Sisyphus [OC] to – 102 points –

Pictured: me trying to post to this sub while a bird observes. Let’s see if it ends up on !askouija again lol


Fun fact: you can see a magpie in the top right and the walnuts I just gave him on the path at the bottom

Righto looks like it’s in the right place this time 🫡

Something about the lighting on the two shirtless gentlemen make them look Photoshoped in. Not saying they are, just seems like a quirk of the sensor.

Yeah maybe something to do with the sun being right overhead so nobody really has much of a shadow?

I would actually bet it's more likely that than my thought of the sensor being funky.

Yeah the light was also super harsh and the sky was somehow also really hazy. Very odd conditions imo. Shot on the OM1 - I really like the sensor output overall.


Alexandra palace, north London. How’s Brighton doing these days?

I recognise this hill from anywhere - makes for a grueling run!

Yup there was a bloke running up and down while I was out lol. Looked about ready to pass out to be honest…