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if you drink at the nazi bar, you might as well join their fuckwit club because you're normalizing their behavior and sponsoring their lifestyle.

  • low wages

  • no unions

  • housing is either a lifetime's savings for down payment on mortgage or a never ending escalator of rent fees

  • states taking reproductive rights away

  • states threatening contraception

  • climate change dooming the future

  • war - war in ukraine, war in palestine, war in africa, civil war being threatened by the chud down the street

Gee Mr Wizard, why don't millennials want babies instead of avocado toast?

they should just go with perfectly circular, with different sizes for different applications. imagine a 20mm unit - high power/bandwidth hoses with a satisfying locking mechanism that magnetically seals the connection.

and makes the proton pack sound. and rgb fuck nevermind go back this was a bad idea

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so very apple to punish it's own users because they have too many old components they need to use up, but if you're paying for PRO you get actual 2023 modern USB.

so very, very apple.

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The fuckwits murdered people who fought so hard for Palestinian rights.

It's one of the biggest trash fires of the century, watching petulant fuckwits tear down functionally competent institutions and replacing them with nazis, spam and sockpuppets. certainly deserves the attention it's getting.

great job musko and spez, you idiots

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I get to 15 of a 20 piece and just...ugh. the human digestive tract wasn't meant to endure that kind of disrespect.

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the sale might not have been shady if scheduled, but the timing of the announcement which they have complete control over IS shady as fuck.

Honestly I have doubts it's related to female exposure; I grew up in a family of men, my mom was the only woman in the entire house and had her own bathroom. She was an oncology nurse and worked crazy hours. I learned more about women dating women than I ever did from hints and lessons from Mom. I'm more inclined to think it's related to the men in their lives and the examples they set in their interactions with women. The men online who shovel misogyny and bullshit about alpha men are doing more harm to the male sex than anything else I've seen.

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beginning to believe his christo-fascist bullshit and Tuberville's logjam on top military brass are both preambles to the 2025 project the fucking Heritage Foundation is promoting.

Imagine for just one fucking second that an liberal group produced that fucking seditious, anti-american trash plan? There need to be hearings about this shit: your plan is to gut the government, deploy the military and set up camps day 1? WHAT THE FUCK?


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How do these public lies not lead to consequences? Isn't lying while testifying in a public setting perjury?

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no, you pay spotify so they can give Joe Rogan money to make up bullshit every day.

place your bets place your bets will it be a nazi, a klansman, a jihadist, death by cop (never discount the possibility) or just some other random murderer? AAAAAMERRRRRICA THE LAND OF FREEDOM AND LIBERTY

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atheist insanity

example? I don't see a lot of atheist insanity in our politics tbh.

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Haha I used to. True story, my wife got me one in 2015 for my bathroom - built into the exhaust fan - I listen to the news while I shower in the morning.

Six months later, over at the neighbor's house across the street for a block party, and someone asks "Hey, anyone know who's blasting NPR at 4am every day?"

Turns out the exhaust fan taking the shower moisture out basically turned into a speaker cone and for months everyone on the street was waking up pissed off lol. Replaced with a regular fan and separate speaker, no more complaints.

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I love, just absolutely LOVE the strategy they've crafted: WHY DIDN'T 200 DEMS VOTE FOR OUR SPEAKER?

rofls... and every vote just goes further away from the GOP getting their shit together in any way shape or form. So glad the party of insanity is getting bitten in the ass by their own crazies for once, they completely made this bed for themselves, shit in it, and now can't figure out why it's so gross.

yeah this way the troubles could last 50 years instead.... thatcher was a hag but something tells me successfully assassinating her would have led to more problems not fewer.

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They're actively driving the bus off the cliff.

Think about every scientist and official at cop28 desperately working to halt a 1.5c red line. Did the public rally around this effort? Did coal rollers stop intentionally injecting uncombusted fuel into their exhausts to pwn the libs? Did the governments of the world including the US stop subsidizing new extraction?

1.5c is gone; by the time people 'agree' it's fucked and unify to stop pollution at all levels we're going to be in dire straits.

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oh trust me, the right wing would LOVE to take your ability to choose to procreate out of your hands completely. Abortion for sure, but also the the night after pill and even birth control.

The scariest part to me about the Antarctica heating - and heat spikes throughout the southern hemisphere - is: it was fucking winter down there. That's when the sheets are supposed to grow. I think the northern hemisphere saw the prelude, a horrible preview of what we're going to see all over the southern hemisphere in the next six months, and it's going to be terrifying. And then it will be our turn again.

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I've posted this elsewhere but I'll say it again: I nominate Keijiro Takahashi as the interim CEO. I don’t think there are many who understand unity at a 1:1 mindmeld level like that. Set a new set of goals, get LTS into actual LTS shape, unify the pipelines, restore confidence, save the princess, drive the darkness from the lands and forge a path to profitability that doesn’t alienate unity’s most valuable asset, the community.

UNITY MUST CLEAN HOUSE, NEW BOARD AND CEO. Otherwise we're going to just cycle through this bullshit with different clowns at the wheel.

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I can't fathom how my relatives under 50 still remain in texas.

They basically hate women, and want to push vindictive bullshit - even if this woman is afforded agency over her own body, Paxton has said he'll sue the docs nurses and medical center.

They took books about slavery out of the plantation gift shop.

I remember Ann Richards, what the fuck, Texas.... what the actual fuck.

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Florida. No other explanation needed.

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IMHO that's the big picture: Conservatism doesn't want people focusing on the overwhelmingly factual and documented abuses by the church and GOP.

This is a list of confirmed GOP sex offenders and their crimes. It's past 1,100 now.

I don't think I need to point out the well documented history of sex offenses in the church, but here's a quick list of recent travesties:

So please, FOCUS ON THE GAYS! LITTERBOXES! TRANS TRAINERS! Think about anything but the crimes conservatives and religious pedos please please please.

Projection writ large, across our entire society.

gee the market has been clamoring for a decade while the auto industry said "BIG TRUCKS AND SUV'S!"

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so tired of people setting up strawman arguments so they can finally win a debate.

meanwhile libs are voting for trans rights, voting for POC to actually represent them in the house and senate, voting for women who have brains (porter, warren, aoc) instead of tokens and bimbos. tyranny of majority? get fucked with that ignorant bullshit take. same as conservatives huh? same as the conservatives invading uteruses in Texas, Louisiana, trying it in Ohio and Michigan, oh yeah it's the same when liberals FORCED THAT WOMAN IN TEXAS TO CARRY HER DEAD BABY, oh no, wait, that wasn't liberals.

what a stupid fucking take on the world.

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illustrates the love his party members have, keeping him working even after he's had a stroke on tv twice.

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The U.S. Geological Survey's most recent water use data for Utah shows the state uses about 38 million gallons of water on golf courses per day.


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That baby is inconceivable.

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I keep seeing people say "I don't remember the time before I was born, why would I worry about what happens after I die?"

But. I know. I remember all the lives before and know the horrors the future holds. Can we watch Paw Patrol?

Indian food mostly, but only because the best places are a drive away.

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This has less to do with the UK being backward in my opinion than it does with the fucking navy. Steeped in tradition to the point of ridiculousness, Navies cling to their traditions for good and bad reasons. Some of them save lives. Some are just pedantic to the point of absurdity. I always recall Kelly Johnson's 15th rule for the Skunkworks - Johnson had a 15th rule that he passed on by word of mouth. According to the book "Skunk Works" the 15th rule is: "Starve before doing business with the damned Navy. They don't know what the hell they want and will drive you up a wall before they break either your heart or a more exposed part of your anatomy."

With that being said, I am 100% confident that this will have no impact on House Republican plans to pursue impeachment.

they've never been the kind of folks who let evidence and facts get in the way

Also, Hydrogen is notoriously hard to nail down in the sourcing - Green is great, blue not so much as it means there's more fossil fuel production somewhere in it's creation. This has led to Denmark pulling back on it's investment in hydrogen infrastructure and closing it's stations.

there used to be tenure with sanity; it was rare for faculty to stay on after their abilities started to wane. Then came the boomers.

2023 has been a bang up year for attempted enshittification. DnD, Twitter, Reddit, now Unity. It's a clown bus of failure.

No one is downplaying what Bush did, we're accentuating how excruciatingly bad Trump's actions were. See you comprehend that Bush's crimes were horrible, you're simply incapable of understanding that Trump's were much, much worse.

Many executives get their countries embroiled in foreign conflicts. Few actively attempt to subvert their own government upon their dismissal; they literally are the worst of the worst, and your inability to fathom this is either feigned or revealing.

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I mean... radionucleotide containment is something he did very incompetently.... they had to make his shed a superfund site iirc

It's the sheer waste that gets me - not just the fuck you tiny dick bullshit of spewing your effluence onto people intentionally, no, they need to waste fucking shittons of petrol or diesel to do it MEANWHILE THE WORLD IS FUCKING BURNING. The fucking amazon dried up, what more evidence do they need?

Of course, if evidence swayed them, if they had half a fucking brain they'd never try this shit in the first place. But you know what's worse than the stupids running the planet into meltdown?

The rest of us let them. Even wildly stupid bullshit like this.