
11 Post – 1380 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am so tired of hearing about this.

If the media did one tenth the pearl clutching concern for the shit that is actually destroying the environment, the dumping of gigatons of co2 into the atmosphere every fucking year, we may have done something about it.

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Just an FYI on Sandisk.

They were acquired by Western Digital in 2016.

So this bullshit falls as much at WD's feet as it does their wholly owned subsidiary, Sandisk.

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If Giuliani had retired from public life in the years after 9/11 he would have had a positive entry in the history of the USA.



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he passed through security at the airport in Portland, Oregon, where it was not detected by baggage screeners.

Tonight on TSA's security theatre

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50% percent off a product that is almost guaranteed to lead to complete data loss?

By Grabthar's Hammer, what a savings!

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It sounds like Dorothy lived life on her terms, right to the end.


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Join the EU.

Or pass their Digital Services Act and GDPR Laws in the USA.

Sadly, for the USA, each option is about as likely as the other.

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Apple spent ~100 M per year on adds on twitter prior to the EM buyout.

There is no way in hell these grifters will do anything but talk big. The money will never come.

How about we just stop mentioning it at all?

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Cool. One less website to visit. Not like there is a shortage.

unlimited file transfers, unlike competitors.

Looking into my crystal ball...

I give this 2-3 months before file transfers are limited due to multi-terrabyte daily transfers from accounts hosting pirated media.

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Personal Opinion:

The USA is one of the countries where religion intersects very strongly with politics. His diehard supporters have elevated their support to a level of worship.

Anything he says is true and correct because He said it.

Anything he does is right and proper because He can do no wrong.

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Person hired as meat puppet mouth piece for owner continues to defend owner.

Details at 11.

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Can't comment on the rest but Firefox has already released a patch in their update.

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GenXer here. What drives me nuts is that climate change was taught to me as scientific fact in year 9, back in the early 80s.

The science was clear but collectively every government said "well, I'll be dead by then so why should we care now".

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This one doesn’t sound like she was serious

Quotes from the voice mail she left. (what a fucking idiot to give a voice recording of this)

"You are in our sights, we want to kill you,"

"If Trump doesn't get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you, so tread lightly, b---h. ... You will be targeted personally, publicly, your family, all of it."

Sounds serious to me.

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Why do I get the feeling that Netflix would be raising prices this year even if the writers and actors strikes had never happened.

This stinks of the suits using the strike as something to blame the price rise on.

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Please yes.

I'm tired of seeing the same story of that chode in six or seven different communities.

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We hope that shooting ourselves in the foot today will allow us to run faster in the years to come...

Expecting either US political party to drop its support for Israel is a fool's game.

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Let me guess. Paying a subscription will not mean the end of ads.

I have been wondering for a while what he would have to do to finally crash twitter, I think this may be it.

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A new wave of slowdowns is hitting users, with the only resolutions being disabling the ad blocker or upgrading to premium.

Or just switching to ublock origin.

Or just switching to newpipe.

Or just switching to freetube.




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Its all part of the plan. EM does one outrageous thing each day to constantly stay in the news cycle. The ego must be fed.

Oscar Wilde described this mentality in The Picture of Dorian Gray

“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”

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Wealth makes people more likely to be conservative, as does age.

The poor young man who recorded Fuck tha Police is a very different person to the multi-millionaire media star being interviewed on Fox.

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I'm really getting tired of every new product announcement having AI tacked on in some way.

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The police went to apprehend the female suspects at a private house in Yalta but were surprised to find them "well armed" and "well prepared," the post said.

You are surprised that two resistance fighters who risked their lives to kill the invaders were prepared for shit to get hot?...

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My guess is they would not go in the first place.

or will they say that it’s fake and the windows on the space stations are monitors?

But if they did, this would be my guess. They have not used logic or accepted any proof that they are wrong so I doubt they would in space.

Some flat earth guys designed a great experiment to prove whether the earth is flat or round. The only problem was they when their own results showed it was round...

They rejected the results they had come up with as it did not fit their belief.

Company surprised that loss leading promotion lead to losses.

Details at 11.

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They are about both.

Short term streaming residuals are important.

Long term AI protections are a must.

Apple is about making money. If honesty and integrity do not increase profits, they will be discarded.

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I thought everyone knew the rule.

When on a date, do not endlessly bash your ex.

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Not sure about that but it is a great way to get Kuru

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Because google gives mozilla a huge chunk of change every year. Mainly to stave off anti-trust claims by ensuring firefox says alive.

That allows us to keep using ff and to add tracking blocker extensions to our browser...

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How long until we see knock off versions by Huyndai, Hyandui and of course...Amazon Basics?

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I’m pretty sure gaming studios would be mostly fine with paying a percentage of the sales revenue to unity too,

I think the real problem is changing the terms of the agreement and making it retroactive.

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I spent a decade working in insolvency.

When we were going into a business that had failed the question was "Are the idiots, criminals or both?"

One highlight:

A boat sales / marine business goes bust. When we arrive with the paper work and seize the place there are about a dozen new boats on the lot worth several million. We change the locks on the gates.

Arrive the next day, the gates have been busted open and several million in boats are now missing. We look up the addresses of the owners (one of them lives on acreage) and drive to their property...from the road we can see the boats stashed there. Really smart guys.

So we call the police. Someone inside notices use there and decides to flee with one of the boats, it is huge but they think they can get away.

We then have the slowest car chase in history as we calmly follow this guy towing a boat on a trailer down the road while talking to the cops to meet us.

wanted to hang Snowden


They still do.

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Well, once you are an adult...you can make your own decisions on both issues.

Until then I would suggest not doing either.

India's work productivity is one of the lowest in the world. Unless we improve our work productivity

Working longer hours does not increase worker productivity.

Stanford professor: Working this many hours a week is basically pointless.

Working Overtime? Longer Hours Won’t Make You More Productive

Research Finds That Working Longer Hours Doesn't Make You More Productive

Always be suspect of someone telling a group to work longer if they are not in that group.

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did we win?

Just because they paused this offensive, does not mean the war is over.

I believe it was a case of testing the waters. These are some of the questions they were looking to answer

Did the pop up cause those who received it to buy premium?

Did the pop up cause those who received it to turn off add block for that site?

Did the pop up cause those who received it to not use youtube at all?

Did the pop up cause those who received it to move to third party front-ends?

My guess is they are looking at the data now to answer this question: (the only one they care about)

From the data gained, is it likely that going on a full offensive against add-blockers make us more money?

If yes, the offensive will begin.

If no, they will look at other alternatives.

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Reddit admins will say or do anything they think will push the IPO forward.

They have zero respect or care for the people on the site. To them, Reddit users are cattle to be sold and nothing more.

Forums existed long before Reddit became ubiquitous. They have no unique selling point and I think they are about to find that out.

The centralisation of web 2.0 has gone to the point that the benefits are far, far outweighed by the downsides.