1 Post – 946 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's true, but investors have a habit of making their problems everyone else's problems.

41 more...

There's a "we told you this would happen" going on here.

If chromium didn't have a monopoly amongst browsers, they would have a much harder time pushing this through.

Imagine everyone using a browser built by an advertising company.

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Yeah I agree.

It's made me very intolerant of ads. It's kind of surprising how much effort I will invest to avoid ads, and avoid supporting people who make a living from advertising revenue.

31 more...

There's no need to answer.

Stop whatever it was they detected. Don't do that any more.

“If that’s all that was discussed, we already know all that,” he told the Times. “We have had Australians serving with Americans on U.S. submarines for years, and we share the same technology and the same weapons as the U.S. Navy.”

This is such bs. If a dem had revealed classified information like this rep's would be frothing at the mouth.

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It's so surreal that everyone is just zombie walking into this dystopia.

16 more...

Flawed premise.

Lemmy is not reddit nor should it aspire to be.

We don't want to attract reddit users, we simply want vibrant communities.

This type of attitude results in turds that won't flush like et al - a blight upon our fertile landscape.

8 more...

Describing Trump as "master at finding value where others do not," Kise attempted to describe asset valuation as a subjective process.

This is a ridiculous argument. Appropriate methodologies for determining values are very well established. Any accountant knows this. IFRS 13 deals with the various concepts at length - it's foundational accounting.

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Political views aside, the way they promote their political views is unappealing.

Look through any of their popular threads. Everyone piles on any comment which doesn't align perfectly with the agreed perspective.

40 more...

Little bots screaming 1s and 0s at each other really fast at a pitch you can't hear.

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People who look fit and feel well can be in terrible cardiovascular health without realising.

Also, the damage that accumulates while you're feeling fine is irreversible.

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These poor bastards.

10 days would be an eternity. Probably a good thing they're getting some coverage.

This. Knowledgeable professionals "google" things all the time.

If you need an unusual procedure, would you prefer your surgeon googled it to find a video of some prof explaining it, or a surgeon that just tries to remember.

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No, it's a punitive fee.

If you need to use facebook for whatever reason, but refuse to opt in to targeted ads, we will punish you with this fee.

Fuck I would love to see actual consequences.

Bit worried that the gag order doesn't directly preclude this though. Like yeah it's clearly not in the spirit of, but is it a contravention?

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"OK so what's our strategy here?"

"Well, I'm going to be so incompetent that when you're inevitably found guilty you can appeal on the basis that I'm incompetent"

"Genius. I love it."

A trial date has not yet been scheduled in Georgia, though Willis indicated Tuesday that a future trial could stretch into early 2025. Trump’s first criminal trial could get underway in just four months, with his federal case over efforts to overturn the election scheduled to begin on March 4.

Won't he be like... eternal supreme leader by then?

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Birds construct a nest in which to incubate eggs and raise chicks, the nest is abandoned after just a few months. For the rest of the year the bird won't have a nest.

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The article says that the app description said something about "killing children".

It's not really surprising google removed it. I mean they could've just edited the description or whatever but... policy I guess.

Sounds like it will be back any minute.

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Wait, smart devices might not be secure?! I'm shocked!

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Let me get this straight.

People make content, bots up vote content that aligns with their objectives. People get paid for up votes.

So... People are working for bots now?

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It's a way to disable ad blockers.

Presently web servers send data to your browser, which can arrange the content however you wish, because it's your browser on your device. Excluding content you don't like is fairly trivial.

This drm stuff will basically make the browser refuse to display anything unless the whole page is unaltered.

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First party operating systems always seem to be terrible.

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I appreciate your interest in me, but I prefer not to continue this conversation

For some reason this sentence makes me deeply uncomfortable, like I've said something inappropriate and offended someone.

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It's not just a "blemish", imagine if he had succeeded.

5 more...

Most of this is self referencing. Like the default search engine is not an example of Google's control, it's Mozilla's revenue model.

The remainder sounds like personal gripes that you're misconstruing as evidence of nefarious intent.

There's also plenty of evidence to the contrary, total cookie protection to name but one.

Additionally, beurocratic processes produce terrible software. Log in to any govt website as a refresher.

Finally, browsers are incredibly complex, if this model worked you'd use it for much simpler projects first.

1 more...

This is the worst way to use time travel to get rich i have entry l ever heard

Good God man.

Just because there are competing perspectives does not mean that all perspectives are equally appropriate.

Just because someone does something that benefits you personally does not give them a free pass for being a fuck head

I don't think kids think about consequences in this way. Also not sure if charging a 12 year old as a paedophile is the right move.

1 more...

Sorry mate. IMO this is really bread and butter for a team leader.

You're not children. You don't need to be "nice" or "mean".

  • hey guy
  • I'm really enjoying working with you. You seem to be amazing at x. I'm really hoping I can learn about y from you.
  • If I'm really honest though, I just can't concentrate with the fart noises. I know it's just a joke and maybe others are ok with it but it really disrupts my flow, every time.
  • Anyhow, how have you been going with z.
2 more...

Of course you're welcome to that opinion but it's a fundamental design feature of the fediverse.

There's no central point of control. Anyone can create an instance and create their own "No stupid questions" community.

There are obvious benefits if you'd care to consider them but if not it's fine if the fediverse isn't for you. There's always reddit I guess.

7 more...

He acknowledged in his closing argument that “my client has committed wrongful conduct against” the pair and had “harmed” them, but asked the jury to keep in mind the good Giuliani had done in his lifetime.

He told them the message he believed they should send is, “You should have been better, but you’re not as bad as the plaintiffs are making you out to be.”

This has to be the worst closing argument ever. This might work if say, a teacher commits a drink driving offense, or a crosswalk attendant steals some laundry detergent, but "think of all the good" that this sycophant did in his life is just going to inspire heavier penalties.

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News about China is always feast or famine.

On Monday they own all batteries world wide, Tuesday it's economic apocalypse, Wednesday global domination.

4 more...

There's a lot of dumb answers here.

people say that the motivation is to raise real estate prices

It's not the sole motivation and it's not even "a" motivation for some businesses.

Basically, wealthy people generally are going to have all sorts of investments. If you own any commercial property then you're going to exercise whatever influence you have to support people continuing to work on premise. That influence is often in the form of shareholders putting pressure on management.

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I can see why you would think this, but this is a very unusual case. Particularly so given the decision in this article.

You're dead right in that rich people don't go broke like the rest of us - because they have accountants and lawyers set up complex business structures so if something falls over they can just walk away (or drive away in their nice car to their nice house).

This article is pretty much saying that all that usual dance isn't going to work in this case - he still has to pay $1.1b.

Also, there's no law that prevents him from going on making money. That may not feel "right" or just but that dynamic is the same even for poor people. That said, at 100k per month it would take him 916 years to pay $1.1b soo... he might curtail his luxurious lifestyle, maybe not.

I feel like most replies here are missing the point.

The entire premise of the statement is that privacy is about defending your dirty secrets. When people say "nothing to hide" they're really saying "I'm not going to post about anything I want to hide", but that still misses the point.

For me it's the subtle principles of advertising. I don't want to be advertised to, at all. I certainly don't want some blog to know what adverts I'm likely to engage with, because that is simply none of their business.

That's it. If that doesn't bother some people, that's entirely fine. I'm a bit weird, and the whole idea of being tracked to figure out what things I might want to buy makes me very grumpy.

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Here AirBnB just isn't really comparable to a hotel.

In a hotel you get a bed, bathroom, a tiny desk, tv chair, and microwave. When you pay more the room is functionally the same, just maybe in a better location or nicer lobby.

With short stay accommodation you get an actual dwelling. Even in a tiny studio apartment you have a full kitchen and an actual table.

Obviously if hotels & short stay were like for like then you would stay in a hotel if that were cheaper - but that's just not the reality here. Short stay accom is dramatically more comfortable.

12 more...

Can someone give me the straight talk on why western countries, who usually at least try to look like they have the moral high ground, are falling all over themselves in support of Israel?

What is the non-conspiracy nutter reason why the US feels the need to provide billions of dollars in support to Israel?

Clearly actions on both sides are reprehensible, some more-so than others. There's no goodies and baddies here. There's aggressors, innocents, and victims on all sides.

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"Well ackshually ..."

You forgot one, lead as in cord.


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Maybe try not to make such sweeping generalisations.