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Joined 12 months ago

You could always follow in the footsteps of these bus drivers:

Y2K is one of those stories we look back on and think what a silly old load of nonsense. Truth is, if it wasn’t for the countless hours of overtime people put in to making those outdated systems support the date change, it really would have been utter carnage. You saw how crazy things got when we started to run low on toilet paper for a few weeks.

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Well, shit I must be from Alabama cuz I’m marrying my Brother

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When you visit the Chrome website in edge, a pop up in the top right tells you to use edge instead. Imagine going to sign up for a new ISP and your current one injecting a popup telling you they’re better. I have no idea how MS are getting away with it

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In the early 2000s it was exceptionally common to hear things referred to as “gay” if they were “bad” in some way. Chandler’s “Dad” in friends is one I look back on and shudder. I understand when boomers say things like “things were different back then, but our ability to reflect and do better is what moves our species forward. Not dig in and scream no!

If I wanted an operating that could break from a regular update I’d just install Arch!

Bloody scoundrels the lot of ‘em

My wife and I lost our baby at around 10-12 weeks. There was some sort of medical reason my wife needed a d&c due to excessive blood loss.

Is that life saving treatment also banned under those new laws? If so, it seems even more barbaric.

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People actually play competitive games in their phone? I thought that was just marketing spin so apple didn’t have to put graphics cards in their macs

I recently wanted to watch a TV show that I could only find on Discovery Plus.

Signed up, started playing and an advert starts playing!?!? When did it become normal to serve ads for a service you’re already paying for.

Anyway I cancelled and pirated the show

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Have you considered that maybe your voice is being silenced?

The PC might be yours, but that virtual machine is Microsoft’s little bitch

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I once heard a guy refer to cows as having two states of mind:

“Oooh, what is that?” And “AHHH WHAT IS THAT??!!??”

I’m glad you brought that up. Now a word from our sponsor, NordVPN…

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I recently learned there are unpatched vulnerabilities in Paint 3D in versions of Windows 10. Christ knows what they’ve neglected to patch on Windows 7.

Have you tried a Linux desktop distribution on that windows 7 box? I can’t imagine you’re gaming on it.

Height’s irrelevant. You need to measure the dick to floor ratio.

I wonder what shape the chicken is?

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I recently noticed the tool Rufus has the ability to make a local account as part of the image

If at first you don’t succeed, change your time zone!

Also can I please have a link to the voyager wallpaper?

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Fucking Gilfoyle

The “smart” LGTV experience is utter trash. I was very pissed off to see adverts on my Home Screen when I put it online. It’s since been taken off and an Apple TV now provides the streaming services.

I’ve seen this photo a couple of times now, I still can’t wrap my head around the light being on. Was this the actual photo she took? How did he think this was going to work?

not related in any way to your comment, but your username…

When you’re doing an inspection down there, do you have to really fight the urge to say “hello there!“ ?

Happy Birthday OP!

I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that same 59% completed the poll on TikTok

I can guarantee this user is not using an iPhone from 2011 - the iPhone 4s went to shit after the first few years of updates

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I’ve been a Plex user for over a decade now. I’m not impressed with the direction they’re taking, but the alternatives aren’t quite there yet in terms of polish. I hope that by the time they fuck it all up there’ll be a better solution to switch to.

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This comment reminds me of an episode of Pawn Stars when the son bought a very rare and expensive bike to fix up. The dad gave him hell saying if the bike is so rare and expensive, where are they going to get parts!?

I tend to pick up prime every few months or so when I know we’ll be making a few purchases - birthdays, Christmas etc.

About 2 months ago I did my usual google search for the prime sign up link. Hit the student page by mistake. Whatever, I thought, it’ll realise I’m not a student and bill me correctly when I don’t prove it.

Nope, I’m still on a 6 month trial and still not entirely sure how I pulled it off. But hey, that’s money better in my pocket than Jeffrey’s.

Hold on…. You’re saying I can take out a loan for $x amount of dollars against a company I don’t own yet and buy it with that money?

if I take out a mortgage for a property before I buy it and I destroy the house; the bank still comes after me for the value.

Am I being stupid or is the game more rigged than I thought?

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You OK buddy? I saw a reply further down this thread that gives me the impression this is less than a shower thought and more of a genuine fear

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I had to do a presentation for work a few weeks ago. I asked co-pilot to generate me an outline for a presentation on the topic.

It spat out a heading and a few sections with details on each. It was generic enough, but it gave me the structure I needed to get started.

I didn’t dare ask it for anything factual.

Worked a treat.

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Sponsorblock has been incredible.

Like the last time I picked up my daughter. Couldn’t even tell you when it was, insignificant at the time.

(She’s not gone or anything, she’s just older now lol)

I use Cloudflare tunnels for this very reason, you can protect access to the page behind a login (I use azure AD).

It basically acts like a reverse proxy allowing me access to those local resources without anything being installed on the client computer.

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Absolutely wild. My heart breaks for the people who are already experiencing the worst days of their lives, made worse by people who have no business making medical decisions for them.

Does this work because it’s cooling down arteries and in turn taking cooler blood around the body? Not sure how human heat sinks work :)

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Or my personal blood boiler: doing 50 in a 60 zone. Drops to a 40 zone, they continue to do 50

Tbh it’s the biggest reason I haven’t started spying for other governments. Kids are expensive.

Fucking Genius play by the cops to reduce the amount of ammunition in circulation!