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Joined 12 months ago

As the article states, the inclusion of the nudes in the newsletter allows a very clear path for criminal charges in D.C. and Georgia under their respective revenge porn legislation. She should receive charges for both.

In any sane world, a member of congress would be immediately expelled for presenting literal nudes, without permission and in bad faith, of a sitting POTUS' family member, who is not, nor has ever been a member of the administration or government employee.

Congratulations to Vladimir Putin and the CCP, as your work to dismantle the U.S. through propaganda and mainstreaming batshit tinfoil-hat insanity through promoting these ridiculous, unserious elected officials like Greene, Paul, Jordan, Comer, Gaetz, Santos, et al, has been incredibly effective.

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Evangelical christofascist stands proudly next to a divorcee captured on video performing sexual acts in public.

Just one more way in which the GOP can advertise their rank hypocrisy in bright neon signs.

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Maybe they should be expanding their physical network first. I waited seven years after they supposedly came to my hometown, and their coverage area barely moved. Most of that is absolutely the fault of AT&T and Comcast stonewalling pole installations but they have the money to put up their own damn poles made of gold after that 77 billion profit report.

Now I moved elsewhere after covid and of course the only two real options still suck uncontrollably with no hope of any other big mover creating actual competition.

12 more...

Fucking. Indict. Thomas.

Both of them.

3 more...

She learned it from her father.

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Being found guilty of knowingly modifying a vehicle, or knowingly operating a modified vehicle, and performing the act of "rolling coal" should result in loss of driving license in all states for no less than 10 years.

Not that my proposed "Rolling Coal Proves You Have a Tiny Innie Penis and By the Way, Your Truck Nuts Means Your Truck is Actually Trans Act" would be passed any time soon. Or ever, certainly not at the rate the House is fucking up.

But DOJ going after the supply of parts for modifying diesel engines is something, at least!

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Russian asset.

Then I'd be an E.U. citizen? Fuck yeah! Give me two months of vacation!

21 more...

Jordan is a traitor that asked for a pardon for his part in fomenting the Jan 6th insurrection. He is a traitor that denies the results of a free and fair election. He is an enabler of sexual abuse. He illegally defied a Congressional subpoena.

Jordan is a clear and present danger to the United States of America and should be treated as such.

I'm imagining him staring down the clownfucks while taking bites of his subway sandwich the way Jules looks at Brad as he empties his tasty beverage.

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It sucks that it's taking this long to recover from an idiotic administration that fucked up almost literally everything.

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"They let him get away with anything."

"Ok he's under investigation but they'll let him slide."

"Ok, he's been charged, but they'll never convict him."

The Trump organization is already criminally convicted of fraud and Weiselberg already spent time at Rikers Island.

Trump has already been found liable for rape and defamation, and another case for that act is going to add to his millions in damages that he will have to pay.

His business in New York is already a dead man walking. He's going to have to liquidate nearly everything to pay off the damages that the Judge will decide from this trial in December, if not earlier, depending on witnesses the defense calls.

There are likely going to be criminal fraud charges brought for the same actions and intent being uncovered in this case.

In March, the Federal criminal case begins for election interference and obstruction. Those charges will put him in prison before the '24 election. After that, Fulton Co. GA and Federal docs case will go forward and he will get more convictions and more time.

We all want the wheels of justice to turn faster on blatant fucks like this, but that's not how the system works.

Trump is going to die in prison if he doesn't off himself first.

28 more...

Replace "new phone line" with pretty much anything 'positive' and it fits Microsoft.

Better OS? Nope! Shit management. Better productivity software? Nope! Shit management. Better cloud and virtualization platform? Nope! Shit management.

The first day I used Windows 8 RC, I was flabbergasted that anyone approved that dumpster fire for release. They've been trying to unfuck that ever since, and at dead snail's pace. Thanks, shit management! You're why I left systems administration to be a bad programmer!

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Violations of gag orders and contempt always feel infuriatingly "gradual" because usually people just STFU after the first one. Trump (as we all know) doesn't have the self control normal asshole defendants have. Give it another gag violation and this moron is gonna spend the night in jail, then we all get to see him without his daily hair routine. That shit scares him more than anything.

Once Chutkan's gag goes back into effect, he'll be in jail quickly unless Kise or Lauro actually manage to get through his thick skull with an air hammer.

E: Also getting the idea that Engoron is patient enough not to expand the gag order (yet, anyway) because he knows he's already effectively ended the Trump organization. Trump's business "empire" is basically a dead man walking already.

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Plot twist: the Republicans will now fail to elect a speaker so the resolution will never be read.

14 more...

Three times!

Elected, reinstated, reelected!

Anyone capable of reading English should come to this conclusion after reading the indictments, just saying.

I'm glad the Senator from Louisiana can read! 👍

Sadly, it seems some of our other senators cannot.

These are all written as "speaking indictments" for good reason - they spell out the charges and reasons for them, simply and understandably, for anyone to understand. Yet most won't bother, and that's sad.

Classified Documents indictment

Superseding indictment adding to Classified Docs

D.C. Jan 6th indictment

Fulton County GA indictment

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I wish we could stop calling them "conservatives," because they're anything but.

Far-right fascist extremists just doesn't roll off the tongue as well. "Magats" does, though.

There were also some good ideas in how to deal with those types back in the 1930s and 40s. Maybe we should look into that.

33 more...

He's working for Donald f'n Trump. Of course fraud was part of the job. Anyone that knew of him before the Apprentice could have told you that. Then whatever eleventy million people just kind of forgot about the iron fleet ridiculous fraud that bankrupted a f'n casino.

To save anyone time, Scott opposes any abortion, women's rights, LGBTQ+ anything of the sort, any gun control, and voted against the violence against women act.

He does support aid to Ukraine, so there is one, and only one, tic in the "Pros" column.

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Assuming this clears hearsay judgement (and it should, relating to his mental state at the time), it's a MOAB.

Trump's defense in has been an insistence that he believes he actually won, and not obstructing congress to overturn the election, but to uphold it.

In the Federal D.C. case in particular, he's the only indicted defendant, so his only avenue to really argue his belief that he won, he's going to have to take the stand. And that means cross examination. And that's almost guaranteed to result in perjury.

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This judge already ruled that the Trump enterprise in NY is dead and for all business licenses to be pulled. That has been stayed pending appeal. They will not win the appeal.

This trial is purely for damages to see just how much of Trump's assets will have to be liquidated once Judge Engoron determines an amount based on this ridiculous "testimony."

Hint: it's going to be a metric fuckload

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Spoiler: this will be denied and it will not delay the D.C. trial before Judge Chutkan.

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This is good, but no one pardoned by Trump deserves another round of indictments more than Roger fucking Stone. That piece of shit has been instrumental in the downfall of our democracy for decades.

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I remember being VERY pissed about Obamacare requiring an individual having insurance by paying a for-profit company, else pay a penalty, because of the pro-corp "nanny state" implications, much like I despise legally-required auto insurance (without a government-funded baseline).

Yet here we are with "muh indivdulizm" republicans making the overreach far worse than Democrats ever would have.

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At three, I hated lots of things. Girls, Brussels sprouts, wasps, Darth Vader, and taking baths.

I'm glad you had such a sheltered life.

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This traitor needs to be exited from the Senate using his empty head to open the door. Then the CIA or NSA or FBI or hell, maybe Dept of the Treasury Office of Intelligence should take him to a black site and extract every name funding him.

As a warning?

Granted, I'd word it a bit differently: "This burned-cheese looking sack of rotten assholes would upend all national security, destroy NATO, and allow Putin's Russia and the CCP raw-dog-rape the rest of the planet while he becomes another pathetic fatass watching military parades like Kim Jong Un. If you refuse to adore him, his regime will murder and/or rape you. Now tell us again why you would vote for this moronic dumpster fire of unrealized liposuction profits because he's only three years younger than the guy spending his remaining years on this planet unfucking what this #1 blue-ribbon gold medalist of Shitshow Olympics and rapist already did to the country."

Er, something like that, anyway.

He just made jokes while in California about Pelosi's husband being bludgeoned with a hammer by one of his psychopathic followers.

Just let that one marinate for a few seconds.

Shitting on American heroes through lack of any understanding of the mere idea of self sacrifice seems a bit unsurprising.


-Stormy Daniels

Clearly he should rename threads to Z.

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Such as violating the civil rights of Rebekah Jones.

Now please, Kentucky, PLEASE STOP voting for Putin's Puppet Rand Paul, the actual literal traitor, for U.S. Senate. Kthx

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I can't believe people are still making this argument in 2023.

I went to the library and copied a book.

Digital piracy is not theft. There is nothing stolen.

That doesn't make it right, but stop trying to conflate it with larceny. It is NOT analogous.

10 more...

"Who TF is this guy again?"

Far-right evangelical Christian nationalist, 2020 election denier, defended Trump in impeachment hearings, LGBTQ+phobe, supported "conversion therapy," and an agent of Putin (wittingly or not) for wanting to end aid to Ukraine.

I dunno, historically speaking, violence has often been the answer.

Maybe it wasn't always the best answer, but it certainly is effective. Just ask the French!

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Congratulations to Jessica Denson!

This has been years in the making. We're going to see a shitload more reports (and books) of how incredibly fucked the entire campaigns and administration was under that orange fuckwit.

"continued political polarization"

Weird way to spell "flagrant GOP obstructionism and dysfunction."


And they're proud of it.