4 Post – 201 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


How else would it be pronounced, how is the anglicised pronunciation?

(Serious question by a non native speaker)

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The movie is called Behind the Curve, and imo is a great move.

It doesn't try to ridicule the people in it. Instead it tries to make a point that if a group like the flat earth society is being made fun of rather than engaged in discussions, then the gap just gets larger and the problem worse. (If everyone else makes fun of you, you avoid them and stay in the community that supports you.)

As far as I can tell, Mark Sargent is still believing in those theories and continues doing his part in it. This doesn't surprise me, he's quite prominent in that community and I guess if he stopped, he'd lose quite a lot of his personal achievements, friends, hobbies, etc.

I don't know about the others who were in the movie, it would be interesting to know. Especially about those who were directly doing the experiments, yeah.

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While many will be understandably angry or disappointed in our lack of backbone or perceived selfishness

I'm angry and disappointed, but it is not because awesome people stop dedicating their free time to provide a free product, it's because some money hungry corporation decided to bully less powerful individuals who didn't even do anything wrong.

And it's not the first time that this company did fucked up stuff...


How do we sleep while our beds are burning?

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I only know him from the TeamTrees and TeamSeas projects. Using his huge viewer base to promote projects like this is one of the best possible things an influencer can do IMO.

I think it would be possible. But adding previously unseen stuff would be changing/redirecting the movie/show.

Each scene is set up and framed deliberately by the director, should AI just change that? It's a similar problem like with pan-and-scan, where content was removed to fit 4:3.

You wouldn't want to add content to the left and right of the Mona Lisa, would you? And if so what? Continuing the landscape, which adds just more uninteresting parts? Now she is in a vast space, and you already changed the tone of the painting. Or would you add other people? This removes the focus from her, which is even worse. Well this is just a one frame example, there are even more problems with moving pictures.

It would be an interesting experiment, but imo it wouldn't improve the quality of the medium, in contrary.

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I've heard stories like that multiple times in Italy:

A house ‘in construction’ doesn’t have any taxes attached to it, hence the Sicilian’s abode can become an eternal work in progress to avoid hefty fees and excesses.

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Old movies and audiobooks is exactly the reason why I have in Prowlarr

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Synology NAS (with SynoCommunity) + Transmission + Sonarr/Radarr/Prowlarr/etc + Kodi

It's amazing, the new episodes or movies just show up right there in the media center, with correct metadata, ready to be watched.

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Hook (29% TomatoMeter).

But it was released in 1991, so it wouldn't count for the XKCD version. Also the audience score is 76%, so not really an unpopular opinion I guess.

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If I remember correctly, then the punishment is that he will never reach the top. However he is retrying it on his own will because he believes that he'll reach it this time for sure.

If that is correct, then I guess my answer would be anti addiction therapy 🤔

And also it states that

70 percent of Russians would support Putin should he decide to end the conflict this week.

It doesn't necessarily mean that they want to end the war, only that they would support Putin's decision...

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How do you even safely test scripts/tools like this 😵‍💫


As I understand it, China/etc can buy the oil cheaper because there's no competition from Europe anymore. Then they can sell it to us more expensive because we don't have an alternative. So China/India profit from it, while Europe and especially Russia lose in comparison to how it was before. This is not ideal, but still better than supporting Russia by buying from them directly.

Please someone correct me who knows how that actually works..

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It's actually a copy of the original room, and there are invisible goblins synchronising all objects in the rooms so that it looks like the same room. They are also moving mannequins so that they match the movements of all the people in the other rooms.

To us it looks and feels like the same room with the same objecs and same people, so it doesn't really matter.

But sometimes an admin might order that the goblins must not sync one specific room anymore. Then you start to notice differences depending on which door (=room) you actually use.

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Not in my experience. 100% of people I know that have it, also have read it. We buy that because we're Tolkien nerds. People who don't want to read it don't buy it. Also it's not at all like yellow pages for looking stuff up, it's more like the Bible I guess, a collection of mythological tales of old.

I guess there are some people that have inherited it, or just bought it for collecting, but I don't think this is the main case.

It might be different for The History of Middle Earth, it's huge and requires a lot of time, and it's more yellow pagey as far as I understand. I have them but have not read much of it yet. (Maybe you meant these?)

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Good one, reminds me of this:

It might be worth a try to get into tea!

(Loose leaf tea, not tea bags, the quality is usually better and you get a greater selection and much more diversity.)

There are so many different flavours and types, find out which ones you like.

If it helps, I actually like fruity beer, something sweet but with still some bitterness and that complex flavor I can't describe that most good beers have.

Talk to the tea seller, they should be able to help you find something. It might also be a good idea to start with a small quantity of different tea types, just to see which suits you best (but keep in mind that there might still be a lot of variety for each type): black/white/green/fruit/herbal/...

Personally on a hot day, I like cold brewed black tea with some fruity additions (orange/peach/bergamot/roses or whatever mix I find that I haven't tried yet). I don't add sugar (sometimes a bit of honey, but that only works when hot brewing) because that way I smell the light bitterness of the black tea better, which I like. It sounds like that could also be your thing. Another combination I frequently do is Rooibos + Hibiscus (mixing it myself, about 1/3 or less, by weight, of Hibiscus).

Experiment with cold brewing, or just regular brewing then icing. And in winter you might drink it hot.

Keep in mind, the taste is not at all like beer, but as written above it can have the same properties.

Don't stop when you don't like your first one, try another one, or try to prepare it differently.

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Plot twist: Your parents can't access their Netflix anymore but aren't tech savvy enough to understand why, so they're back at watching classic broadcast television.

Why did they create a poll that is only accecible through or the official app?? Of course it will be in favour of giving up 🤦🏻‍♂️

Voting with two comments as done previously is supported by all clients..

Edit: Statement from an official mod (old), they're internally discussing about an official second post that is also accecible through old reddit

I hate how true that is...

Embedding image directly for mobile users:

Those damn comment copying bots. (Or any kind of malicious bot actually..)

You shouldn't do that.

The doors are deliberately designed to have a large gap on the bottom, so you can poke your head through. This is the correct way of doing it.

They also never said in which environment:

Stranded blue whale.

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Who's not there?

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

Finally I can enjoy nature the way it's intended. Reading a book under a tree, Frodo style, without fucking dying.

The best would probably be to go as a group of colleagues and complain to the manager about Sarah. Tell the manager everything you wrote her.

But if the others don't want to do that, then something like that might work:

Have some (secret) friends eat at the restaurant on different nights and complain to the manager about Sarah specifically.

They shouldn't lie. But saying stuff like this might put the focus on the problem: "we waited for an hour for our food, meanwhile we saw this lady calmly smoke for 30 minutes"

You could also do the same as online reviews over some time span with a bunch of fake accounts.

GNU Terry Pratchett

What usually has 4 letters, sometimes 9 letters, but never 5 letters.

!It's not a question, it's a statement: "what"=4, "sometimes"=9, "never"=5!<

I guess a lot of it is due to the unclear sky, there still is a lot of smoke visible in the bottom picture. Direct sunlight makes the colours more vibrant, whereas grey sky will also reflect on the sea greyish. It's always possible they might also have helped a bit with a filter.

Here are clearer, more close-up pictures:


To shreds you say?

But how do I shred them first?


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Wtf, Felix Baumgartner's Jump was over 12 years ago in 2012? That can't be right, what wibbly wobbly time fuckery is this?? 😵‍💫

I write a long comment and then don't send it.

Usually after typing everything out and reading it back, I have cooled enough to think it's mediocre at best and the other person doesn't deserve so much of my time wasted anyway (which already happened of course, but they don't need to know that 😅).