Why are Mozilla's pages filled with Google Trackers?

Chinstrap@lemmy.ml to Firefox@lemmy.ml – 195 points –

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Because google gives mozilla a huge chunk of change every year. Mainly to stave off anti-trust claims by ensuring firefox says alive.

That allows us to keep using ff and to add tracking blocker extensions to our browser...

This money maintains the status quo. It will be adjusted so that Firefox does not gain significant market share but continues to exist as a worthy alternative, and Mozilla is incentivized to stay quiet about Google’s monopoly in the tech sector.

Are they really quite though?

They certainely arent that loud from what i have seen but makes sense why they dont

I don't think they're "quiet" per se, it's just that no one cares.

They do seem to be vocal critics of most things google does, but they just don't get that much attention.

to stave off anti-trust claims

Everyone says this but is it really true?

Edge has almost twice the market share that FireFox does. It wouldn't matter that they both use the same rendering engine, it's a competitor to stave off an anti-trust suit.

If they did need a competitor it would be dramatically more sensible to spin out a fork of chrome and create an org around that, rather than supporting FireFox.

It seems more likely to me that the agreement with FireFox isn't that nefarious - if they don't pay FireFox then they don't get FireFox users in search. That may only be 6% on the desktop, but 6% is significant enough.

Edge is chrome

Yeah I mentioned that in my post. It's still a competitor. Anti-Trust is not about rendering engines, it's about vendors.