What's a food you forget you like? Then you eat it, and wonder why you don't buy it more often?

IonAddis@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 207 points –

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Indian food mostly, but only because the best places are a drive away.

What's your favorite Indian dish?

I like a big bowl of Rogan Gosht with some chicken biryani (my wife's fav) and loads of naan. I'm not refined lol, just like that lamb and that chicken saffron yogurty stuff.

I frickin' love lamb dishes, and I get so grumpy that lamb/mutton is unpopular in the US, so it's hard to find. It's tasty!

I frickin’ love lamb dishes

If you ever get a chance, try goat curries. They will rock your world.

I go on Indian food kicks sometimes, where I'll end up eating once or twice a week for months then I'll go years without thinking about it again.