0 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

13 Fridays the 13th

Jason would unionize if he had that many hours of work to do

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Poor bird. At this point it's basically animal abuse

Now that you mentioned public transportation the US will never agree to the project

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Oh shit you're right.

Then I think Jason should look into universal basic income cuz he's about to be out of his job.

I know a guy that very was vocal against street lights in the 90's.

He was/is an amateur astronomer that modified his rooftop to be an actual telescope and the street lamps were angled in a certain way that like 40% of the light produced by them was shinning to the sky, making his observations harder to perform.

He went to my school to warn about light pollution and also teach us about planets and all that good stuff.

I think he became frustrated and quitted because last time I saw anything about him he was all about rescuing dogs from the street. :/

Nope. I don't like the format.

A 30 seconds video is like repeating the same mistakes that turned Twitter (yes, even before Elon Musk) to what it is today: a place that there's no shade of gray, no nuance and everything is outrageous. A Short has no time to elaborate on anything and can simplify the subject so much that it becomes just misinformation.

Also I don't believe it's worth for creators in the long run. I'm not a creator myself but I believe that the time-effort to create a video is not linear with its duration. They can make a short so elaborated and viral that it would be more worth to create a full video in regards of sponsorship, ad revenue and subscription retention.

They could use parchment paper I think.

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I mean... their job supposedly is to protect and serve the citiens so yeah... I'd expect them to use their tools to do their job.

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It kinda does if your screen is OLED. The black pixels are actually turned off on OLED screens.

On other type of screens - like LCD - the backlight is always turned on

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May your surgery be bug free

I like not being easily identifiable on social media. When I was a kid my parents taught me to not reveal my real name on the internet and nowadays it seems that your real life and internet life should be the same.

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Sharing video is such a big problem that even Google couldn't solve it when it was their time. They just bought their biggest competitor when their own platform didn't get traction. And then operated at a loss for years and years.

I'd love to see descentralized video platforms as the next guy but there are serious barriers that come with the medium

Exactly what you think they are.

I wish they weren't.

That too is scary. The guy didn't win and still ran the country. WTF

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Forget the hot dog. How you fucked up so much cutting the bread on the right?

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The video is impressive but it's basically a OSU pro player playing OSU with a gun.

I don't know if the skill would transfer to a FPS e-sport, though. I wonder how the key mapping would look like with various movement, skills and what not.

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If you take a look into the fitness bubble on YouTube you will see military propaganda too. They're often competing against real soldiers/SEALS/whatever to demonstrate how well prepared they're are in the case of war. Back in the subject of engineering, William Osman was also sponsored by the Navy (I think) one time.

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Facebook (the page) is dead in the sense that its parent company changed their name to not be the same as their (once powerhouse) product. Facebook trademark is so unbelievably cursed due to what it became that they're pretending that it does not exist.

Meta is focusing on Instagram for now. They could've launched Threads within Facebook (I think it was at some point) but they choose not to. Instagram is how they reach out to the people.

This means that Facebook was enshittified successfully. It does not serve any purpose now.

I don't think Reddit has the same choice as they don't really have means to pivot to something else. It will just cease to be... Or not.


60 years ago we entered in a military regime that destroyed our economy and lasted for about 30.

Last year we almost did the same thing again. So yeah... Things looking nice since they weren't successfull this time.

How else would he extract the cube root of numbers if not mentally?

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A better frontend, basically.

It guaranteed chronological timeline and multiple columns.

A car

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I mean... It's not like I'm American or vote in America or live in America so I guess it's not a priority to me to evaluate how these factor in my life.

I guess it's America's job to do it.

They lost me at building a CDN on top of a blockchain. Why?

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And they're still ranking #1 on the Comments per Day category with just 15k comments. I'd imagine they're way bigger than that

Well, now you made me find this paper:

OP's friend might have read something based on it too. This is really weird. I guess more reading is necessary to know if this paper was already debunked or not

When the thunderstorm is very far away and I can listen just the faintest noise i I like to say that the sky's stomach is rumbling.

Square. The cylinder goes in the (out of) the square hole.

I don't know but I hope it's one that has an actual map of the multiverse

When we use forums there's also an opportunity to correct (or be corrected) on how we deal with problems.

I've seen a few times people asking how to do X while they're actually trying to do Y. ChatGPT would gladly direct them to the wrong path.

Why is that? How everybody else made to the point of having universal health care while still under a democracy or representative government?

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+1 for the Epson Ecotank.

The ink bottles are cheaper than cartridges and it's basically "dumb". There's no DRM that prevents you from squirting any generic type of ink in there.

I did not test it on older hardware but mine is WiFi enabled and it works seamlessly on every device.

It's not a perfect solution but it's a good middle ground for me.

If I were to be fair then my answer would be neither as I don't believe capitalism is forcing us to consume meat and there was methods to conserve meat for long periods of time before refrigeration was a thing.

I guess meat can be healthy. What certainly isn't healthy is highly processed meat like burgers, hot dogs and deep fried turkey

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Apparently it did not. Frick!

Brb setting up a new account

Maybe your friend is thinking about menstrual cycles? Of course they aren't really influenced by the moon but they (often) have a period of 1 month, like the moon phases.

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Oh yes..don't get me wrong. I think OSU can be a great tool to practice aiming. I've seen League of Legends players using it to farm better too.

It's just that I don't think one can play a FPS like they play OSU. They have more "dimensions", I guess.

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Isn't glibi that kid from iCarly?

Here's a list in order of what I think you should address before deciding your next haircut:

  • What's your hair type? Is it curly? Extra curly? Straight? Does it have too much (or lacks) volume? You can change your hair to some degree (mine is curly and I used to straighten it when I was your age) so have this in mind.

  • What's your personal style? Do you like it short like people in the army or would you like it to be longer? Are you a metalhead, a punk or like the classic pompadour?

  • How much time do you want to spend on it every morning? Some styles are much more time consuming to maintain than others.

They're are all personal questions that you have to answer yourself. Just think about them for a while and decide on what you think is cool. Then walk to a barber shop that you trust and ask the guy to make yours like the photo. If the guy does a bad job then put on a cap and wait for it to grow back haha

You mean pay for a CSS re-skin? To enable light mode??