2 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't hate some older religious music.

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Any Senator that thinks this deserves any attention at all prior to passing budget and avoiding or more likely ending a shutdown is unfit for their office. Worrying over what your coworkers are wearing instead of dealing with an eminent crisis demonstrates poor judgement and an inability to properly prioritize your duties. If something like this does reach a vote before a budget is in place for the next fiscal year I would hope a majority of Senators would vote present in protest of the body's failure to act in the best interests of the nation.

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Extra policing was part of the problem that led to the gangs. Extra policing targeted at an outgroup means every issue big or small is met with violence and imprisonment. The paternalistic overuse of the criminal justice system leads to the people losing trust in police and in the system. They still need someone to provide community structure, to settle disputes, and to offer some degree of protection and gangs are the homegrown solution to fulfilling that need. Extra social workers and community organizers that are from that community would do a lot better than extra police.

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To avoid price collapse and still sell it they could create a generic label to bottle it under and export it. They could probably sell it near the original price in the US with a good marketing campaign.

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Trump's trials need to, to the extent possible, follow the normal rules and procedures of the courts in which they are held. These are not political prosecutions, there is sufficient evidence to support all of the indictments that Trump has been charged with, but he is still a former President. Even if the prosecution decisions are not political there is an unavoidable political element to these trials, especially in terms of media coverage and public perception, which must be zealously guarded against. I do think that the prohibition on pictures and video recording should be changed but that change should go through the normal process and apply to all proceedings going forward. To make exceptions to the usual order is to invite greater politicization and distrust of the institution.

I'm sorry but it's never fault of the conservatives or their leaders. Despite telling everybody else to take responsibility for their own lives and decisions conservatives have mastered the art of conspiracy so that they always have someone else to blame. In this case it's those evil liberals in the "organized left" using reverse psychology.

Quick somebody find a way to link this to China so we can get the GOP to start yelling about limiting foreign investment in US real estate. With a little luck we might can wrangle this into something that will lower the cost of housing.

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Beshear won a collection of Appalachian counties and 2 of the 3 counties in the Cincinnati metro. The eastern counties were the difference between the Governor's race and the rest of the races on the ballot. Here's the election page from a local TV station with a really nice interface. Tap the individual counties for county level vote totals.

I think it's primarily education. Public education is a big issue in eastern Kentucky in part because it's a big employer and in part because our grandparents pushed it as a way to escape the mines. In contrast with most of the rest of the South churches in eastern Kentucky, especially the Old Regular Baptists, have a strong history of supporting public education. The elementary school I went to was donated by my grandparent's congregation. Both of the Republican governors elected in my lifetime had their political careers ended by attacking education and educators.

I also think pandemic politics was at best a wash in this election. Our older and middle aged voters remember or grew up being told about family members that were severely affected or killed by diseases we vaccinate against now. Eastern Kentucky still has serious issues accessing medical care and takes childhood vaccination seriously. Vaccine denial didn't land here like it did elsewhere. On top of that Kentucky did much better under Beshear than the surrounding states that had more conservative governors and more conservative pandemic policies. The pandemic policies and his Team Kentucky updates are what originally made Beshear one of the most popular governors in the US. He went into the election with an in-state approval rating of about 60%.

McCarthy allowing the CR to be voted on was at the end of a long attempt to do everything he could to go back on the deal he made with Democrats to pass the bill to raise the debt ceiling and didn't fulfill his side of the bargain. There's no both sidesing this mess. The Republicans have decided that they would rather be held hostage by an extremist minority in their party than negotiate in good faith with Democrats so McCarthy was running between the extremists and Democrats making and breaking deals with both trying to string them both along so that he could remain in power. If he had kept his debt ceiling deal and/or made a real attempt to build a bipartisan coalition he might have gotten some support from Democrats.

Fevers are your body fighting the infection so unless it gets too high you should just let it do it's thing. Keeping the fever will shorten the duration of a mild or moderate illness. If your fever gets up to 102-103f or ~39c take medicine to reduce it, if it hits 105f or 40c then you are in danger of cooking you brain and should go to the ER. Stay well hydrated, getting some electrolytes is a good idea if you are sweating more than usual or vomiting. Eat regularly, your body is using extra calories to fight the infection so even if you activity level is lower you need the same or a little more calories than normal. The more balanced your diet the better. Have something to do. Don't just focus on the illness and lay around getting bored, do some light housework, engage is a light hobby, catch up on some TV or movies, replay an old favorite video game. Anything to keep your mind engaged and to make the time pass faster.

Can we define a small town? The ones in his video have populations of around 150k which I would argue isn't a small town. That's a little over the combined population of seven counties were I live or about 165% of the combined population of all 11 "major cities" in the Eastern Kentucky Coalfields. I say anything much over 10k in population doesn't qualify as a small town.

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I'd go with something safe for the gift like a non food gift or, because nearly all religious food restrictions are related to animal products, a vegan safe gift. Then I would ask them to a dinner/game night. When you invite them you can say that you were a little nervous about asking because you don't know much about halal and set up a day where you can cook together. Gives you a chance to learn a little more about them and build the friendship.

One beside the bed, one in the kitchen, and one near the front door.

For oven fires turn off the oven and shut the door. An oven is a fire box, it will contain the blaze. The oven probably isn't completely airtight but it should be close enough that the fire will use up the oxygen and extinguish itself quickly (the vent will pull hot air out but not let cooler air back in). Let it sit for a while and cool after you can't see flames anymore to make sure the fire doesn't reignite when you open the door and let fresh air in. Fire can damage the elements and seals so the oven needs serviced before being used again but so long as the fire was only inside the oven it should be repairable.

Make sure your fire extinguisher has the right rating for the place it is stored. For the oven grease fire, and most kitchen fires, a class K extinguisher would have been most appropriate because it is designed to put out cooking oil fires with minimal splashing.

My neighbor was a maintenance man at an apartment complex and was bitten while emptying mouse traps. He was infected with a virus that caused some kind of lymphatic disease that developed into viral meningitis. He wound up spending months in hospitals and rehab and has permanent brain damage and disability. It was treatable if he had gone to the Dr earlier but healthcare is expensive and hard to access so he decided to wait and see if it'd pass.

I kinda waver on reasonableness for cases like this but I generally think using a weapon against an unarmed aggressor is reasonable when there is a significant size disparity or a disability or something like that. In this case the "prankster" was significantly larger and had a group of friends with him so I don't think it's out of the question that the use of a gun for defense is reasonable in this situation.

All of those issues are covered by other devices that most people will already have. An XBox360/PS3 or any newer gaming system can output 4k and make the smart features in the TV unnecessary. The same is true of a cable box, Roku plugin, fire stick, or any other streaming device. All the TV really needs is to display the 4k signal it receives. TVs don't even really need receivers anymore just a USB hub, a processor for video and audio output, and a screen.

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The complaint was about the body of the post not the title. The last sentence in the body says that the medical community has a problem with the legislation but doesn't summarize what the problem is.

This isn't necessarily what the commenter was talking about but wage theft is estimated to be at about $50bil per year which is more than all other forms of property crime combined and it is rarely punished even when reported.

The Puckle gun had been invented but it was never in wide use or used in war. There is only good evidence for 2 of them to have ever been built. It was also basically nothing like what we would call a machine gun now.\_gun

The Gatling gun was invented in 1861 and first saw wide use during the American Civil War. (Approx 4 score and 7 years after the Revolutionary War.)\_gun

The Girandoni air rifle was invented and used shortly after the revolution and the founders likely would have been aware of it but it is an air gun not an automatic or semi-automatic rifle. The air tank was good for about 30 rounds but filling the air tank required pumping the hand pump about 1,500 times.\_air\_rifle

In terms of the advancement of firearms technology here's something to consider. While both breach loading and rifling were crudely implemented much earlier it wasn't until America's westward expansion in the mid 19th century that they came into their modern forms and became standard features on batch produced weapons.

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Adding to this, there is no requirement that hospitals ensure that you are safe when they release you from their care so sometimes people who can't pay for care and have dementia, uncontrolled or poorly controlled mental health issues, or are otherwise vulnerable get left at the nearest bus stop. It even makes the news sometimes because someone got dropped off only wearing a hospital gown at night in winter.

Edit to add link to an example:

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ACLU's Mobile Justice app automatically uploads videos to ACLU servers.

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They don't exercise much power outside of their ceremonial role but they still have a huge amount of power. Everything the UK government does requires royal assent. While only used ceremonially now, the government requires the Monarch's permission to form in the first place and the PM is appointed by the Monarch. The Monarch has the power to unilaterally dismiss the PM and disband parliament. The last time a Monarch denied assent for a bill was in 1708 when Queen Anne vetoed the Scottish Militia Bill. The last time a Monarch broke convention with the use of their powers was in 1834 when William IV dismissed the Whig PM and cabinet and appointed a conservative PM and cabinet to replace them. The last time breaking convention was publicly discussed was in 2013 to stop Brexit.

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I'll say it, durable medical equipment that is needed for a person to function as normally as possible and participate in society should be free at the point of service. That's also true of all medically indicated care and basic preventative medical care.

Not registering for selective service is a felony and disqualifies you for most government programs.

For anyone wondering, the plea deal fell apart because the judge asked if the plea deal meant that Hunter couldn't be charged for related past crimes and the prosecutor said no while Hunter's attorney said yes. The judge didn't accept it because they had different understandings of the plea deal and they were not successful in renegotiating the deal.

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Have you tried 5-HTP? 5-HTP is an amino acid that your body produces from tryptophan and is the immediate precursor for serotonin. It's a dietary supplement rather than a prescription drug so if you try it look for a good brand that has 3rd party testing, especially with this one because it has a higher risk of contamination due to the process used to synthesis it producing toxic contaminates. Also ask your doctor before trying it because there are some potentially dangerous interactions with drugs that affect serotonin levels. There is some, but not enough, legitimate research on 5-HTP and for some depression patients, including me, it's more effective than SSRIs because it increases your body's production of serotonin rather than retaining serotonin longer.

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The state destroyed evidence when the police deleted their body cam footage. Don't fight for minimum sentencing, fight for a federal civil rights investigation, for a legal nonprofit to launch a civil rights lawsuit on his behalf, and for the misdemeanor convictions to be vacated.

I can't be the only one who was still using old.reddit desktop site even on my phone and tablet.

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You probably don't want to regularly use drag style makeup but there are good beginner tutorials for drag makeup that can help with techniques for feminizing a more masculine face. You should be able to tone down the colors and effects and get to a daily look that you like using the same techniques.

One step closer to the Bell Riots.

That is some expensive lichen.

I've never seen a tornado throw a cow through a house. I have seen the aftermath of a tornado trying to climb a mountain and digging a trench down to the base rock. If a tornado can dig out a couple hundred ton of shale and sandstone in a few minutes I don't imagine it'd have too much trouble with a cow.

I would argue that having facts without context isn't knowing. I accept the definition of knowledge to be justified true belief. Ultimately this is a probabilistic argument, Solipsism cannot be overcome so we can never absolutely know anything but phenomenologically it is best to assume our external reality exists and functions roughly the way we perceive it. With absolute knowledge out of reach we need a functional construction to serve in it's place. Justified true belief is as close to absolute knowledge as we can achieve. In this construct belief uses it's conventional definition, true means that it doesn't contradict reality as we perceive it, and justified means that we can point to strong evidence in our perceived reality to support the belief. Without at least some context the belief cannot be justified so the thing cannot be known.

We voted on 6 statewide offices yesterday Beshear won one and the other 5 including Attorney General and Secretary of State went to Republicans.

Also interfering with federal employees in the course of their duties.

There's no common language name for the fat layer under the skin in English. The medical term is most often used which is subcutaneous fat.

Edit: Using "cutaneous" for skin is borrowing straight from Latin which is a little odd. Not because of the Latin, lots of medical and scientific terminology is Latin origin, but because almost every other time we talk about the skin we use the Greek term "dermis".

Cucumber is good for meatless sandwiches. The classic English tea sandwich is cucumber and cream cheese. I like cucumber, hummus, onion, and tomato on seeded whole wheat. It gives a sandwich that relies on a spread for it's primary filling flavor some thickness and crunch.

Yeah, it keeps getting bought up and turned into airbnbs.

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If any Republicans want to talk it doesn't absolutely have to be Jeffries. He is the Democrats first choice but they are the minority party and may be willing to give a little for a coalition that elects a Democrat as speaker.