What the fuck are bagged eggs?

jaybone@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 198 points –
And the good stuff will be gone fast - Lemmy.World

There has been some dispute regarding bagged eggs recently.

I would be remiss if I did not follow up on this properly, so that the lemmy community might come to some kind of consensus regarding this highly controversial culinary phenomenon.

Serious answers only, please.


It's scrambled eggs in a bag.

They're used in hotel restaurants, canteens, cafeteries etc. for making a uniform product when serving many people in a buffet.

It's alright, I guess. Eggs are great for this kind of product.

It would be nice to save the plastic bag and just make actual scrambled eggs, which is about as difficult as opening the bag anyway. However in kitchens like in hotels where the staff is new every month, it's an easy way to keep that dish from fucking up.

I was once at a 4 star hotel where a chef would cook each dish of scrambled eggs individually for each guest from a selection of additional ingredients and spices. Sure it was a luxury experience, but I could as well have eaten the bagged eggs and added some stuff myself if I actually needed mushrooms and peppers etc.

And for hard boiled egg some canteens and restaurants use Long Egg, a cylindrical shaped hard boiled egg with a cylinder of egg yoke in the middle. https://www.danaeg.com/our-products/long-eggs/

I was today years old when I learned about long eggs

I still don't understand how they make the raw ingredients into that shape?!

If I had to guess: they separate the whites and yolks, and then there’s a concentric cylindrical mold where they pour the whites in the outside and the yolks in the center (maybe lightly beaten to break the membranes?), start bringing things up to temp, and remove the inner ring once the whites are firm enough, so that the whole thing is a continuous egg-rod when done cooking.

If you read the response, he's talking about scrambled eggs, which you can get in a bag.

Another response says I can put a hard boiled egg into a bag.

I'm still not entirely sure if that's possible, but I'm going to try it first thing tomorrow.

It sounds like you're at the forefront of putting-prepared-eggs-in-bags research. Let us know your findings and may we take one more step closer to finally achieving the lofty dream of putting devilled eggs in a burlap sack.

I have a team of engineers working on this. By next week we'll be able to put a quiche into a louis vuitton.

Another response says I can put a hard boiled egg into a bag.

That was someone else guessing. The person talking about scrambled eggs was the original person who referenced "bagged eggs".

Hard boiled eggs are made on premise as they wouldn't transport in a bag without disintegrating.

Was the case when I worked in a 200 bedrooms hotel kitchen anyway...

Every grocery store, cafeteria, and gas station I go to has them. I chose a link to a manufacturer's page so there won't be a sales link. A quick search will show every major grocery or convenience store chain has there own store brand prepackaged boiled eggs.


Interesting, we don't have them around here or I've never noticed anyway...

I spend a lot of time in hotels but for work where i tend to start at 6am. Breakfast is still not an option cause I'm usually leaving at 0530 and be damned if I'm waking up at 0400 to go have shitty Breakfast

I like dogs, but cats are cool too.

Haha I'm just ranting don't mind me

Your ranting is fine with me pal, I have no qualms with you.

I just want to get to the bottom of this bagged egg situation which seems to be dividing us all.

Honestly I'm very glad to see this thread. Saw the original comment this morning and was thoroughly bemused, it's probably been weighing on my subconscious all day.