im sorry i broke the code

@im sorry i broke the
3 Post – 198 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

I will check it out, ty

Isn’t it closed source?

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No I’m not saying streaming but buying it

Chuck, for example. It’s available in the US afaik but where I live, it’s available only in streaming on prime video. The blu rays aren’t available at all either

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Can I use it with Apple TV tho? I have everything there

I’m not from the US

Yeah but there is streaming only as I said

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Fun fact: America is arguably better if you are rich or with a high income, Europe is better if you have a lower income / are poor

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If I can code doesn’t mean I know how to do X thing on your stupid phone

"You are in your sister... but we do not grant you the rank of general"

It was my final exam. Everyone , including the president (or whatever it’s called), but one said I was great and all, and we were chilling talking about my future. I said I wanted to get a CS degree, to which my math teacher replied with “People like you can only be good as carpenters”

EDIT: just to point out, I got the highest grade lol

Because it didn’t disappear overnight

You don’t

don’t use the git cli. In my professional life I don’t know a single person who does

I do, I find it much simpler than using the GUIs

Or some stupid Facebook “””issue”””

phrases that are stupid

We haven’t invented a storage big enough for that yet

About the others, there are some obvious ones but other than that it mostly depends on context and culture. Some pointed the ricing thing for Linux, but I don’t think anyone in the community, myself included, thought about Asian ppl when calling themselves a ricer; nor I think it’s racist, so again: aside for obvious insults or widely known slurs, it basically falls back to context

Assembly, so I can shorten my lifetime quite a lot

No. My life is shit and nothing can make it slightly better. At this point I do dumb shit and create messes for myself just to spice it up, otherwise it’s the same boring, sad, routine

I accepted that I will be forever alone, so I got a cat

I'm from a non-english country and some of my coworkers don't speak English at all, so... no. That said, it's very inconvenient and they use the google translator all the time (which is shit, told them to use deepl at least).

Anyhow, there are programming languages that aren't English based: I don't remember the names but, for example, there is one that uses Latin

even if it goes wrong, everything will sort itself out in the end

this is my motto, and I’m very proud of my terrible decision making

@sahrizv: 2014 - We must adopt #microservices to solve all problems with monoliths. 2016 - We must adopt #docker to solve all problems with microservices. 2018 - We must adopt #kubernetes to solve all problems with docker

Now everything is a microservice, even when it doesn't need to be.

And then there is the whole noSql debacle, where relational projects reinvent the wheel every time with nosql and for some reason that is thought to be smart

Are they really quite though?

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Non profit doesn’t mean they earn nothing

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D-did they use these…?

I never saw it like that but it makes sense tbf

not wanting to work isn’t “being lazy”, you can do all sort of stuff if you didn’t have to waste 8 hours a day for stupid corporate crap (so that others will not need to work)

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How do you disable shorts?

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Yeah the fade is cool in theory but it’s poorly implemented there imo.

In Pathfinder wrath of the righteous, alushynirra is very similar to the fade and it is a much better - albeit buggy as fuck - implementation.

I wrote a short story that is actually well written and doesn’t make me puke.

Obviously I never finished it and moved on to the next project, so well… glass half empty?

This thread is so weird lol

Oh it happens all the time. The worst thing, in this case, is that you don’t even need to be Ukrainian to have such an opinion — people demonising an entire population deals in absolutes which are never a black/white situation, unfortunately

Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this

Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this

Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this

Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this

Do not tempt me I’m stronger than this


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I’m proud to show my library


Please, we ship whole projects without any automated testing whatsoever then we spend month fixing the mess. The company I work for is smort

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I mean, IP bans aren’t smart most of the time since dynamic IPs are a thing

I don't, because it's insane and I'm not American

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