14 Post – 541 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

So clearly that’s Adam driver on the left, but who’s that with the long face on the right there ?

Why is so much of the internet terrible now fml

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Well that’s fucking inexcusable isn’t it holy shit. Glad everyone was alright! Looks like a near miss for the ol’ house there bud

Meow am cat gib food pls x

Yo what the fuck how did they end up doing that?!

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So obviously jk Rowling is a massive cunt but isn’t this more about Labour reaching out to a former donor in the run up to an election and less about shaping policy?

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Please never position words again

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^step away from the words sir and keep your hands where I can see them^

It’s fucking incredible watching Google change from a fairly well-liked company into essentially fucking Comcast. Fucking incredible.

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Why is Nintendo such a gigantic piece of shit about fucking everything

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Man this guys got some balls coming forward after they literally shot the other guy in the fucking head fml

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I once got frisked at the o2 centre in London going into a comedy show and the security guard straight up grabbed my penis. We made eye contact like yup, that’s a penis

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Well in that case I might replace windows 12 with not using windows 12

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My Brother Track_Shovel I have reviewed your meme and found it to be fitting but lacking in a certain quantity of jpeg

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What the fuck is going on at this company

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What was it this time

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Tbh I can’t think of any applications for this product that don’t involve porn

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Right so can you guys please not vote for this guy now fuck my life 🤦‍♂️

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Tbf it’s not like grohl needs the cash is it

I think you are mistaken actually the different types of animal are frogs and not frogs

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It’s the new goddam piece of shit that doesn’t do the one fucking thing it’s fucking supposed to

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Fucking hell we should be banning all disposable plastic, not just the obviously super toxic stuff fml

*oil and gas companies need to be systematically dismantled and their executives sent to the fucking hague

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They would if they could tbh

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Yeah I’m out of the loop on this one tbh

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Yeah so you gotta buy the lumafly lantern before you go in that area

Presumably patents relating to the implementation of bad management strategies

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Wow I like this Elon guy less and less every time I read a headline about him

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‘Moscow bans being outside while not being Vladimir putin in rare relaxation of tough being-outside rules’

Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to women?

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Right so clearly userbenchmark is trash, but where could one, hypothetically, go, to, hypothetically, compare the performance of various cpus, hypothetically?

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Oh look another reason why I’ll be switching to Linux next time I have to upgrade my pc. Fml I’m going to have to learn what a package manager is ew

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It’s a good look, plane and simple

Yeah fuck Duolingo. Still wanted a piece of that market so they caved to autocratic pressure rather than pulling out. Weak.

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I thought the concept looked cool, but the one driving around now looks absolutely fucking terrible imo.

That’s pretty shitty. I think count binface is a better name tho tbh.

Around late summer or possibly early autumn of 2023 CE, the Lemmeans seem to have changed the style of their memes. We see here the artist has used a traditional black-figure technique for the pot, but appliquéd a cogent, satirical comment on top of it. I think its important to note the extent to which this harkens back to the tradition of notation amongst potters of the centuries BCE, who would write the names of their characters above them to inform the viewer, or note the result of a game of dice played between two well known heroes. In much the same way, we could imagine an image of Achilles dragging the recently deceased body of Hector around the walls of Troy, with the word ‘Poggers’ inscribed carefully above him to indicate the intent and the spirit with which he pierced the ankles of his fallen enemy. So too, we could imagine a scenario where where Priam comes to parlay with the notoriously angry Greek not clothed in the cloth of night, but in the garb of a funeral director - in much the same way as in nineteen ninety eight, when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.

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Pump and dump bud

This is a brilliant factoid