Joe Biden's impeachment falls apart to politics – 524 points –
Joe Biden's impeachment falls apart

Republican efforts to impeach President Joe Biden suffered a blow after fresh evidence emerged showing his bid to remove Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2015 represented U.S. government policy.


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It’s almost like the whole thing is a politically motivated false impeachment to try to discredit Trump being impeached twice. They only want to impeach Biden because they can then point and say “Biden was impeached too, it means nothing”

Premeditated whataboutism. Because that’s a great use of resources to benefit the country.

Premeditated whataboutism. Because that’s a great use of resources to benefit the country.

This engine runs on bullshit.

The only renewable resource Republicans care about.

Please tell me this means they're going to entomb Ted Cruze in a power cell of some kind and solve free energy forever.

Oh just wait til you see how they allocate those resources if they ever fully seize power again.

We made the government too expensive so we have added middle men to all the formerly public services. This will surely reduce costs and not directly line our pockets.

It's a bit more urgent than that: The GOP knows they're about to lose their majority in the house so this is the only chance they'll get to do something like an impeachment. If they put it off any longer they'll run out of time while the investigation committee follows a normal (intentionally slowed by opposition) congressional schedule. They know that the whole exercise will be pointless if they can't get it done now because doing it any later will result in the investigation committee having nothing to report in time for the next election.

More importantly: They have no other ideas. They literally have no other bills or even inklings of an idea as to how to grab America's attention in anything resembling a positive or even neutral light. They lost abortion as a wedge issue now that Roe V Wade was overturned so the GOP is basically out of ideas because while they love to hate immigrants and LGBTQ people they don't have any politically useful legislation to bring up before the next election. Nothing they can pass to say, "see? We did something and the Democrats in the Senate blocked it!"

Don't worry, they're loading up every spending bill they can with bans for trans care.
From Erin Reed:

One of the many sticking points are provisions in the budget bill that target trans people in the military, hospitals that care for trans youth, trans health insurance, and VA trans care.

Republicans will down the government, in at least some small part, over trans panic.

I just love the attitude that they'll chase nonexistent bullshit to go after biden, while the government races towards a shutdown because these ASSHATS can't run a country

They could run a country, into the ground, while lining the pockets of people who are already wealthy. The government shutdown bullshit they pull is obviously intentional. Their plan every time is to sabotage, obstruct and try to make things as horrible as possible while democrats are in power so they can point and say “see! The time under democrats was bad!!”.

Yup, it's telling to me that clinton, obama and biden now have each come in and saved the economy from the idiots. clinton cleared the fuckin debt from the COLD WAR. That still blows my mind.

Then Georgie comes in after and BLOOOP, some how haliburton is now very rich and the debt is somehow very large, and apparently we broke iraq... which apparently is expensive... oops... oh and the housing thing, uh, let's just put that off again and again, someone else can address it, not like it's gonna take the entire economy with it? psh

Barry rolls in, stops a depression, stabilizes world confidence in the economic system, but fucker tried to give the poors health care, and wore a tan suit like a boss, so we're gonna call him a muslim. Even after yeoman work rebuilding the economy.

Trump comes in, gives his crones a tax break that literally accounted for 20-30% of the entire debt.

Motherfucking conservatives man, why do they hate america?

All the GOP knows how to do is stroke Trump's pathetic ego.

Well, that, and their date while watching a musical, I guess.