
3 Post – 1384 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

For software engineers, problem is management thought you could just hire a ton of people to solve the problem. Then the people who could actually solve the problem are stuck in meetings all day explaining it to people who can’t even understand the problem you keep explaining to them. Fun times.

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I run perl on arch btw

And it took him like 30 years.

Those patrons of the arts the medicis were the oligarchs of their time.

He’s in the back seat of the car. You can’t see it in OP’s pic.

And it says the hours are 9 to 5. Who the fuck cares then? If it takes you four hours to get from south east London to north west London, then there’s half of your day. Grab some crisps or some spotted dick and put some footie on your vodafone in the tube.

The librulz are hiding the gay frogs!!!

Now show the face when you realize McDonald’s doesn’t have any food.

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You… you’ve seen his commercials right? He seems like not only the kind of guy who would represent himself, but he would also be on a ton of cocaine when he does it.

I wished I could go back in time and kill DevOps, before it became a thing.

Did he finish the training exercise?

I think lawyers in these states lobby for this shit. What a grift. Take more federal tax dollars.

That seems not at all unreasonable compared to other salaries/prices today. You must live in a very affordable area.

He’ll take it through political means, by running candidates that support his regime. Then he will put an end to democracy there. Kind of like Hong Kong.

Then what are the time cops doing about Trump?

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Wait.. Do we not like NAT now??

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I don’t get it. Is this a play on whether they report to you or not?

I might have said “two or more to speak with our complaint department.”

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-The world’s most ambitious dog

About as helpful as it is to the people who aren’t at the bus stop on time.

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Joke’s on you, I never leave my mom’s basement.

Once they are already in the position it wouldn’t be too hard to move them to the guillotine.

Doesn’t that mean private non-routable subnets like 10.x or 192.x have always been a hack?

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Weren’t these assholes supposed to IPO like 6 months ago? lol

Search doesn’t suck because people aren’t working to make it better.

Search was working great for years. Search sucks because they are fucking it with SEO and ads, and they like it that way because they make more money.

So whoever they are firing for whatever reason has nothing to do with their shitty search.

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It is worse than broadcast.

If you learn anything about screenwriting, there are certain patterns and structures you follow (like acts in a play) to accommodate commercials, like to build suspense and keep the viewer interested and not changing the channel.

Streaming never had this, if you look at shows written for these platforms. The writers either ignored or didn’t even know about these conventions.

Now adding commercials later, it is even more annoying to the viewer as the original material was not meant to accommodate them.

Streaming just keeps fucking up. I already canceled my netflix. I’m on basic cable for network tv and I just pirate everything else.

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I just cancelled my Netflix that I had for like 10 years. Total shit nothing to watch.

Now there’s a million services, everything is plus. Paramount+, Disney+, Nutsack+

Even if I wanted to pay for all that shit, everyone has their own shitty app I have to install and configure and have a login and fuck you.

It’s just easier for me to torrent what I want.

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Haven’t they known this for decades now?

Fruit juice is all the sugar in fruit but without any of the fiber.

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Good for her, really fucking hitting everything she can against this asshole.

And fuck these California insurance companies. You can’t even get home insurance now from these assholes, but somehow they are willing to insure Trumps criminal nonsense. Someone should go after these companies next.

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26,000 rapes in the last nine months? If that’s true, they should be focusing on that more than abortion.

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I don’t get why, if these people hate Reddit so much and they want the IPO to fail, why are they still using the platform?

Once people get burned with that stock purchase email, they are going to have even more pissed off users.

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How much more will we allow these assholes to get away with? When does it stop?

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Do jpg artifacts confuse children?

Nobody is going to respect any kind of degree from these universities.

Why would you pay to go to school where your credentials will mean Jack shit to anyone?

What a joke.

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Well la-tee-da, fuck my AND gates and inverters.

Look at moneybags over here with his instruction sets.

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That’s a crazy amount. That’s nearly 3000 rapes a month. Or roughly 100 rapes per day. And that’s only those that resulted in pregnancy. Actually for a state the size of Texas maybe it’s not that surprising, sadly.

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I keep thinking these screenshots have to be fakes, they’re so bad.

You’d think the mainstream media would be tearing this AI garbage to shreds. Instead they are still championing it. Shows who pulls their strings.

The other day the local news had some “cybersecurity expert” on, telling everyone how great AI was going to be for their personal assistant shit like Alexa.

This bubble needs to burst, but they just keep pumping it.

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Way to discriminate against future people on Mars.

And what did Japan do to her?

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People who say “codes”

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I was hoping this one would stay on the other site.

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