7 Post – 1301 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Best to keep the fire contained so you dont burn nature.

Prespective is not done properly. Trying to spoof 3D with a 2D model.

"Person #2" would have a hell of a time buying premade shirts.

Justice aligning itself with money is a resurgent trend worldwide.

Hilarious times ahead.

Equality, aint it great?

We required high levels of conformity to win the coming nuclear war.

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Suprised they did not just add makeup.

Preparation for war.

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They have already decided money is speech, so this is a 1st amendment ruling?

Also an easy way to cover their asses for all the bribes they have taken.

The Monarch School

0% stealth.

Pegged it you have done.

  1. Thou shalt not math.

PS: this is what happens when the commitee watches Spinal Tap too many times.

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They will grow out of it.

I have 3 words for you: Pay per view.

Capitalism is why we can't have nice things.

Nice things are over designed and built, adequate things are most profitable.

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Regardless of source, if your refrigerator is running you better go catch it.

Its stealing your food.

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Its a good thing they never invented a bomb that distributed female nipples over a wide area.

Entire cities could be lost.

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Hell net neutrality laws might even have relevance if they keep this up.

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removed the need for.mp3s

Im not sure this was a win

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Barnes & Nobel going rouge.

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Describe the CIA's involment in Chile next!

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The reason the government is called a republic is because it follows laws and established proceedures.

Now Team Trump is advocating pure mob rule.

And people think its cool.

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  1. get gov't contracts to rebuild after instability

Class war ia called war for a reason.

This is all Consitutionally protected behavior.

The 1st Amendment riight of Freedom to Press the Button om the vape.

The 2nd amendment right to bare titties and arms.

The 4th amendment right gauranteeing freedom to sieze the cock.

And thos people that reported the vape should be arrested if they said "Fire" in a theater when mentioning the smoke.

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That's the basis of the system, mutually assurred corruption.

People like you are not good for my pitchfork and torch business.

Now ask them what they think life in Africa is like?

Reed huts, water jugs on your head, walking sticks and a coke bottle that fell from the sky?

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So eliminate children?

Very Huxlarian.

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The defense is just trumping up reasons for endless appeals.

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Gee, where are the boatload of billions that the US congress passed for nationwide broadband?

Fucking ripoff telecon companies.

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The youtuber fucked around and found out.

When did it become the default to allow harrassment and intinidation just because its being filmed?

The victim was frearing bodily harm and theft, if not other violence.

Justified self defense in response to an assult, imo.

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Reuters paying the price for the white phosphorous story.

In your hypothetical, the market just jumping in cost like that creates opportunity for competition in the market. Because everyone who could not establish a biz charging X can get into the game charging between X amd X+Y, undercutting the gougers and driving prices lower over time. Theoretically.

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Little Pink Cookbook!

Little Pink Cookbook!

Little Pink Cookbook?

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Yeah, we all know girth is what matters.

Almost like the issues with repressing sex and nudity are harming the development of intelligence. Just like real life.

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All their best people are focused on improving video playback

Another COVID death for the statistics.

So all those perma bans of high karma long time members for no reason was a money driven directive?

By suspending the accounts reddit just wiped a bunch of karma they wont pay for but still can use the content.