
0 Post – 424 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, but... Why did you capitalize 'Good' and 'Neil', but not 'omens' and 'gaiman'?

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I'm glad your typo was "start trek" and not "start wars" because rambling is a noble hobby and warmongering is... not so much.

Alright, Columbo, calm down.

Fuck YouTube, sure, but holy shit fuck any useless dipshit who plays music off YouTube as part of a public performance, especially a goddamn funeral. That's disgusting. Utter incompetence and charlatanism to make that kind of lazy half-assed decision in that kind of situation.

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ITT: Have you heard the good news about our lord and saviour, Jellyfin?

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And before newspaper?

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Outsourced IT provider here:

90% of businesses have basically zero IT security. Leaked passwords in regular use and no process or verification for password resets. As soon as someone complains that 2FA or password rotation is difficult it gets dropped. Virtually all company data is stored on USB keys, plaintext hard drives and on staff's personal home devices.

The reason they're not constantly having their data stolen is because no-one cares about the companies either.

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Lots of people shitting on Microsoft on this thread ignoring that it's not Microsoft who charge for a codec and that Microsoft promote a royalty-free HEVC competitor called AV1.

Guaranteed this video file is from an Apple device, where patent-encumbered HEVC is the default recording format.

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"The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." - Feddit.UK

Why do you need to bring politics into it?


Yeah. Story time:

In the England we have ancient rights-of-way laws but a lot of private landowners try to block footpaths that cross their land. If a landowner can argue a footpath hasn't been used in (I think) two years they can have it removed, but in 2025 all the existing footpaths will be made permanent and indelible except with explicit local government permission so between now and then a lot of landowners will be rushing to get paths removed.

I've made a point of walking every footpath in my area and making sure they're all documented on OSM. If any of the landowners try to get a path removed I have my GPS tracks as proof of use.

Edit: FWIW, I find OSM to be the best map for rambling. Google and Apple don't come close and OSM even gives Ordinance Survey a run for it's money.

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Bullshit. No school with the ability to install Linux on a computer would lack the ability to redeploy them, sell them on or donate them.

I remember working years ago with a guy who once told the most fucking tedious story about his trip to the post office. When he detected that noone gave even the most faint shit about his milquetoast existence he just blurted out "and then I stopped an armed robbery" and refused to elaborate. That last bit about the creek sound like that.

My counter is always, "and there are people better off than you, so stop being happy."

I thought you meant armpits at first...

I have a General Post Office model 711 telephone. I installed a microcontroller into it and it's now the keypad for my home alarm system. It's also hooked into Home Assistant so I could have it for other things if I wanted.

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Imagine having to manually adjust your tint setting. NTSC, man. Literally shaking in my SMH.

This message brought to you by PAL gang and team SECAM.

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Definitely the Moog. I'm not into music, but it's an unlimited source of electricity; just open the case and find the power rails.

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TIL there are colour-coded helmets on worksites. Makes sense, I suppose. If you need a first aider or something it's probably easier to look for a particular colour helmet than just Jim.

Noticed when it's right-wingers doing it in real life it's a "boycott" but when it happens in their collective imaginations it's "cancel culture"?

lights candles, opens box of wine

Well, you see...

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Did you know there is an industry-standard mounting system for strap-on dildos? Just saying.

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El Niño has destroyed most of the Ford Focus reserve, leaving the Peruvian people to subsist on Chevrolet Aveo and Fiat Punto.

Biblically accurate gig worker.

I've heard people say "the BBC".

I've heard people say "BBC News".

Ive never heard anyone say "the BBC News".


and that cock isn't even black.

Noted. Can you offer me any advice regarding this milk I just spilled?

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Depends. How smart is Leo?

You bought the computer and paid a subscription to be able to replace the computer with a new one every year or two.

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So I'm not a programmer but I work with a few and they told me that due to the way that certain processor architectures store integers as floating-point numbers, this can happen when a track is listened to exactly 5,815 times.


Rollercoaster... Tycoon... On... line...?

Rollercoaster Tycoon Online?

We're getting Rollercoaster Tycoon Online!?

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So they hired a professional interviewee to be interviewed for them? Amazing. I wonder how you'd get that job, and what the recruitment process would be like?

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Let's imagine you sign up for email service with GMail. You're happy for a while, but then Google announces that they'll be charging per email, or blocking emails sent to France, or displaying all your emails on a ticker in Times Square. You can just up sticks and move to another provider, because while Google owns GMail but they don't own e-mail in general.

Anyone can set up an email server and they don't need to ask Google's permission to do so and even with a home-spun email server you can send and receive message between jibs@whatever.eggs and someoneelse@gmail.com no issue. It probably never occurred to you that email between domains would ever be a problem.

This is because email - like Lemmy, Mastodon, PeerTube, BitTorrent and Matrix - is federated: no-one owns the network, because there is literally no network to own, it's just lots of servers that work on established standards. As long as your server, or the server you use, works to the established standards, it'll keep on working.

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Oh, boy, story time!

One of the first manufacturers to include asymmetric encryption as a standard component of their engine immobiliser across all their cars, at least in the UK, was Fiat in the 1990s. But they faced a quandary: once they keys were encoded with the appropriate codes, what should Fiat do with the codes? If they kept a copy it would be an expensive project and charging customers to access them every time they wanted a new key cutting would be terrible PR. They could gimp the security so you could just clone a key, but then it would be very easy to sidestep the encryption.

The solution they came with was pretty clever: in addition to the standard pair of blue keys the car came with, there was also The Big Red Key. The Big Red Key contained a code that could be used to program other keys or to change any of the parts of the engine that were part of the ECU without having to involve Fiat at all if that's what you wanted. The customer was given an advanced security system without being beholden to the manufacturer. The Big Red Key was comically oversized, and it came with a sticker, fob and in a bag all with clear warnings to the effect: "Do not use this key. If you lose it your car is ten kinds of fucked. Do not use this key. Keep it secret, keep it safe."

So what happened? People happened. A small mibority of people saw The Big Red Key and insisted on using it as their day-to-day key, but it wasn't as hard wearing as the blue keys (hard plastic instead of silicone) so it would crush or crack and, of course, people would lose them. Then when they needed a new key or needed work doing on some easily-stealable components that the ECU would validate they didn't have their The Big Red Key, so they'd need the ECU security module wiping or replacing - which was expensive, over £1000 if I remember right.

Naturally the shitty tabloids got hold of it and every week The Daily Mail and The Sun were full of stories of Innocent British Motorist™ Conned™ By Foreigners™. "If Mandy Pleb had known how evil Fiat were she'd have bought a Rover," they'd moan, and Fiat had a real PR disaster on their hands, despite bringing a quality security technology to market, including it as standard and resisting the temptation to profiteer off it.

So they gimped the security. Future Fiats didn't have a The Big Red Key. You got your blue keys which were dumbed down and, at least for a time, went back to inferior symmetric encryption to the detriment of the overwhelming majority, but at least a handful a prats were saved from themselves and the power of tabloids to change the world for the worse went unchallenged.

In short, fuck tabloids.

Fucking Technology Connections.

I imported one and converted it to 230V. Shit is, indeed, fire.

Didn't The Dipshit say that Teslas can be used as boats at one point?

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Not the person you asked, but for me:

  • In 2017 I lost my £70,000/yr dream job as the company I worked at decided they couldn't keep their EMEA campus in a country that hasn't decided how, when or even if they were going to allow foreigners in.
  • I had to move to a shithole town in Nottinghamshire to live by myself in a cramped one-bedroom flat to do a job I hated for £22,000/yr.
  • That company went under because we couldn't import the network equipment into the UK because of Brexit. Most vendors weren't bothering since there were shortages anyway, so why not just send all their stock to Germany where there's no nasty surprises and plenty of buyers waiting.
  • Ended up doing minimum-wage shift work at an Amazon warehouse and Deliveroo deliveries to survive.
  • Got another, similar job on £20,000/yr.
  • Not had a holiday in six years. I used to have at least two a year.
  • Can't get a CPAP machine for my apnoea because of difficulty importing them (ended up getting a friend in France to buy one for me).
  • Local supermarkets still can't get a lot of fresh fruit that they used to stock. Empty shelves common.
  • My savings went from £50,000 to zero.
  • Government is pissing money away on detention centres and hotels for immigrants because they refuse to cooperate with the EU.
  • Government is also planning on ripping up our Human Rights (ostensibly to deal with the immigrants) and has even indicated they would like to abolish GDPR, bringing it full circle to OP's comment.

So, yeah. Not everyone has had as bad a time as me, but everyone I know has encountered some negative fallout. I've yet to encounter anyone who has actually benefitted, even indirectly.

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This is what really, really pissed me off about the iPhone. When it launched and they gave it a desktop-class web browser engine and told people they were going all-in in PWAs (though I don't think the term existed at the time). Then v2 came out and they went sike! native apps, must be developed on our PCs, must be distributed by us, you must pay us to be allowed to develop, we take a cut of your income, and we're going to cripple the PWA engine to make universal, open apps all but unusable.


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An IT company I used to work for stored the domain admin credentials for hundreds of client's WSAD/AzureAD tenants on a pastbin document. When I explained how outrageous that was they deleted the file and changed all the passwords.

To the same password.

Which I still know.

And it still works.


Just in case anyone was looking for a slickly-animated, duck-filled video with soothing narration that they could watch to learn more, here:


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