counter. It’s infuriating because there’s no reason for it, it’s literally just there to guilt people into an extra few bucks.

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Because it’s the only place they can evacuate heat. The sides are covered by I/O and are limited size.

Gaming laptops really aren’t made for using in your lap. They’re more a portable desktop that you connect things to.

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It's like shared group therapy for a whole lot of people who had the same abusive ex

These comments are really proving your point

I’m also in the same boat. I’m simply not interested in running Linux as a daily OS, and pretty much any gaming or tech content here is exclusively that. And then when you express any sort of counter opinion you get attacked.

I’m honestly finding myself scrolling Reddit without participating a lot more than I’m on here.

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I also kinda figured the people who are into the Monkey PNGs aren’t exactly the ones who go to meetups

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Im pretty sure the point was to never ban it outright, it was to remove tiktok from the managed networks, which it has done extremely well.

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